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I miss JewelFreak
Wherever you are Laurie, I hope all is well and life is treating you sweetly.
Wherever you are Laurie, I hope all is well and life is treating you sweetly.
I miss JewelFreak
Wherever you are Laurie, I hope all is well and life is treating you sweetly.
Has anyone heard from @OoohShiny? He hasn't been online at PS for months. If you are reading this @OoohShiny you are missed.
Sorry to hear about your father @OoohShiny. I do have to say though congrats on the new job and house, both are wonderful accomplishments.
@OoohShiny , Sorry to hear the news about your dad. Well wishes to him.
Yes, Me too.Thanks DF
If it is, say, 3 months without Chemo but 6-12 months with, and those longer months will involve a lot of feeling sick and weak and having a low quality of life, I think I know which I personally would choose.
@OoohShiny, you know I can relate about the job struggle but we are also are own worst critics.
How wonderful that you were able to do something to get a child out of harms way, not everyone would step up and help. I am right there will you about there being a plan and what some here would say is hocus pocus, however it is my firm belief that there is a path, sometimes it takes a few missteps but we find it eventually. My best wishes to you.
Yes, Me too.![]()
Hello missy,
Thank you very much for thinking of me, I appreciate the kind thoughts.
I and the wider family have all been fine, I have just been taking some time out because, if I am totally honest, and to reference a comment I saw @Dancing Fire make while skimming through the forum earlier, the unrelenting negativity against those unwilling to take a Covid vaccination at this moment for a variety of reasons is something I simply ran out of time, energy and inclination to deal with, and the bling was not enough to counteract it.
It is not just PS, of course - such discussions are taking place on forums across the internet - but it gets to the point that it feels like 'Peer Reviewed Paper Top Trumps', and there is only so much time in the day and so much energy one has to deal with everything life throws at them, without adding to that list voluntarily.
I have therefore just been trying to absorb as much as I can and keep up to date with what is happening, such that I can try to feel as informed as possible. For the record, my concerns around the levels of coercion and manipulation being seen are only increasing, and my position remains that I will wait until longer term outcomes are known before I or the family partake - cognisant that this may make our lives increasingly difficult or even subject to prosecution/persecution in the near future.
(I did also start a new job and move house, both things that have been stressful, especially when I still have yet to meet anyone I 'work with' after six months of staring at a screen in the spare bedroom.)
On a perhaps related note, this past week my father has been taken into hospital. His prostate cancer (that we thought was low-level and being managed) has spread to his spine and an organ, and they've also discovered an unrelated cancer elsewhere. He is now barely able to walk to the toilet without a frame and is in pain whenever he moves. The oncologists will be reviewing his scans at the start of this coming week and will meet us to discuss the outcome, but we expect that it is highly likely he will be given weeks to live, perhaps a few months at best. We are already discussing the will, DNR notices, what happens to his wife with dementia, and similar aspects of the situation.
Our focus now is on getting him comfortable and into a location where he can have suitable care - and where he can have friends and family around him, without dehumanising masks and PPE and 2-hour visiting windows that only allow one single nominated person to visit him. I will carry him out of that hospital with my bare hands if it means he doesn't die alone in a cold and lonely side room, like some seemingly have over the past 18 months 'because Covid'.
I know I am far from alone in my situation, and that many others have faced, and are facing, much worse, so I am not seeking sympathy - rather, I am just trying to detail my current situation and the imminent challenges that are informing my thoughts.
I hope that we can all return to normal, and that we can regain/reacquire our rights to once again mark the defining events in life in the manner they deserve.
I also hope that you and all on PS are good - a lot can happen in 6+ months since I was last on, so I am sure I have missed some news. I see lots of positive things happening around the forum so I am going to try to visit more often and focus on those.
Thanks DF
The Doctor we met with to get an update the other day did mention Chemo, but TBH he is so weak that we are pretty sure the only realistic option will be palliative care.
If it is, say, 3 months without Chemo but 6-12 months with, and those longer months will involve a lot of feeling sick and weak and having a low quality of life, I think I know which I personally would choose.
Hey @Dancing Fire! How're things? Wife and kids and grankiddies ok?
I miss @YadaYadaYada. I’m thinking of you and really miss your presence on Pricescope. You are a wonderful kind person and sometimes I got the sense that you didn’t know how valued you are here. I hope things are going well for you and your family.
If I in any way contributed to your decision to take a break I am sincerely sorry. If this had anything to do with the vaccine, I truly believe most everyone here completely understood your feelings and your reason for the choice you made. I hope you are well.
Yes, she left PS because of the vaccine discussions.
Oh my gosh I did not know that she had left. I do hope that she will come back soon.
Yes, she left PS because of the vaccine discussions.
I hope so too.
I know that she was sad and upset by some of the hurtful comments made in those threads.
Don't let "the herd" get into your head. They had always attacked their oppositions and many had left PS b/c they can't take the heat. They had been attacking me for the past 15 yrs and I'm still here fighting them...It was also really upsetting that people I thought were my friends “liked” these comments. I thought well this is just not a safe space for me now, so I left. Not to make a big spectacle about it, I put in my signature that I was leaving because I didn’t want anyone to think something awful happened, pandemic times and all.
I missed you too @YadaYadaYada..![]()