
The world's gonna end, again, Sept 23

Just...facepalm gif here. Same shit, different year.
Too many religions spend too much time gleefully anticipating the end of the world.
My mother in law is a Christadelphian (nutball extremist religious zealot) and she was convinced the world was going to end last year. I remember walking through the door at Christmas time when we went to visit gleefully saying "we're all still here," but that's just my very bad sense of humour.

Apparently a number of Christadelphians have literally sold up what they owned and have waited for the end of the world to arrive a few times now in the last 50 or so years. Having said that, with the situation with North Korea getting more intense every day and with a US president that doesn't have a diplomacy button maybe she will have the last laugh.
Arkieb1, 50,000 Christadelphians in 120 countries CAN'T POSSIBLY be wrong...

Sorry, not that numbers have anything to do with it. And by "it" I mean science.
Why would NPR even dignify them with a headline? :doh:

It's not fair to the other 2,615,537,546,806,846,845,715,837,459 religions who have an extra special day soon.
Good question.
Welcome to XXI century:

""A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth. Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on its heads. ...She gave birth to a son, a male child, who "will rule all the nations with an iron scepter."
According to the biblical literalists interviewed in The Sign, airing Sept. 14 at 8 p.m. ET/PT, the "son" leaving the birth canal is Jupiter leaving Virgo. The red dragon is associated by some literalists with Planet X"


- Whoever issued this "prophecy" made a weird concoction of the Biblical times, 3000 years ago, and Ancient Greece. But nevertheless...great job trying to decipher what the ancient people (who believed stars were holes in the sky through which gods looked at them) thought about September 23, 2017! ;))
Arkieb1, 50,000 Christadelphians in 120 countries CAN'T POSSIBLY be wrong...

Sorry, not that numbers have anything to do with it. And by "it" I mean science.

You should try having a religious discussion with her. Apparently she and the flock and their literal interpretation of the bible is the absolute truth and the rest of us poor souls not only have it all wrong but have a one way ticket to hell.
No!!! Not before my vacation later in the month!
September 23 will be Day Two of my annual long weekend in Orlando with my Very Republican Dad and his Very Republican Wife. I'm sure by then I'll be praying to any god, goddess, or whomever/whatever that will listen for the world to end so I can Stop The Misery that this *vacation* will be...
God's reaction, upon reading this article: :doh: :nono:
Why would NPR even dignify them with a headline? :doh:

It's not fair to the other 2,615,537,546,806,846,845,715,837,459 religions who have an extra special day soon.

This. I have a real problem with media giving fringe groups exposure and press.
September 23 will be Day Two of my annual long weekend in Orlando with my Very Republican Dad and his Very Republican Wife. I'm sure by then I'll be praying to any god, goddess, or whomever/whatever that will listen for the world to end so I can Stop The Misery that this *vacation* will be...

Poor baby.
You need wiener doggie earplugs.

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If I had known this, I wouldn't have bought a new winter coat.
September 23 will be Day Two of my annual long weekend in Orlando with my Very Republican Dad and his Very Republican Wife. I'm sure by then I'll be praying to any god, goddess, or whomever/whatever that will listen for the world to end so I can Stop The Misery that this *vacation* will be...

Say hello to our dad for me @Dee*Jay !!!
You are going to need a lot of prosecco to get thru that weekend! Do you want me to send a couple cases to Orlando?
My birthday is around then too.... better eat, drink and be merry for the end is near!!!! :snooty:
Congrats!!! Better plan a heck of a night out with the world ending ;-)

Actually I was thinking, that I don't have to worry about getting hubby an anniversary gift, or make plans!
I'm going to go by the biggest diamond I could possibly get and not have to pay for it! :appl:
Apparently a number of Christadelphians have literally sold up what they owned and have waited for the end of the world to arrive a few times now in the last 50 or so years.

If the end of the world is eminent, why waste the time left selling material things? (No need for an answer to this question. Just my little mind wondering)
If the end of the world is eminent, why waste the time left selling material things? (No need for an answer to this question. Just my little mind wondering)

I admit I had to ask my husband because the logical answer for me was they sold up everything lived out a wild bucket list type scenario and then waited for the end of the world but nope, these are religious zealots, they apparently sold up everything to get their affairs in order to make sure they had no money outstanding to anyone, no outstanding mortgages, no debts and that everything in their personal and financial lives were squared away with God. He reports there were no wild parties, no exotic holidays, no excesses at all zip, zilch, zero.

They did get together and sing hymns and pray in groups and apparently according to my husband were very disappointed/devastated that the world didn't end and they didn't get to meet their maker thus far on the various years/dates they have said the world was going to end.
Just realized tomorrow is the 23rd.
Wish I'd realized that before I wasted time unloading the dishwasher this morning.