
They DON''T pay me enough!

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Mar 20, 2003
So I teach at an overcrowded, less than pristine high school. We have our first generation immigrant population, our drug dog and weapon searches, our gangs operating out of the apartment complexes in our district. We also have our middle of the road suburban areas and the kids who make my job a delight most days of the year.

In my sixth year of teaching, I no longer have the "personality conflicts" that come with being a first or second year teacher, where you don't get along with a student and come to hate them. They're teenagers, after all, they all have bad days. You just need to roll with the punches, take a deep breath, and see the best in them.

But for crap's sake, the kids I don't teach are the ones that bug me. Two years ago a kid left a coffee cannister full of his own urine (warm, mind you) in my room for the first year teacher whose class he had in my room. Lucky me got to find it.

Today, while I was innocently performing my 85 minute hall duty, in which I had already chased away two kids who were supposed to have left school already but were standing outside a room air-humping, a girl who works at the computer help desk came up to me with a cable tie and told me to "go like this" (put her pointer finger out). I retracted my finger as she came near me with the cable tie. She said, no, no, just go like this. I said, are you going to put that on my finger? She said no. I said, I'm no fool, no thank you. She said, no, it's not that, I need your help, go like this.

So I put my finger out there, and she friggin yanks the thing as tight as she can! Cinches the thing to the bone! My finger becomes purple/red and squeezes out over the zip tie sausage style! I immediately shout, "What were you thinking?" She said she just wanted to see what would happen. I order her to fetch me some scissors. I realize that I don't trust moron girl with scissors, so I take them from her, but realize that I am right handed and trying to cut it off with my left hand. And of course, there is absolutely no room to ram the scissors in there anyway, so it's a lost cause.

So I run to our school nurse, who does not have the best reputation. Now I know why. I sheepishly and quickly explain the situation to her. She tries to cut the tie off with her desk scissors which are rusty, old, and dull. She expresses her concern that she'll cut my finger. I say, ok then, but I see it would basically slice off a chunk from the exterior side of my pointer finger. She actually says she can't get it off. And then she tells me not to panic! Don't panic? You're the nurse! Go get a strong man to try to cut it off! Call the ambulance! But don't announce you can't get it off and then trail off, needing a suggestion . . .

So I say, if we had fingernail scissors we could get this off. She says she doesn't have any, then says oh wait, and finds some in a file cabinet. She tells me she doesn't want to cut my finger, and I say cut my g-d finger, just get it off! The scissors break. She finds bandage scissors, we reposition next to each other sitting down, she tells me to pull my finger closer (to me? the scissors? to the stars I am starting to see?). By this point, at least five minutes have passed, my finger is disgusting, and she has told me about five times not to panic and that I look green/don't look good and that she doesn't think she can get it off with no suggestion on her part as to how she is going to fix the situation, so I am starting to freak out.

Finally it comes off, and I have a cut, bloody, purple finger. By then the (dorky, as we would expect) help desk grownup employee guy tracks me down to see what has become of me. I shout the most colorful expletives that I think are school appropriate in his direction. I know it's not his fault, but whereas the office and the guidance department learned years ago not to employ packs of the "bad kids" as their aides (good kids in multiples or bad kids in singles are the way to go), he clearly hasn't, so I spend half the period chasing kids around who are causing mischief in the name of the help desk, and it makes my stupid duty a burden, and now his stupid "aide" had too much time and too many cable ties on her hands, and I am the poor schmuck who had to suffer for it!

OK, thanks for letting me vent. I am glad that the urine and the attempts to sever my finger only come from kids I don't know. At least when I know the kids, I have a rapport with them and can reach and help them. But it's the friggin ones I don't know that make me want to quit my job!

So tomorrow I get to write my first discipline referral of the year. The help desk guy tried to make it ok by telling me her name so I could write her up (I said, what will I write her up for? Being an idiot?), but now that I've thought about it, she lied to me and harmed me physically. Plus help desk guy said he told her not to play around with the cable ties. I fully expect that she will be suspended for this, but really, I just want an apology. I just want an opportunity to say, "You're an idiot! And I could have gone to the hospital! And then I would have had an expensive emergency room bill just because you and the school nurse are idiots! And it doesn't matter if you didn't 'mean' to hurt me because you knowingly cinched a non-retractable object on my finger as tight as you could! I could have been seriously injured! Now I will throttle you until you feel the pain of an incompetent nurse cutting you with rusty scissors!"

[Insert dad in A Christmas Story muttering frinkin ruggin schmuggin ragin . . . here]
Unbelievable. No they don''t pay you enough. Your initial idea of teaching was noble and I commend you...but your life and LIMB and DIGITS are far more important than nobility.

What is plan B? §
LOL, that is hilarious! But to be honest, I''m not so sure of the intelligence of someone who would obey a "stick your finger out" instruction from a teenage girl with a zip tie.
What an insane story, Phoenix! I'm so, er, sorry your finger was choked by a cable tie! Is it okay now?

I can't believe a student treated you like that, I'm really shocked. We have a pretty rough population at my school, but I've never heard of a student doing something like that. How incredibly frustrating.

Teaching can be really hard, but just remember it could be much worse--I've had a former student threaten to "stick" me, and then throw a desk at the back of my head. Needless to say, he was in need of help that I am not qualified to provide.

I think it's time for you to pull out your box of letters and cards from former students--they always make me feel much better when I'm having a horrible day.
Sorry to hear about your horrible day days teaching. Hopefully things will be better for all concerned.

I''m a 1:1 aide at an elementary school and it''s crazy to see 1st and 2nd graders choking students and trying to poke teachers'' eyes out with pencils, etc. etc. etc. It''s really sad that kids have that type of stuff running around in their brains and then for them to act on it.


L''s for love.
Date: 12/4/2007 11:20:13 PM
Author: chiefneil
LOL, that is hilarious! But to be honest, I''m not so sure of the intelligence of someone who would obey a ''stick your finger out'' instruction from a teenage girl with a zip tie.
You sure seem to find some odd things "hilarious".

I hope your finger gets better phoenixgirl!
That is just awful. You could have lost your finger. She should be disciplined and the nurse sounds like she is capable of dispensing bandaids at best. Comforting, huh? I hope your finger recovers fully and is not too painful and that this kid gets some help, she sounds like a nut. I have heard kids who killed another kid say they just wanted to see what it felt like or what would happen. Some kids today are very scary. What goes on in their minds is off kilter and they can be dangerous.
You certainly have my sympathy for the difficulty of your job -- but, you wrote about it so beautifully and with such humor that you should collect a few more stories, write a book, appear on Oprah become a millionaire and wave your injured digit in a good-bye salute to the numerous numbskulls with whom you have to work.
That''s awful-she definitely needs to be disciplined. I hope that your finger is feeling better.
Cutting (if you''ll pardon the expression) her too much slack would probably do her more harm then good: you''re dealing with high school students, so she''s at a minimum, what, 14? Possibly/probably older? It''s a good time to learn that actions have consequences, and that idle curiosity really *isn''t* a good enough reason to risk someone else''s health ....

Glad to hear that you''re okay, and, no, they really do *not* pay you enough: it sounds like you should not only get hazard-pay, but also state issued Swiss Army knives! And, as they add USBs and gods only know what else, those buggers are getting expensive ....
What a silly little

She needs to understand the consequences of her actions fully as do her parents you could have been seriously injured (though I would still get your finger checked out to make sure no permanent damage has occurred). Teachers by no means get paid enough.

I hope your finger is okay
I''m so sorry. I hope your finger is better. I have no words for what actually happened. That''s absolutely crazy. School is becoming a very scary place and I am constantly amazed by the wonderful teachers we have at my kids'' school. There''s no way in a million years I could do that job even at a school where there weren''t drugs, weapons searches, etc.
Date: 12/4/2007 11:32:19 PM
Author: luckystar112
Date: 12/4/2007 11:20:13 PM

Author: chiefneil

LOL, that is hilarious! But to be honest, I''m not so sure of the intelligence of someone who would obey a ''stick your finger out'' instruction from a teenage girl with a zip tie.

You sure seem to find some odd things ''hilarious''.

I hope your finger gets better phoenixgirl!

I was referring to the writing style and description, not the actual trauma. "Crazy student almost made me lose my finger" wouldn''t have carried the same weight. I do appreciate a good story.
That is appalling. I''m so sorry you teach in a school like that. And I''m sorry, but dear, you do NOT get paid enough for that crap. Yikes.

I hope that girl does get suspended. She knew exactly what she was doing...grr.
Both that idiot and the school nurse should be fired. There are no excuses for them.
that sux :{
Too bad they didn''t call maintenance they would have know how too release the cable tie most likely.
prettty much any of them can be released with a pin or paper clip by lifting up the tab shown here.

I can see where Neil would have found a bit of humor in the irony......

It IS a little ironic for someone who actually stuck her finger out for this kid (defying her cautious instincts) to then want to scream 'you're an idiot' at the kid. I can see the humor in it.

However, I don't find the discomfort and the trauma humorous, and I'm sorry it happened and hope you're ok, PG.
Date: 12/5/2007 12:02:18 AM
Author: SanDiegoLady
That''s insane. I am siiiiicccckkkk to death of the kids today and the lack of respect and discipline they have- or rather lack of it. Its pathetic.

I''m sorry honey, really I am. An adult SHOULD be able to trust the children they teach.. I hope you come down on her with the appropriate measure. She knew EXACTLY what she was doing.

Its so wrong...
SDL took the words right out of my mouth.


(glad to hear your finger is OK!)
I''m so sorry to hear this. People are beyond stupid and you don''t get paid enough to deal with this behavior. The nurse is incompetent and the student is dumber than dirt. Do not extend your digits to anyone you''re not sure has good intentions toward you. Feel better soon!! And the kid with the pail of pee..someone should dunk his or her foolish head in it
I''m not so sure of the intelligence of someone who would obey a "stick your finger out" instruction from a teenage girl with a zip tie.

Great. Blame the victim. Happily these kinds of "helpful" observations are rare at Pricescope, which is why I like it so much here. The OP is looking for support, not criticism.

I, for one, am sorry that a professional teacher has to spend 85 minutes of her day patrolling hallways when she could be adding value to the education of a child. I think we need to respect and pay our teachers more and let them do what they aretrained to do, teach. Parents never seem to want to make their children take responsibility for their actions. They are so quick to blame the faculty. I hope you will find a better school where you can achieve your original mission. It sounds like they are turning you into a police officer.

I think what she did was very deceitful. She tricked you into thinking you were helping her out, then took advantage of your good graces to injure you just for the fun of it. I''m sorry, but that is just sick and twisted. That girl needs some help. Seriously.
Thanks for the support all.

The result was that she was suspended for ten days and will no longer work at the help desk. She may really need psychiatric help -- her English teacher told me some troubling stories and that the girl''s own mother called her "cruel" and "crazy." The vice principal asked me if I wanted her expelled or suspended, so I am glad that they took it seriously, but I also didn''t want to make the decision to expel a 14 year old girl (turns out she''s a freshman). She has already had in school suspension twice this year, so perhaps she should be expelled, but again, I didn''t feel that I could make that decision not knowing her. Ironically, when the vice principal was talking about expulsion, he used pushing a teacher as an example of what he thought would qualify as assault. Then later today I heard that a gym teacher was pushed by a student today, and the boy only got ten days suspension instead of expulsion (this was a different vice principal). It''s often the case that they are lenient/try to give kids another chance unless the teacher makes a stink.

Re the person who is "not so sure" of my intelligence, I''ll be the first to admit that I should have known better. Part of the conversation between the nurse and me went like this. Nurse: "That girl is an idiot!" Me: "I''m the idiot!" The vice principal told me about a time when he lent a kid a master key to the school, which the kid then proceeded to "lose," and the principal held him responsible for changing all the locks! But this was one of those situations where I didn''t listen to my instincts. I find hall duty stressful because I either have to ignore the mischief that is going on or I have to be a bad cop and chase around a bunch of kids who wish I would just read my book and pretend I don''t see them. So I at least try to build a rapport and tell kids with dismissals to have a good afternoon, or kids going to the clinic that I hope they feel better. So when kids I don''t know "swab" my computer for their biology project or tell me to stick my finger out, my first reaction is to go along with the pleasantries.

I do appreciate all the posts of support, especially regarding the intelligence question. I think this is one of those times when the anonymity of the internet causes us to say things we wouldn''t say, or would at least word differently . . . questioning my common sense perhaps. But I would never call someone stupid for making a dumb mistake, and believe me, when you teach tenth grade, you see a lot of them! I could say, "I''m not so sure of the classiness of someone who applies a different set of manners to the real world than to the internet," but then I''d just be a hyprocrite, right?
Oh, I''m so sorry you had to go through this. It is great that you are able to make a difference in your own student''s lives, although you do have to consider your own safety, so could it be time to find a new area to teach in? I''m lucky enough to teach in a school where I don''t have to worry about any physical violence from my students, but it DOES scare me that this lack of responsibility among teenagers seems to be universal. This is no where on the same level as your story, but the other day, one of my students came into class early. He waited inside the door for his friend to walk in. I thought he was going to try to scare his friend. Instead, when he friend walked in, he tackled him, they fell into a book case, knocked it down, and also knocked the lights off. It was all in fun, but I still had to write him up for rough housing in the classroom. I made it clear to the assistant principal that they weren''t actually fighting, but the kid still got a Saturday detention. He came back to class furious, claiming that I should have stopped him since I saw him standing in front of the door. I said, yeah, the punishment is a bit harsh, but if you don''t learn to take responsibility for what YOU decide to do, it''s not harsh enough.
Hey phoenixgirl, I wanted to say that my comments were meant in jest. Sorry I forgot to put in a smiley. I thought your post was extremely well-written, and the vivid and colorful descriptions and detail made me think that you were seeing the humor in the situation. I see that you''re still very upset over the episode, so I apologize for my insensitive comments. It''s common for guys to give each other a hard time (in jest) when we have a close scrape with no permanent damage, and that''s all that was intended.
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