
The Robbery


Jul 27, 2011
We were robbed.

in the middle of the day
while we were there

It has been sometime and I am still in shock.

At home we are vigilant about locking the doors, turning on the alarm, being aware of our surroundings. But we were on vacation, visiting my parents, staying at the little guest house up the hill from their house. It was our little private paradise. They live on a large parcel of land, in a fairly remote area. It takes 20 minutes to get to the grocery store. The road to the house is a winding single lane with completely blind turns where you can easily run head on into an oncoming vehicle. If you do see another car, you or they have to back up into one of the little pull off areas to let the other car pass. When you do get to their property there is a gate that needs a code to open. In the 50 years of the neighborhood's existence, nothing like this has ever happened. That is little comfort now.

It was 3 pm when my kids and I decided it was time for a swim at the pool. My husband was finishing up a good book, and he came down after us roughly half an hour later. When he got there he asked about the dog. I had thought she was with him and he had thought that she was with me. Normally she likes to be with us. We called and called her. She finally came but was all upset, like we had never seen her. She was growling and barking. We assumed it was an animal in the area. We had seen a fairly large snake the day before.

The afternoon had cooled off, so we transitioned to the hot tub. My 11 year old doesn't like it, so we sent her up with the dog to the guest house to shower first. The bedroom where my husband and I stay has a sliding door out to a little patio that was wide open (both screen and slider). She didn't think anything of it, closed the screen door, fed the dog and got in the shower.

Having given her time to clean up before my turn in the shower, I popped out of the hot tub and headed up. I was taking off my stud and was going to switch my jewelry for dinner. My little travel jewelry bag was on the floor. With the screen door open, sometimes the wind is fairly strong. I searched the floor for my things and then it dawned upon me. We had been robbed. My jewelry and my husband's watches were gone.

We feel immense gratitude that all they took were things.
My dog and my daughter are fine.
We are pretty sure my dog is a hero.

We searched the area but found nothing. There were footprints in the leaves head off the patio but that was it.

What they took and didn't was equally as odd.

They took my jewelry, but not the bag it was all in. That was thrown across the room. I keep each of my pieces in a seperate little silk bag and then cluster them by type. So I had a bag with turquoise earrings, one with a bracelet and those were tucked into the bigger bag with the beaded necklace. Luckily, for me, they dropped the bag with my grandmother's pendant which must have felt empty.

They grabbed my husband's 40th bday watch and a vintage rose gold one my dad had given him. They didn't take the airpods that were sitting right next to them. They didn't take my purse, which was hanging on the door knob or my husband's wallet or the cash. Nor did they take the laptop, or the sterling bowls. Strangest of all, and we didn't figure this out until later, they did take my husband's vaccination card.

We reported it to the police at 4:24. It was hours later when the police arrived. They got lost trying to find the place, even after we gave them verbal turn-by-turn directions. We had to drive down to the main road and bring the officer up to the property. Unlike tv, there has been little information found. The officer said the exterior door was too dirty to finger print. The footprints weren't good enough impressions to guess a size let alone shoe type. Theoretically, they are investigating.

There were no cameras at the property. However, a neighbor does have several aimed at the only road in/out. After reviewing the footage, there were two unknown vehicles. One a white pickup truck with a red cooler going fairly slowly. The speed limit is 20, but even that is too fast in some areas. The other is a dark SUV going very quickly. In the roughly time frame, the dark SUV comes and leaves. The footage isn't good enough to make out the driver or the license plate. We think it is an Audi Q7, but can't be sure of that either.

I have called every pawn shop and estate jewelry place in a 30 mile radius. I have standing searches on ebay, craigslist, facebook marketplace, and offer up. We have registered the watches with the companies as stolen, so if they are ever survived they could be recovered. But we are pretty sure they disappeared just like whoever walked in and then ran down the mountain.

We had brought items with us that my parents/family that we would see would enjoy seeing us enjoy. These were special pieces.

The list of missing items and meaning

Omega Seamaster Professional 300M Whiteface -40th Bday
Rose Gold Breitling Premier circa 1948 -from my father
Vaccination Card

Ruby and Diamond ring- My dad gave it to my mom when I was born. She gave it to me for my 40th, we were supposed to go on a trip together but it got canceled due to covid so they sent this to me.

Ruby and diamond stud earrings- they were my aunts who died a few years ago

A large strand of antique natural coral- also my aunts who had inherited them from her aunt
A really long strand of tiny antique natural coral beads, also my aunts, also heirloom
A pair of coral earrings my parents gave to me to match the beads

The large natural turquoise bead necklace with diamond clasp I bought for myself when I got my dream job.

Heirloom French Turquoise and 18k screw on earrings- in the family for over 100 years. This is the loss that stings the most. If you have gotten this far, and are moved and want to help. Please read the post about these earrings in antique and vintage jewelry.
Im so sorry! What a tragedy. I hope you are able to recover some, if not all of your pieces.
I’m so sorry you were robbed, that happened to us too about 20 years ago and it sticks with you. I hope that somehow your precious items are recovered, thank goodness no people (or the dog were hurt).

Sending you a big hug!
I am just sick to hear this. I am soo sorry. I hope they catch the person and your items are returned.
First of all, I'm so happy everyone is safe. My apartment was robbed 10 years ago, and it takes some time to get over that feeling of vulnerability. I found the police to be equally useless. I know you are going to mourn the loss of these meaningful items if they're not recovered, but try to look at it as the opportunity to curate new family heirlooms.
Goodness was I relieved that your daughter and your family are all unharmed!!!

I'm sorry what happened. I know exactly what you're feeling. I've been in this situation and the loss of the family pieces is just extremely hard to come to terms with!
Gentle hugs across the miles
I'm so glad no one was hurt, but sorry you are going through this. I hope you recover your pieces.
Sending out gratitude for the safety of your family.

I’m so deeply sorry for your loss and hope the police will get a tip or break that will help them hunt down these precious items. If their goal is to pawn these fast, hopefully they remain close to where you were staying, and you are able to recover them.
My heart aches for you! But, equally so happy no one was hurt.
Thank you all for your kind words. We are beyond grateful that no one was hurt and remind ourselves that it could have been soo so much worse.
Some people just suck.
I’m sorry you and your family have had to go through this. And still are.

So thankful your family is safe.
Hoping you find your items and closure.
Wow - that is just unbelievable in a location so remote. I am so very sorry - it must feel so violating to have someone come in and take years worth of memories. I hope against hope that some of these items can be recovered and returned to you and your family. Of course it goes without saying how fortunate your family was not to have been present and that you are all safe.
@collier i am so sad and angry for you
Thank goodness your daughter and pup are ok
We once had our garage burgled and that felt bad enough - we had 5 guys come out in police overalls to do fingerprinting and nothing came of it

I hope your inherited jewlery is recovered and the other sentimental pieces
How are your parents doing in all this ?
It must be awfully upsetting and very disconcerting for them on such an isolated property having this happen
I am so very sorry to hear this. Such a huge violation. I am so glad your family and dog are all ok. Hoping your treasures will be recovered and those involved caught to spare others of this heartbreak.
@collier i am so sad and angry for you
Thank goodness your daughter and pup are ok
We once had our garage burgled and that felt bad enough - we had 5 guys come out in police overalls to do fingerprinting and nothing came of it

I hope your inherited jewlery is recovered and the other sentimental pieces
How are your parents doing in all this ?
It must be awfully upsetting and very disconcerting for them on such an isolated property having this happen

Thank you so much for your attention and interest. They are listing the house...
Sorry to hear this :(sad
I’m so sorry this happened to you. TG everyone is safe. Please give your dog a big hug from me. He is a hero..❤️
That’s heartbreaking- my husband and I were robbed at gun point years ago and our wedding jewelry taken from us. It’s so hard to get over - I had to move and I was jumpy for long after. Hugs to you and I hope your items are recovered. Sending photos to local shops could help in case they recognize the items.
So sorry this happened. It takes away your sense of safety. I am so glad only material things were taken. What city/state did this happen so PSer around the area can keep an eye out too.
Wow, how horrific for you and your family. I am so relieved that physically you are ok. I really hope your items are recovered and the robbers are identified and prosecuted.
So so sorry that this happened to you! I'm glad that all are physically safe and hope that your heirlooms are recovered.
That’s heartbreaking- my husband and I were robbed at gun point years ago and our wedding jewelry taken from us. It’s so hard to get over - I had to move and I was jumpy for long after. Hugs to you and I hope your items are recovered. Sending photos to local shops could help in case they recognize the items.

That is terrifying and sad all at the same time. I can understand moving, we sold our condo shortly after our burglary.
I am so sorry this happened. My thoughts are with you and your family, and I'll keep a watchful eye on jewelry postings elsewhere. :(sad
That’s heartbreaking- my husband and I were robbed at gun point years ago and our wedding jewelry taken from us. It’s so hard to get over - I had to move and I was jumpy for long after. Hugs to you and I hope your items are recovered. Sending photos to local shops could help in case they recognize the items.

We are back home now, but it has forever changed our special place. My parents were thinking that it was time to move on. This has pushed them over the edge, granted my mom fell a few months ago and had to crawl back into the house and was found badly bruised hours later. She swears it was no big deal... regardless...

the remoteness and the response time has sunk in with them.

We have photos with the local shops and police, but both say it is unlikely. The pawn shop is actually the one that told me to check the facebook/craiglist/etc as there are no restrictions etc.

Apparently, pawn shops have to report what they take in to the local pd.
My heart breaks reading this. I am so sorry you and your family are walking through this. Thank goodness you’re all safe; I am holding out hope for you that you’re able to recover your sentimental items.
Oh my goodness @collier, I am so very sorry this has happened to you. The loss of your precious possessions, as well as the horrendous invasion of your privacy, are just so, so awful. I am glad you're all safe and well, and big pats to your hero doggo! I hope, hope, hope that your jewellery is recovered.
@collier Oh, no.

My stomach was knitting itself into knots reading your post - and now my heart just hurts for you and your family. I'm so glad everyone was safe. And I will pray that your heirloom treasures are recovered. What a wretched, intrusive, frightening, heartbreaking thing to have happen ;(

Thank you for sharing your sadness and your hope with us - I hope that posting here was healing, even if just a little bit. They're "just things" but they also - aren't. We completely understand. With any luck this community of will get lucky and run into something that aids in this search!

So many ::HUGS:: and I'm off to look at your other thread.
@collier - I am so very sorry that this happened to you. And heirloom pieces are irreplaceable. And thank God that they got what they were looking for and left without any of your family being hurt - you never know what they may do had someone crossed paths with them. This happened to me in 2001 when I was going through chemotherapy. Our home was robbed during the world series baseball game. We were on one side of the home and they came in through a tiny window on the other side of the home (my husband cracked the window in the water closet) - they took all of my jewelry and much of it was family heirlooms. It is heartbreaking and will always stick with you. However, try to focus on the good - the evil was not able to touch your precious family and many material things can be replace. I pray for your safety and your strength to get through this. Take care and stay safe.