
THANK YOU @Crystal_Dreams!!!! All my WSS wishes come true with Paspaley, WF, and Pearl Paradise ❤️


Aug 14, 2009
The finally final end of my WSS saga

I posted a few months ago about going to Mikimoto to look at WSS stud options - and being largely unimpressed.

My dear friend @Crystal_Dreams gave me her Paspaley SA's contact information and offered to go in and take a look at what they might have. Nothing sang to her on her first visit, but a mere two days later her SA told her that a pearl board had just been released... And that she just happened to be in office that day.

I had no idea what a "pearl board" was. Turns out my request couldn't possibly have come in any more fortuitously - blind luck with absolutely perfect timing!!!!

Per Paspaley, harvesting happens only once a year, between July and October. Sorting and grading then takes several months, so pearls from a given harvest year don't reach the boutiques until the following calendar year. At the end of grading, the few pearls (of any shape or size) from a given harvest that meet the highest standards in all grading categories (luster, complexion, and colour) are examined by the Paspaley family, and the family decides whether or not those specimens are nice enough to be called "Harvest" pearls.

The Paspaley family keeps a selection of the very bestest pearls ever retrieved - these are Harvest pearls from many years of harvests - in a family chest. The pearl board practice is unique to the Sydney flagship store: Occasionally the family will decide to release a limited number of Harvest pearls from the vaults for sale. And by "occasionally" they really do mean occasionally - there have apparently been only two pearl boards in nine years!! The SAs aren't told when a pearl board might come out, so those reps who happen to be working at the right time on the right day in the right year get first dibs on nabbing specimens for their clients :bigsmile:

@Crystal_Dreams very kindly went back to see the new selection ❤️And there were three pearls that she thought would be right for me: A 12mm pair and a 14mm singleton. I'd only planned on buying a pair, but after watching the videos she sent me several dozen times... Well, we've got the same eyes when it comes to #PearlParticularity so I knew that she knew exactly what I was looking for. And goodness knows I hadn't had any luck finding anything that suited in the US. And here were three rarities being offered to me on a literal platter, I knew I'd be kicking myself later if I let any of them disappear!!

Our SA made purchasing internationally so easy. I haven't a clue how I'd have managed it without her. I bought all three loose and undrilled so that I'd be able to return if needed. And then I got my package - and - yeah, no, no returns, definitely no returns. All the words I come up to describe these pearls are so woefully inadequate!!! They're spectacular. Clean, smooth, and lustrous... With these seriously hypnotically strong contrasting overtones... When they were loose I'd drop them all into a litle suede pouch and stick them in my pocket and pull them out randomly just to stare, I spent SO long just staring at them :love:

Okay enough talk. Y'all know I can yak. Pics. Pics!!

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This is the Paspaley family board :love: There are a few photos on Paspaley's blogs - that's where I grabbed this one from.


And here's a video ::)
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First look at my three Pearls of the Harvest!! :bigsmile: In the kitchen probably around midnight because what better time to open packages.

I pulled my old Pearl Paradise pair out for comparison - smallest pair is Pearl Paradise (11.9mm), middle size is the Paspaley duo (12.7mm), and the largest is the Paspaley singleton (14.4mm)



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All five are sublime. Super "metallic" with super sharp and contrasty reflections. The Paspaley pair has the strongest multicoloured overtone I've ever seen in any white pearl - pink and teal :love: The Pearl Paradise pair and the Paspaley singleton are remarkably well-matched in colour (equally strong pink, less on the blue).





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And a closeup of one pearl from the Paspaley pair (left) and one from the Pearl Paradise pair (right). Very different overtones, very similar luster!!



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Couple fun photos of most of my South Sea babies :bigsmile:

The white rounds - the Paspaley singleton at the bottom, then the Pearl Paradise pair, then the Paspaley pair, and finally my 13.4mm Pearl Paradise golf balls. And the strands - the two deep golds are from Pearl Paradise and the champagne and white keshi are Takahashi scores ::)

Deep GSS studs from Pearl paradise are missing for some reason...

And that champagne strand has since been restrung, ignore the painful spacing!! :eek-2:



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So I needed to have my new pair drilled... And there is exactly one vendor I trust to do that sort of work: Pearl Paradise. Needless to say they came back to me picture perfect as always :bigsmile:

And I knew that I wanted studs. But I wasn't going to take any chances with imperfectly shaped or improperly finished stock findings. Guys. I know that we often think of WF as exclusively a diamond vendor - but seriously, add WF to your go-to list for your custom pearl projects!! They do *pristine* work with pearls. Loupe clean. No joke.

These pearls were begging to be mounted in rose gold. And since the earring backs that I wanted are only available in 14k, we made cup and posts in 14k as well. Cups were handmade and posts were drawn from wire, no casting. I took inspiration from Mikimoto's South Sea stud mounts and requested a solid cup with some depth and heft to keep center of gravity as close to the earlobe as possible and I think this actually worked out really really well, they do sit quite perky on the ears even without BlingDots :appl: Though I almost always wear BlingDots anyway!

Thank you @Vera W and Liza for taking such good care of my nacrechildren!!!! :bigsmile: :love:


The singleton... She stayed loose for a while. I debated trying a ring, but really, 14mm+ is just TOO big for me!!


I'm not a necklace person but Paspaley's Lavalier is SO beautiful, and so iconic. And wouldn't require drilling the pearl. It took me forever to decide on a net though!! I started out thinking I wanted opals, or diamonds, or both... But the more I looked the more I found myself drawn to the simplicity of the plain gold nets. I like the visual of wearing the closest embodiment of the real-world oyster nets that the Lavalier line represents. And I also strongly prefer the way the plain net joints hug the pearl, tight and cozy, vs. the additional height off the pearl surface that the bezelled gemstones add. And then there was the novelty of actively wanting the cheapest possible option :lol:

My SA recommended the Petite net for my pearl. I was kind of on the fence but I'm really glad I listened to her, it fills the net out. I think the regular net would probably have looked droopy, it needs a bigger pearl :mrgreen:

These are a couple of the net comparison videos she sent me so I could see fit with a 14mm pearl. The opal net in the first video is the regular size, and the plain and the diamond in the second video are both Petite.

I asked if that was a Christmas tree in the background and she said yes, they'd just put Christmas decorations up that day :bigsmile: This is the Sydney flagship - the showroom looks soooo pretty, I want to go in-person one day ❤️


So here are all my @Crystal_Dreams&Paspaley&WF&PearlParadise pieces - my WSS wishes come true. I'm SO dang lucky :love:









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A closeup of the interior of the plain Lavalier net. There are no sharp edges - all metal is smooth and rounded. So it shouldn't scratch a pearl. Especially a WSS, that nacre is thick! But... Yeah, I'm still storing the pearl separately. No need to tempt fate right?


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The net length is adjustible - those little gold balls on the chain are sliders. With silicone inside I believe? They can slide up and down the chain. They're very grippy right now, but I do wonder how the silicone will hold up to years of regular use. Me, I like it long so I'll be fine if they stop working :lol:


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The finally final end of my WSS saga
This was supposed to have a Large Number of Very Definitive exclamation marks on the end.
Copy/paste fail.
Don't let that deceive you, I am NOT buying ANY more pearls.
Cutting myself off.
Cooked turkey.
Such strikingly beautiful pieces, congratulations…..and if you’re ever in Sydney I’d be happy to visit their store with you!!!!!!!! :shhh:
WOWOWOWOWOW! Love the pair, love the necklace, love everything about it!
They are all so beautiful and the pearl net necklace, wow. Enjoy!
This bit of luck couldn’t have come to a better person! You seek out the best pearls and have an outstanding collection! These pearls are incredible, and I adore how you set them. The Paspaley net necklace is genius! I’d love to have one but it wouldn’t have the kind of pearl yours has, that’s for sure! I think you need to do a pearl collection thread next!
Wow!! Congrats!!
Those are absolutely gorgeous. What a stunning set! Can I ask why you didn't have Paspaley set the studs?
Spectacular pearls, and fabulous write-up as usual @yssie -- thank you for sharing.
These are just stunning :kiss2: I absolutely love the net - I've never seen anything like that before!
Stunning, thanks for sharing! :kiss2:

I really wish I could wear round pearl earrings that size, sadly they do not suit me. :(2

DK :))

Spectacular additions to your present, regal, pearl collection. That necklace is SUPERB! What dreams are made of.

Incredible! This is the definition of class. Art meets pearls. Stunning. Please do an entire collection thread next!
Pretty amazing! I’m crazy about the necklace!
That necklace is beautiful and I’m not into pearls. But I love that necklace and the netting!!
@seafarm Thank you!!

And yes definitely!! It’s so funny, I lived in Brisbane and Canberra for three years as a child - If only I or my parents had known anything about pearls and opals and pink diamonds at the time!! Australia has so many inimitable treasures, I can’t wait to come back and experience some of them as an adult :bigsmile:

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@GeliL Thank you so much!! :love: These are definitely my holy grail white south seas. I think these really will be the last WSS I buy. Just because - what else could I possibly want!? :read:

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@oceanblue Thank you!! ::)

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@diamondseeker2006 Thank you!! You’re so sweet ❤️

I’ve seen other nets but I definitely think Paspaley does it best :love: And I just love the symbolism of the oyster netting ::)

This whole set of projects all turned out so marvellously!! Lucky timing with the pearls… The earring mounts solving all my concerns on first attempt… Choosing the least pricey Lavalier net (and it actually being in stock, cough, cough)… I’m also a bit amused that for someone who says she doesn’t wear necklaces I seem to be making all sorts of exceptions for styles that feature pearls :lol:

You know - better than most I think :bigsmile: - that I’ve spent the last couple of years down the pearl rabbit hole. And now, with this set completed, I feel like I’ve genuinely reached a place of Pearl Peace. When I ask myself what I want next nothing specific comes to mind, nothing left on the to do list.

Yeah I probably just jinxed it :rolleyes:
@gregchang35 Thank you!! :bigsmile:

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@adlgel Thank you! ::)

I asked myself the same question as soon as I opened the package :lol: I bought them undrilled because Paspaley wouldn’t have accepted a return on drilled pearls, and they were rather pricey so I wanted to be totally totally totally sure I’d be keeping them. I did originally plan to send them back for drilling, but between Australia COVID lockdowns and shipping and customs… The headache wasn’t worth it!

If I ever buy other Harvest pearls from Paspaley I’ll be much more comfortable just blindly having them drill and set as needed, now that I know the quality they demand from this line!! :appl: :love:

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Thank you so much @marymm :love: ❤️ ::)

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@Ally T Thank you!!

OMG yes all the Lavalier nets are gorgeous!! Here’s the full stock lot :love:

I’ve been watching so many Paspaley YouTube videos about these, and there’s always a model who spreads a net in her palm and drops a pearl in and picks it right up - effortlessly, no fussing, quick and tidy… Then I got my own net and I think it took me a full ten minutes to figure out how to get the pearl in :lol:

I have to say that it’s a really clever design and it's very well implemented. The net joints are spaced just closely enough to prevent the pearl from escaping - once the pearl's inside and the net's closed it doesn't matter how much it twists and turns, that pearl isn't going anywhere. Another reason I’m glad I went with the Petite - the spacing on the regular size might have been too much for my pearl!!

I did have a good long giggle at the thought of a 14mm+ pearl requiring a “petite” size of anything :lol:
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@dk168 Thank you so much!! :bigsmile: 

These are huge. Gotta be honest. They’re right at the cusp of being #JustTooBig for me too - but with a little help from the BlingDot magicians they work just fine! 

The 13.4mm pair from Pearl Paradise, they were originally studs too and that really was too big for me. I repurposed those and no regrets ::)

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@canuk-gal, @Sprinkles@Stones Thank you!! :love:

Y’know, I’ve learnt something about myself, thanks to This Pearls Thing - I’m the sort of person who really cannot stand having gemstones unused!! It seems so sensible and logical to go ahead and buy gems as soon as possible, take care of the expensive part first, before prices go up, and then leisurely save to mount them over time. But me, just knowing I’ve got loose gemstones irritates me no end :eek-2:

So the 14mm singleton staying unused for months… That was weighing on me. And now that I’ve got the Lavalier net I have to say that my pearl collection feels *complete* in a way that it’s never felt before :love:

I do need to do a collection thread now that I’ve actually got one that's finished-to-me!! :bigsmile:

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@BrownGinger Thank you!! ::)

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Thank you @Mreader!! :bigsmile: 

Y’know. I wasn’t into pearls either. Once upon a time. You, you’re already hanging out in this forum, it’s inevitable… :lol:
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I am so glad I got to share this Pearl journey with you :kiss2:!! I was worried my that my eyes wouldn’t be as discerning as yours, but it all ended well!!

Those 3 pearls were meant for you. The timing could not have been more perfect!! The Lavalier suits you beautifully too!!

The ONLY thing I’m not sure about, is whether you’re reeeallly done with pearls :lol-2:. You know… with the Wall St showroom coming up and all that… (he did say that they could call in certain items or pearls from Australia so they could be viewed in person). I asked! Sooo… Just saying:mrgreen2:.
Organic miracles - so gorgeous - congratulations! They're incredible. And especially that necklace! Wow!
The net!!!!!!

This is one of my most favorite designs ever. It is glorious. A humble little thing like a bag of oranges but re-imagined in the most luxurious way. I love it! Now all you need is a scaly tail and your mermaid princess transformation will be complete!

Random thoughts:
-I didn't expect the pearl paradise studs to hold their own against the paspaleys. I understand that the colorplay is not there but still, they are lovely.
-Your keshi bracelet. I die. never got a hankering for a pearl hairpin? Or do you have one and I missed the photo?

Enjoy all of your beautiful pieces!!! Thank you so much for sharing!!!
WOW, absolutely amazing :love:
Ah that makes sense in terms of having to send them all the way back to Australia for drilling and setting. I spent some time on their site and they have some incredibly unique and magical earring settings. Love their artistry.
omg :kiss2: They are absolutely heavenly!! :drool: They look absolutely stunning on you too!!! Congratulations!!!! Thank you for sharing your journey with us!!! It's so much fun and read the post and see all those precious pearls!!
Absolutely beautiful! I love your collection and journey. I think I am a pearl person but I wouldn't even know where to start. Your Lavalier necklace and the earring options on the Paspaley site are certainly tempting. I love the idea of not drilling into a pearl.
@dk168 Thank you so much!! :bigsmile: 

These are huge. Gotta be honest. They’re right at the cusp of being #JustTooBig for me too - but with a little help from the BlingDot magicians they work just fine! 

The 13.4mm pair from Pearl Paradise, they were originally studs too and that really was too big for me. I repurposed those and no regrets ::)

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@canuk-gal, @Sprinkles@Stones Thank you!! :love:

Y’know, I’ve learnt something about myself, thanks to This Pearls Thing - I’m the sort of person who really cannot stand having gemstones unused!! It seems so sensible and logical to go ahead and buy gems as soon as possible, take care of the expensive part first, before prices go up, and then leisurely save to mount them over time. But me, just knowing I’ve got loose gemstones irritates me no end :eek-2:

So the 14mm singleton staying unused for months… That was weighing on me. And now that I’ve got the Lavalier net I have to say that my pearl collection feels *complete* in a way that it’s never felt before :love:

I do need to do a collection thread now that I’ve actually got one that's finished-to-me!! :bigsmile:

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@BrownGinger Thank you!! ::)

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Thank you @Mreader!! :bigsmile: 

Y’know. I wasn’t into pearls either. Once upon a time. You, you’re already hanging out in this forum, it’s inevitable… :lol:

Yes, the singleton is just too beautiful (and important) a pearl to, have been, lonely. Glad those days are over!

I think those lavalier earrings would be lovely--but in a smaller size? never got a hankering for a pearl hairpin? Or do you have one and I missed the photo?
:lol-2::mrgreen2: What an awesome idea!! I love pearl hair pieces.A pearl hairpin would be a beautiful addition to the diamond one…