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- Jul 1, 2005
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I''m not sure evilest is really a word. But I''m making it one for today.
My fiance and I currently maintain separate households in separate cities (driving distance) and will continue to do so for about 2 years after our wedding (long story.) This is his second marriage and my first; he is somewhat older than myself and so his parents and family aren''t really too excited about the wedding (they like me and all but they just don''t get worked up about this stuff.) Anyway, one of my holiday gifts from DF was a food processor- a very small (I have a tiny kitchen) but nice, if rather basic, Cuisinart. PERFECT for me. Two days after Christmas his mom asks him what he gave me for Christmas, and he told her. She then asked if I''d used it yet and if he still had the receipt; which I had and he didn''t. She said that was too bad because they bought us a food processor as our wedding gift (the wedding is in May and they bought it in December?) over the internet and that it was coming in the mail already.
Ok, a little weird so far, but then it gets worse.
His dad then went on to explain that he had read all about it in Consumer Reports and it was the best food processor for the money, it is apparently rather expensive and also holds like, a whole cow and two chickens or something. Which is great except I don''t eat meat
and as mentioned, my kitchen space is very limited. DF would have no use for a food processor in his house, so when he told me this story, I asked him if he could ask his mom if we could exchange it. Not to be ungrateful but they are not rich (nor poor) and I hate to see them waste money on something I neither need nor have any place to put it. When DF brought up this idea his dad got all mad b/c it was such a good food processor blah blah blah so much better than the one I have (which insulted me) and his mom said there was absolutely no way and that that was going to be our wedding gift.
This stupid situation has gotten me really upset. I am insulted that they insist that my brand new food processor sucks and I have to have this one instead (what to do with the other one, that I like?) and that even at DFs tactful asking about returning it, they got defensive and now I have mental indigestion about this whole thing (why do they want me to have this food processor so badly? I DON''T WANT IT!)
His parents are not coming to our DW they said they can''t afford it but they travel to their home country (in Europe) once a year and take other trips as well. They are middle-class comfortable albeit on a limited income, and they do help my DF out by loaning him money to pay for his tuition, so they are generally nice and generous people. But why are they so hung up on this? And why can''t I get over it? I guess some secret greedy part of me hoped they would just give us money or at least ask us what we needed rather than buying something we don''t need and absolutely insisting that we keep it (we don''t even have anywhere to put it we both live in small houses).
Am I nuts? Is this weird? Don''t you generally want to give people gifts they like or need, and when they hint the opposite to you, do you insult similar items they already own and then insist that they keep the one they gave you? His mom is otherwise usually reasonable and nice; we''re not close, but she''s always been kind to me and I like her.
My fiance and I currently maintain separate households in separate cities (driving distance) and will continue to do so for about 2 years after our wedding (long story.) This is his second marriage and my first; he is somewhat older than myself and so his parents and family aren''t really too excited about the wedding (they like me and all but they just don''t get worked up about this stuff.) Anyway, one of my holiday gifts from DF was a food processor- a very small (I have a tiny kitchen) but nice, if rather basic, Cuisinart. PERFECT for me. Two days after Christmas his mom asks him what he gave me for Christmas, and he told her. She then asked if I''d used it yet and if he still had the receipt; which I had and he didn''t. She said that was too bad because they bought us a food processor as our wedding gift (the wedding is in May and they bought it in December?) over the internet and that it was coming in the mail already.
Ok, a little weird so far, but then it gets worse.
His dad then went on to explain that he had read all about it in Consumer Reports and it was the best food processor for the money, it is apparently rather expensive and also holds like, a whole cow and two chickens or something. Which is great except I don''t eat meat
This stupid situation has gotten me really upset. I am insulted that they insist that my brand new food processor sucks and I have to have this one instead (what to do with the other one, that I like?) and that even at DFs tactful asking about returning it, they got defensive and now I have mental indigestion about this whole thing (why do they want me to have this food processor so badly? I DON''T WANT IT!)
His parents are not coming to our DW they said they can''t afford it but they travel to their home country (in Europe) once a year and take other trips as well. They are middle-class comfortable albeit on a limited income, and they do help my DF out by loaning him money to pay for his tuition, so they are generally nice and generous people. But why are they so hung up on this? And why can''t I get over it? I guess some secret greedy part of me hoped they would just give us money or at least ask us what we needed rather than buying something we don''t need and absolutely insisting that we keep it (we don''t even have anywhere to put it we both live in small houses).
Am I nuts? Is this weird? Don''t you generally want to give people gifts they like or need, and when they hint the opposite to you, do you insult similar items they already own and then insist that they keep the one they gave you? His mom is otherwise usually reasonable and nice; we''re not close, but she''s always been kind to me and I like her.