
The “joys” of tween girls…. Not mine….


Jan 22, 2014
So, I had a collection of perfume samples, about 30, so I listed them on eBay. They sold for $20.
I dutifully posted them off to the correct address with tracked shipping and got delivery confirmation.
Fast forward a few weeks and I get my very first “seller dispute”.
Buyer claims that they did not authorise this purchase. Huh?
Ebay investigates and confirms that the address is correct for the account, no recent address changes, the credit card linked to the eBay account was previously verified and Aust Post confirms parcel was delivered to correct address. Further ebay investigation confirms purchase was made at the IP address previously used by this ebay account.
So, it turns out that a certain tween aged girl used her mothers eBay account to make said purchase and when asked denied all knowledge. So mother presumed fraud had occurred on her account. The truth comes out and not only has tween been caught out in her lie, mother has instigated a charge back on her credit card account which is itself fraudulent and so eBay will now sanction that eBay account due to attempted fraud by the buyer.
Me thinks a certain tween aged girl is in the bad books over $20 worth of perfume samples!
Oh, snap!
Not cool, tweenybopz- hopefully she learns a lesson on that one.
I'm sorry but for the mother to start a charge back on her credit card, when her daughter bought, paid for and received the item is something I can't imagine doing. Was the mother going to ship them back to you in return for getting her $20 back? Seems like a lot to go through. She should just move on, change her Ebay password, and maybe give her daughter some extra chores to make up for the $20.
Tween girl that we know has suddenly refuse to play with the normal gang at our latest Christmas gathering.

Just stood on the sidelines with her arms crossed.

My son asked her if she was ok and she told him she wanted to die. We're not sure of what to make of that comment.

I'm assuming it's tween angst since my son cried buckets at home on the last day of school after his Y6 friends left for high school (he was in a composite class).
I'm sorry but for the mother to start a charge back on her credit card, when her daughter bought, paid for and received the item is something I can't imagine doing. Was the mother going to ship them back to you in return for getting her $20 back? Seems like a lot to go through. She should just move on, change her Ebay password, and maybe give her daughter some extra chores to make up for the $20.

The tween used Mum’s ebay account and credit card without permission or knowledge. Mother saw the purchase, which she didn’t make, and asked family if anyone had used her eBay account.
No, no, no of course not.
Mum understandly freaks out thinking she has been compromised / hacked and starts all the wheels in motion, cancelling cards, putting holds on account etc etc etc. Then Mum finds out from eBay that the transaction originated from their home address, that’s what IP address show, and the parcel was sent to the family address. When faced with the evidence, tween daughter fessed up. To say Mum was not impressed is an under statement! Mum messaged me with profuse apologies, that’s how I know the story.
Apparently tween didn’t think Mum would notice the $20 transaction. However because she then lied about buying and receiving the perfume samples the Mum freaked out about being hacked
This lead to her cancelling her credit cards, putting a hold on her bank accounts, changing all her passwords, etc etc - it’s a big deal and a big effort and huge inconvenience if you’ve been hacked, I know, I got hacked a year ago.
okay, well then I misunderstood the timeline. If the chargeback was started before mom knew it was just her tween using her account, then I understand. I read that mom did the charge back after she knew the facts. But, again, mom shouldn't save her Ebay password on her computer....I guess she knows that now.
I've had the strangest interactions buying and selling on ebay, so I can't say I'm too surprised about this one! I'm just glad you didn't have to bear the brunt of it. :roll2:
This happened with our son almost 20 years ago. I authorized the monthly charge on a computer game and he charged lots of extra stuff for the game. He denied it when asked but fessed up when the IP address was discovered to be ours. Way more than $20 and we made him pay us back. The upside was that he was petrified to get a credit card until his late 20’s and is very responsible with his finances to this day.
Who does a charge back without checking first with every member in the family that they didn't make that purchase? Ridiculous. Mom is completely at fault here iMO. I am glad you were successful in this despite @Bron357
Weird because tween and teen boys are on 4chan figuring out how to shoot up schools…
I sold 100 square meters of orginial antique parquet flooring in ebay. Buyer paid straight away & NINE WEEKS LATER, has failed to collect it! It's still sat in the Vicarage driveway covered by a tarp with building lorries manovering around it. It's currently covered in snow. I have emailed the seller 11 times.....

Like, what are you supposed to do? I have his money, but he hasn't collected?
I just… sorry, I don’t understand how it’s ok to make the title of this thread a generalization about tween (those who identify as) girls. Especially when it goes on to say “not mine.” WTF

This is over TWENTY DOLLARS. And deserves the label “tween girls” when as I stated above, tween and teen boys are on 4chan, Reddit, and discord plotting ways to mass murder their classmates.

Does anyone else see the disconnect here?