
Tennis Bracelet or VCA?


Jun 20, 2008
I'm trying to decide on a purchase and could use the advise of folks who may have both a tennis bracelet and the VCA Allhambra bracelet (vintage).

If I went with the VCA, it would be YG or RG but if I went with the tennis bracelet, it would be white gold or platinum.

I'm looking for a special piece, with presence (tennis bracelet wouldn't be large, but I'd get the quality to pack the punch).

I'd look to wear it every day.

Funny thing is I was all set on the tennis bracelet but then came across the VCA thread and am now enamored with the Allhambra. Never thought this would be for me, but the bracelet looks stunning.
+3 I vote tennis bracelet. I wear mine most days it goes with everything and I love it.
That you @ILikeShiny , @liaerfbv , @RosieR and @MissGotRocks for responding so quickly. Do you think a tennis bracelet in the 4 ctw range is a good every day size?

I'm going to ask @diamondseeker2006 to weigh in here too - DS, your post about your gold allhambra bracelet is what got me thinking about that option. I spent way too much time last night going through the amazing VCA thread. You mentioned you wear that far more than your tennis bracelet. Is that still the case? It you had to do it all over again, which would you go with first (or possibly the only one!) - a tennis bracelet or a gold allambra vintage?
Another tennis bracelet choice here. Mine is 4.76 cttw and is a perfect every day size so4cts would be great.
Gosh, I’m going to say the opposite- I have a 6ct tennis bracelet which I don’t wear at all, it just doesn’t suit my current lifestyle as a full time working Mum of teens! If I had the VCA Vintage Alhambra in YG I’d totally wear that every day. You have to decide what suits your own lifestyle best.
Staples first.
Ering, tennis bracelet and a pair of studs. Once those wardrobe basics are squared away expand! :kiss2:
That you @ILikeShiny , @liaerfbv , @RosieR and @MissGotRocks for responding so quickly. Do you think a tennis bracelet in the 4 ctw range is a good every day size?

I'm going to ask @diamondseeker2006 to weigh in here too - DS, your post about your gold allhambra bracelet is what got me thinking about that option. I spent way too much time last night going through the amazing VCA thread. You mentioned you wear that far more than your tennis bracelet. Is that still the case? It you had to do it all over again, which would you go with first (or possibly the only one!) - a tennis bracelet or a gold allambra vintage?

I saw this thread and was reading before I even saw the notification! I think it depends on your personal daily life. Do you dress up for work daily? Or do you wear more casual clothes or even a uniform like a nurse, etc? I no longer work, but even when I was a teacher, a diamond tennis bracelet in no way would have been appropriate for that environment. So basically, I wear my tennis bracelet when I am semi-dressed up, which would be for weddings or dressier parties, etc. That means I wear it just a few times a year! My Alhambra solid gold bracelet is something I could definitely wear daily anywhere, but I really only put it on if I am going somewhere besides the grocery store, etc.! I'd say I wear the Alhambra ten times for one with the tennis bracelet. (My tennis bracelet is 4 cts., just FYI.)

But if you dress up for work, either would be appropriate. I'd say get the diamonds first if you do think you'd wear it more. If you are more casual, then the Alhambra is more useful. I am happy to have both, but I just don't have as much opportunity the tennis bracelet.
I would wear the Alhambra much more frequently, so that gets my vote. Some of the signed pieces are so iconic that they define their own category of classic, IMO.
Tennis bracelet..Mine is bezel set and just over 4 carats. I had it reset from yellow to white gold and I guess they used more gold on the bezel. They gave me a little bag with diamonds left over. :cry2: I wear mine all the time. If I’m casual I stack it in threes with silver and a white gold bangle bracelet or my delicate clover diamond bracelet. If I dress up I wear it alone. It just looks dressier that way to me..It’s very versatile!
Not a fan of VCA bracelets with clover motif of whatever it is called, and I would opt for a tennis bracelet.
How about a bangle with two rolls of diamonds for impact?
DK :))
I just got my tennis bracelet a couple months ago and I wear it a lot. Perhaps it’s the novelty of the sparkle on my wrist and the fact that it’s a demure 2 carat bezel set bracelet but it’s comfortable to wear and it goes with everything. I vote for a tennis bracelet, followed by an Alhambra. :Up_to_something2:
I just got my tennis bracelet a couple months ago and I wear it a lot. Perhaps it’s the novelty of the sparkle on my wrist and the fact that it’s a demure 2 carat bezel set bracelet but it’s comfortable to wear and it goes with everything. I vote for a tennis bracelet, followed by an Alhambra. :twisted2:
We are such enablers!

I don't have any VCA jewellery. Can't make an informed comparison. Happy decision!

I would also wear an Alhambra much more frequently but I also live a very casual lifestyle. My bling is gold most of the time and only a few diamonds. Of course I appreciate diamonds too which is why I am on this board but my “staples” are my gold. I wear them daily without hesitation anywhere (and to sleep I know I know). I do have a WF diamond bangle and adore it but it’s not a daily piece. I just came from VCA and bought earrings instead of diamond studs this time around which I do want to have back in my collection again. These new VCAs will be a staple. I think there are a few definitions of what makes a a staple a staple and it’s not always a diamond. I agree with @KristinTech
Can you get to a boutique to try it on? It’s usually a yes or no right away feeling. You will know!
I am gonna be the odd one out here and ask if you like the Love bracelet? I absolutely ADORE mine, though it is a pave WG+ceramic one. It gets the most wear out of all my bracelets and it's a staple for me. My blingy daily staple these days are the Love+ my 5.38ct ering + 4.6tw studs.

Recently, I've seen quite a few ladies sporting the plain yellow gold Love and I must say they ALL wear it really well. I like that a lot too. I sold my plain one but may get another YG one but with 4 diamonds instead. I'd def wear that with my VCA Perlee Clover in RG.

I hardly wear my tennis bracelets, perhaps bc they're not as blingy. Perhaps if I ever get one with 44pt diamonds, that'd become more of staple.

RE the VCA, I really like the Onyx, MOP with yellow gold and the Carnelian one. The Onyx, in particular, really stands out to me and it'd be something I'd wear often, I'd imagine, if I were to go more casual.
I completely agree with @Phoenix the LOVE is so so easy to wear. Super comfortable and lux at the same time. I mean if there was a chance you were interested in that I would say try it on as well for consideration. I know it seems like everyone and their mother has one but in real life just ain’t so. Most of the people I know who have several of these different staple bracelets from the various brand houses all say the love is most wonderful to wear. People try to poo poo it until they try it on and bam converted. Haha.

Side note onyx might be my next!
I bought my tennis bracelet first. It is a little over 4 carats. I wore it daily for a while and then I got a RG vintage 5 motif Alhambra which I wore until my mom took it over. But over time I think I find the tennis bracelet a little blingy for everyday. I work in an office. I feel more comfortable with an Alhambra. I agree that a tennis bracelet is a staple and I am glad I bought it. But in a day to day basis I wear the Alhambra more. And it’s a weird thing about VCA. Once you have it on, and you have the chance to look at it every day, you appreciate the beauty and the workmanship more and more. At least I do. I am waiting on a onyx and white gold special order which will take about five months. I expect that will be my daily piece when I get it.

So, I would get the VCA piece first and see how much you wear it. And depending on how much you wear it, I would decide if I even want a tennis bracelet.
I am gonna be the odd one out here and ask if you like the Love bracelet? I absolutely ADORE mine, though it is a pave WG+ceramic one. It gets the most wear out of all my bracelets and it's a staple for me. My blingy daily staple these days are the Love+ my 5.38ct ering + 4.6tw studs.

Recently, I've seen quite a few ladies sporting the plain yellow gold Love and I must say they ALL wear it really well. I like that a lot too. I sold my plain one but may get another YG one but with 4 diamonds instead. I'd def wear that with my VCA Perlee Clover in RG.

I hardly wear my tennis bracelets, perhaps bc they're not as blingy. Perhaps if I ever get one with 44pt diamonds, that'd become more of staple.

RE the VCA, I really like the Onyx, MOP with yellow gold and the Carnelian one. The Onyx, in particular, really stands out to me and it'd be something I'd wear often, I'd imagine, if I were to go more casual.

The Love bracelet is so amazing too. If it fits your lifestyle a full love would be amazing. I can’t because I am OCD about scratching and I can’t afford a full pave diamond love, which is the only love where you don’t worry about scratching. I have only the cuff which is a mood piece for me meaning I wear it in spurts, weeks or months at a time and then I put it away for a while. I can see myself wearing my black and white Alhambra everyday, although I would take it off at night.
I vote tennis bracelet.
Personally I’ve been “put off” those expensive designer pieces because I’ve been seeing around various “copies” of the VCA bracelet. Seeing as you are paying such a huge premium for the VCA name and design (all that money you pay isn’t in the materials) I wouldnt like the idea of “my” VCA $5,000 bracelet being compared to the “one Susie got of eBay just the same for $80!
Oh my goodness thank you all for weighing in everyone. It's been such a long and exhausting day and night of work so I appreciate all of the comments. The bottom line, this choice is a good dilemma to have! I'm going to try to address all of your comments...

@ILikeShiny - thanks for the info about your tennis bracelet. I think if I went that route, 4 tcw is where I'd be.
@Catmom - thanks for your advice - sounds like 4 tcw is the way to go for sure. I'll look to see if I can find a picture of your bracelet.
@Snowdrop13 - yes- completely understand what you are saying! I used to have a tennis bracelet- over 6 carats and dare I say it was too big for me for everyday wear but my lifestyle has changed so I'm not sure if it was the size, the setting or my day to day setting that made me feel it wasn't for me.
@tkyasx78 - I'm a bit of a non traditionalist (no ering and no studs - studs are just not for me) although I do love the idea of a row of diamonds around my wrist and do think that's a staple.
@diamondseeker2006 - I'm a bit of a nomad right now- sometimes I work from home, sometimes I am in the office, sometimes I travel. Your questions are solid and I suppose I just need to figure out which one makes the most sense and which would bring the most joy.
@KristinTech - completely agree... I can easily see how the Alhambra is iconic in its own sense.
@Mamabean - I like the idea of the tennis bracelet being versatile and being able to wear it with other bracelets. After all these years I've decided I'm not a necklace or an earring person- I adore rings and bracelets. The ideal for me is likely the Alhambra and a smaller size tennis bracelet (one can dream!)
@dk168 - I actually had a diamond bangle but decided if I had diamonds on my wrist, I need them to be all the way around. Interestingly enough, I wasn't a fan of the VCA either but then I came across the VCA thread and as I started to look at the Alhambra bracelet over and over again, it really grew on me as an exquisite piece of jewelry.
@imitcan - I would love to see a picture of your bracelet and will see if I can find one of your posts.
@Octo2005 -Yes, PS'ers are awesome enablers. I'm actually trying to reconcile in my head rhow I can do both (a small tennis with the 5 Alhambra, a small Alhambra with a larger tennis...
I have a 2ct WF tennis bracelet and wear it 24/7. It is just a part of me. Makes my clunky purple Fitbit a little more stylish. Lol
I just looked up your post about your bracelet and its gorgeous. So elegant and I can easily see me loving that size Jimmianne. Thank you for weighing in!

I don't have any VCA jewellery. Can't make an informed comparison. Happy decision!


Thanks for reminding me that this is a fun decision @canuk-gal. I think what I need to do is try both on and see how I feel. :)
I would also wear an Alhambra much more frequently but I also live a very casual lifestyle. My bling is gold most of the time and only a few diamonds. Of course I appreciate diamonds too which is why I am on this board but my “staples” are my gold. I wear them daily without hesitation anywhere (and to sleep I know I know). I do have a WF diamond bangle and adore it but it’s not a daily piece. I just came from VCA and bought earrings instead of diamond studs this time around which I do want to have back in my collection again. These new VCAs will be a staple. I think there are a few definitions of what makes a a staple a staple and it’s not always a diamond. I agree with @KristinTech

This is also helpful - I agree that what make a staple a staple is not always a diamond (that's a switch for me btw). I've just come to really appreciate the beauty that an iconic piece of jewelry offers and I actually do have a Neiman Marcus somewhat near me so perhaps I can check one out. If that doesn't work, I think what I might do is go into NYC and visit VCA and perhaps IDJ to do some comparison shopping for what resonates after putting it on.
@Phoenix and @hathalove - I was about to say I'm not a fan of the Love bracelet although I've been intrigued by it. I just don't see myself wearing it all the time though. I won't rule it out and if I go to VCA in NYC, maybe I'll stop by Cartier and try one on for size.

I love love the onyx Alhambra you posted hathalove. I am drawn to the RG and the YG more though. Something about those make me swoon.
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