
Thinking of resetting my WF Annette U Prong

Icy Melona

Jun 18, 2008
Hi all,

A while back I ordered 20pt Annette U Prong from Whiteflash. If any PS'ers might remember, it was a disaster- at least for me Please see link:


While WF had been very solicitous and rectified the matter, I've always felt let down by the ring (not WF). I'll post updated pictures of my ring shortlly.

So when Vera emailed me a follow up email on how I was getting along with my ring, I told her honestly that I was disappointed and couldn't "tolerate it" any more (yes, that's how I badly I feel about the ring). I let her know that I was looking to change the settings because I felt the prongs/claws were just too prominent and caused discomfort each time I tried to wear it.

I am waiting for a reply from WF but in the mean time I am wondering if I should go with a channel set eternity ring. I originally went with Annette U Prong because I thought the open setting will display the diamonds to their best advantage. I would like to know if channel set would dull the sparkle in the stones.

Attached are pictures of the ring as it is today. Thanks!


Here is another one:

I'm sort of in the same boat except I don't think it matters how I reset my eternity- I just find it uncomfortable to wear. Right now I put it up for sale to see if someone is interested. If not then i will pull it apart and do something else with it. I love the classic look of a large eternity and how it looks as a stand alone RHR, but I can't seem to find anything that really speaks to me/ that I love.
Have you tried wearing a band either side? My eternity is also very prong-y & extremely uncomfortable alone with its squared off claws, but with my other rings I can't feel it as they act as a buffer. I have also tried mine on the RH with a narrow simple band either side & it buffers it the same - no spiky prongs to be felt. Just an idea :))
Hi Icy,
I am currently ISO of a full eternity band, but personally find that chanel sets are not sparkly enough for me :naughty: . They do look pretty with step cut stones IMO :wink2:

What wonderful stones! You could try asking Whiteflash if they could change the setting. A while back sarahb posted a whiteflash near eternity (there is space at the back for resizing if required). She said she found the 'U' prong style uncomfortable and went for this instead

It really does look beautiful on her hand and the prongs do not look at all prominant. Her ring is posted on SMTB show me your diamond eternity bands. I hope she doesn't mind me mentioning.

All the best with your ring

I have that ring with .10 stones and the prongs are minuscule. I wonder why yours are so big?
I'm going to echo April's sentiment, even though I don't own an Annette Uternity myself. I *know* Annette, the beautiful lady who made the first one, and I've worn her ring and I thought it was super comfortable. In fact I remarked to her as soon as I put it on that I couldn't feel either prongs or diamonds between my fingers. What's weird about that it that my fingers are extremely sensitive to discomfort because of Fibro and Arthritis, and if you read any of my posts about my own custom made rings, I've always had them made to my specs so I wouldn't feel anything and there weren't ever any prongs poking me between my fingers.

I'm sorta' thinking that you feel uncomfortable wearing yours Icy, because the stones are so much bigger. I think it looks lovely on your hand though!
I wonder if you could have WF soften the height of the prongs? Is that at all possible? Can they trim them in anyway so they are less "pokey" between your fingers?

The ring really is beautiful on you, but if you aren't comfortable, you aren't going to wear it and then that's such a shame. What suggestions did Vera have?
No, a channel setting will not cause any problem with the diamond performance because these well cut stones are reflecting light from the top. However, with larger stones, I am not wild about the gaps between rounds when using larger stones in a channel setting. I'd much rather go with a design more like Sarahbear is considering which has the stones in individual bezels.

You can have the bezel in many shapes even putting round stones in them.
Not sure if this would help any, but when I got WF to make my 20 pointer u-prong I asked them to file the prongs down as much as possible while maintaining a rounded profile and to set the stones as low as possible as well. I find my ring very comfortable. Maybe you could ask for a do over? You can clearly see much more metal in your setting than in the setting in my avatar. I would ask for a reset.
RosieR- That is one of the rings that I am considering. I sent that picture along with a channel set ring from WF website to Vera so I'll see how it goes.

My only concern is that because that ring is also claw set that the claw will be too prominent. It looks gorgeous in the picture though and if my ring could turn out like that I'd be happy.
April, I think mine was a blunder in the beginning. If you see my original thread, you'll see in the pictures that the original set looked like, as someone aptly put it, a "clog". I believe the ring setting was designed for bigger stones or maybe that the design itself features the prongs prominently. Right now, I just want to have it reset.

My options are either the open gallery basket setting that RosieR posted or the Channel set. From what I'm gathering, channel set sounds like it will be more comfortable and less damaging to an accompanying ring/s because it will provide less friction/scratches to the other rings.
Enerchi and Gemmy123- Thanks, I didn't think of that option. I kinda assumed that the prongs (on my ring) were filed down as far as it could be.

Gemmy, do you by any chance have a picture or link of your ring?

If it's close to what I'm looking for, which is delicate and unnoticeable prongs, then I might as save the cash and ask WF to sand it down. I do love the Annette U design because I can see the stones which mesmerizes me no end! :D
Diamondseeker- I didn't factor the spaces between the stones in a channel set. Do you think bead-set in channel ring might help with that or are 20pts too large for bead set? Thanks!

Edited to say: Thank you for the link!
Alex, I did consider wearing stacking rings but found it uncomfortable. I felt a bit too clunky and weighed down doing my chores/work and kept taking it off. :D
Gemgirl- Thank you for your lovely compliment. I have to say WF does have beautiful stones. I'm hoping to fix or reset the ring so I can love it and wear it. I've seen pictures of the original Annette U prong a long time ago on Pricscope and thought the ring was so delicate and elegant which was why I purchased the design. And in the original pictures, and from the pricescopers who purchased thereafter, the ring/s did look to be comfortable with refined prongs. If WF has slightly altered the design after the original then I think I will look at other options rather than filing the prongs down. I can understand if the prongs are thicker in order to hold the diamonds in place better and I'd rather not compromise losing one of the stones because the prongs were too weak. :)
Mine is super comfy but my stones are smaller.
I know this is old, but I'm curious what happened with your ring? I'm looking at eternities myself, so trying to learn as much as possible about comfort.