
The Threads We Choose To Follow

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Jan 26, 2003
The threads that we choose to follow on Pricescope have a lot of influence on which pieces of information we will have and when we have them. Because I did not read Rocky Talky regularly, I did not know of rockdoc's death until weeks after he had died. Because I did not read certain threads I have not known about the illness of a friend's mother or the death of a friend's dog until weeks later. Not knowing what everyone else knows and is supporting a friend through makes me feel bad. In reality, it is easy not to open a thread and to miss references to an event.

An example of what can be missed: I had seen the "ragdoll" thread in Hangout for ages. It is 18 pages long with 522 entries. I assumed it was about ragdolls. I had bought ragdolls for my daughter, but we disposed of them, beautiful as they were, because she didn't use them or her stuffed animals. I couldn't imagine why people had so much to say about ragdolls. I finally decided that the thread must have turned into a discussion of something else, as threads do and that I should see what was actually being discussed now. I went to the end of the thread and saw a kitten. I wasn't sure how ragdolls had turned into kittens, but I went back to the beginning. To my amazement, the "ragdolls" of this thread were a kind of cat!

I had never heard of a ragdoll cat! To me a ragdoll was one of those dolls made out of cloth with eyes made of black buttons and red hair. That thread has been there for a very long time and I had had never had a clue as to what was in it.

My point is that one person's Pricescope is not the same as another person's. We can each spend hours here every day and still not cross each others' paths or know all the same things or the same people. And yet it is still a community. A community, but one in which we have to remember that sometimes other people don't know what has been going on in our lives, haven't been able to keep up with our purchases and our news.

Off my soapbox ;-).

AGBF, I can''t follow all the threads either. It would be a full time job and I don''t have the time. Sometimes I wonder what I''ve missed out on, but we all have to choose what seems most relevant to our interests, or we''d be here night and day.

It''s nice to see you here, though. I''ve been on the forums for about 3 years, and it''s nice to see a friendly, familiar member who doesn''t post every day. I almost always look to see your topics.
Deb; you are exactly right.

I used to follow so many threads on so many different forums. Now I only follow a few threads on typically two forums - and not always every day either. I have been known to occasionally return to other forums for specific things - for example, out of curiousity I browsed the LIW formum last night wondering if there were any GIWs listed - since I used to be a GIW back when (technically I guess I am still a GIW - but, I am not engaged to anyone - nor have immediate prospects).

I too have missed big announcements. I guess that is life. I cannot do everything.

Lumpkin is right that I watch for some specific people - although I will not say I follow everything they post; and tend to also pay attention to the topic. You are one of those people that I see and look at the topic to see if I''m interested.

Best wishes, and best wishes to Lumpkin too...

It is nice to have a forum family.

Well said Deb. I do not keep up with pricescope as much as I used to and sometimes I will run across a post that mentions someone''s pregnancy or a tragedy in their life that everyone else seems to be aware of but me. It is good to remember that just because something has been posted in a thread here not everyone will have read about it. It is a lot like running into an old friend and finding out some important change has taken place in their life. They may assume you have already heard about it, but maybe you never got the word.
What a sincere eyeopening insight. Thanks for starting a thread, that expresses it. You are right, Deb.
geez, deb, if you had not mentioned rocdoc, i still wouldn''t have known of his passing........

can''t read everything, can''t remember everything i read........

good post, deb.

movie zombie
Thanks Deb for expressing it so nicely.I think you speak for many of us ( including me )
Deb, don''t let it make you feel like a bad person. It is impossible to have time to read and reply to everyone. You are one of the kindest people I have "met" on here. There are certain threads I ALWAYS make time for (like the preggo thread) but other''s I have have never opened. I am sure I am missing out too but like Lumpkin and Perry mentioned I think we all have our "favorites" and no matter what take time to see what they have to say.

Date: 2/16/2008 10:24:19 AM
Author: perry
Deb; you are exactly right.

I used to follow so many threads on so many different forums. Now I only follow a few threads on typically two forums - and not always every day either. I have been known to occasionally return to other forums for specific things - for example, out of curiousity I browsed the LIW formum last night wondering if there were any GIWs listed - since I used to be a GIW back when (technically I guess I am still a GIW - but, I am not engaged to anyone - nor have immediate prospects).

I too have missed big announcements. I guess that is life. I cannot do everything.

Lumpkin is right that I watch for some specific people - although I will not say I follow everything they post; and tend to also pay attention to the topic. You are one of those people that I see and look at the topic to see if I''m interested.

Best wishes, and best wishes to Lumpkin too...

It is nice to have a forum family.

AGBF, I know what you mean. The part you wrote about the ragdoll thread cracked me up, because I did the exact same thing! "What in the world can there be so much to say about ragdolls? Must be the latest fad in toys or something..." I also did not know of rocdoc''s passing. My time for PS is very limited, so a lot of times I miss out on things or don''t know what everyone is talking about.

It also sometimes makes me wonder where to start a thread when it''s not totally clear. Right now I have a thread in RT about my setting project (and nerves!) which seemed the right place for it, but I wonder if it would get more attention in hangout or something? There is no way we could all keep up with all the threads, and actually it amazes me how people have time to make it to 10k posts so quickly.
You are right. When you are on a forum of this size it is so hard to keep up with everything. You just have to try your best and hope that you don''t miss anything too, too good
It is hard to keep up with what everyone is doing all the time and there are times when some of us who have been here for 2+ years look at threads and never reply. Don''t take it personally, and then there are those of us who have been here for half a decade and post religiously and give their insights (Ellen, Lorelei, Mara, AGBF, Manderine ETC..) who do what they can.

Its hard to keep up and sometimes people get upset when people do not respond and others get more posts for a similar topic. Sometimes its just a matter of time. I can no longer post while I am at work, so I post a night now, but with 2 boys running around, Tae Kwon Do, basketball and other obligations it does get to be a little time consuming.

I agree with what others have posted.... I also apologize if there are things I missed and it makes me look stupid for not knowing, its just not something I get to read on the computer most of the time. My computer has been taken over my nickjr and webkins.

Thanks for the insight....sometimes we all need a reality check!
Gosh Deb,
I see you take this to heart. I am sorry. There is no way to read everything, to be caught up on everything. You take a slice of PS and that''s your day. How many slices would you like?? I would venture to guess it''s too many for any of us to be caught up with. I try but fall behind, it happens.... I eventually catch up and for the most part they know I care. As they know you do too. It''s all good.....
I can''t keep up with it all either... even threads I''ve responded to, I just can''t remember them all. I tend to "remember" when I see them listed in the first page of a section or on the times I click onto the second page or on new update threads.

I feel bad at times too. So, I would just like to say, any lack of responses was not an intentional effort to ignore and even if I can''t repsond at the time, my thoughts are with y''all.
Yep, there are so many people here that it is impossible to keep track of all the info. Occasionally I''ll come across a name of a member who seems to have taking a long hiatus from PS, but then I discover when clicking on the profile of that person that they''ve been posting on the forums I never read, like the BWW or the LIW sections.

One of the best tools of PS is that you can place your mouse curser over the title of the thead and see what it''s about without actually clicking on the thread. This feature aids me in easily picking what threads would be most likely ones I have something to say in.
That reminds me of my early days at PS 1-2 hours and I read every new post for that day on the board.
Now there are forums I only get too once a month if that.
Like Strm...when there were so many fewer people and threads it was much easier to read everything. Now I can''t even remember what I posted to or when half the time. I mostly just look at bling now in SMTR and post in the FHH in WWT and Shopping and I like to read Hangout but half the time I have nothing to add. Or I''m too lazy to click reply. There are so many people ''helping'' now in RT that half of what I''d say is redundant anyway so I mostly lurk.

There is the ''rollover'' feature with your mouse within each forum category where you can put your mouse on a post and it shows you the first 4-5 lines which is great when I''m trying to figure out if I want to click to open something.

Overall though no one should feel badly for having limited time to navigate such a huge do what you can when you can and that''s good enough!!
It''s impossible to keep up with every thread out there. I try to keep up with the ones I post within in case the people have additional questions, especially the noobs. However, I do sometimes feel bad if I heard about good or bad news much later after it happened. However, I think one of the wonderful things about pricescope is the support and helpful nature of people and those threads usually are filled with good wishes and great advice.

I don''t think you should feel bad about not getting to those threads right away and I don''t think most people on here would be offended if you didn''t ever respond. If I posted a thread about something sensitive in my life, I wouldn''t be offended if some of the people I am closer to here on ps didn''t respond to it. I know that they are great people and would wish me good thoughts or try to give advice and in general people have lives beyond pricescope and are busy people who can''t always respond to threads here.
Interesting thread... Thanks for starting it.

Ditto what everyone else said about only having so much time to devote to PS, so we each can only do the best we can with the time we have. I know I miss a lot!

But I also have to add... as the thread starter for the Ragdoll thread, I am actually LOL!!!
I have a hard time keeping up as well...this is such a big community with so many threads that I cannot remember what I posted where and to who (or is it whom?)! You just do the best you can I guess, we are only human!
Date: 2/17/2008 9:10:31 PM
Author: Diamond*Dana
I have a hard time keeping up as well...this is such a big community with so many threads that I cannot remember what I posted where and to who (or is it whom?)! You just do the best you can I guess, we are only human!

Dear Diamond*Dana,

Since you asked, it would be "to whom" if you wanted to be excruciatingly correct. :-)

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