
This Alexandrite is Synthetic?


Feb 9, 2020

I buy from action Alexandrite & gemstone com with “Certificate”

On description write
Natural Brazilian Alexandrite but is clear Under x10 loupe I not see inclusions

Please tell me what do you think

That is not a normal color for Alexandrite. Generally it should be red to green. Can you show a picture how the color changes under different lighting?
I never see red to green! So is green at night?
Please seriously...

Second photos Day light & Led light


No one can tell from a single photo. Even with a dozen photos no one can definitely say what gemstone it is.
An Alexandrite should change from greenish in natural daylight to purple / reddish under incandescent light.
There are a number of different type man made gemstones that resemble natural Alexandrite, some more convincing than others.
Because Alexandrites are so expensive and because there are excellent quality / appearance man made gems, you really need to only buy if the gem comes with a reputable lab certificate.
And reputable is very important because these days some sellers fake certificates to go along with their fake Alexandrite.
Yes This is why I open the topic I don’t have laboratory close to me. I would be surprised if the stone is synthetic
I read much information and quality of this gem is amazing
It does not look or behave like alexandrite at all. But a pic or two is nothing to go by on.

There are many color change gems and inexpensive ones too. No inclusions, dead giveaway it is not what you intended to buy.

Only buy high price tag gems with reports from reputable labs. Only buy from reputable, trusted vendors.
I never see red to green! So is green at night?
Please seriously...

Second photos Day light & Led light



Although some labs have been giving alexandrite certificates to all color change chrysoberyl (per notes from AGTA Tuscon conference 2020), traditional alexandrite colors are green to red/purple-red (which I've seen ranging from blue-green to yellow-green on one end & red-purple to orange-red on the other), some would say only strongly, too. Brazilian alexandrite I've seen IRL has been bluish green to purple-red, and didn't have as many inclusions as African ones.

I wonder if you have a color change chrysoberyl, which falls outside of the narrow color standard for alexandrite? It is a rare stone, too, though price/carat isn't as high as alexandrite. I feel like what you have wouldn't be a synthetic alexandrite, because most synthetics would be created ideal within the standard. No one can be certain from pictures alone, but if you don't think it's alexandrite, it could be a natural color-change chrysoberyl or other natural color-change gem (Turkish diaspore, garnet, etc), but only a reputable lab or additional testing would be able to confirm that your gem is natural and identify it. Do you trust your vendor and the lab they used? If so, maybe you do have an alexandrite with a weak to moderate change- not all alexandrite have a strong color change.

Personally, your stone looks grey-green to light reddish purple to me, so I can see how it would technically be within the limits of alexandrite. But I am looking at your pics on my phone, which tends to pull out the best color in everything. Have you louped it to view any natural inclusions? Eye clean does not mean no inclusions under magnification, so its a good idea anyway to look at the inside of your gems so you have a mental note of it's unique characteristics.

A tip for seening the boundaries of color-change would be natural, outside sunlight to pull out the green; and then, use candlelight for the reds. Candles show a stronger change than a modern bulb.
@MissSarah yours is a pretty stone and while the colors are not as saturated it does have a marked color change and I could see this stone being called Alexandrite. But I see absolutely no green whatsoever in OP׳s stone, I see a pale grayish purplish pink color and a very faint color change. This could mean it is my monitor or phone, or it could I guess mean it might be chrysoberyl but something of very low quality. But Alex, no, most defo not. As many have stated though impossible to tell a lot online and a reputable appraiser and lab should see that stone if a considerable sum was paid for it.
It does not look like a natural alexandrite, but we can't tell from photos alone
Ps. What website did you purchase from? I cannot find it
Thank you for answers
My gem is Blue Green under daylight is hard for photography.
With Triplet x10 magnifier I not see inclusions Is very clear.
I buy from Bulgarian Auction but I not trust of Certificate

So I think send for Certification in Bulgarian Earth and Men National Museum
Have problems with labs close to me
For example
GIA in EU not support colour gemstones
Thank you for answers
My gem is Blue Green under daylight is hard for photography.
With Triplet x10 magnifier I not see inclusions Is very clear.
I buy from Bulgarian Auction but I not trust of Certificate

So I think send for Certification in Bulgarian Earth and Men National Museum
Have problems with labs close to me
For example
GIA in EU not support colour gemstones

How much would the certificate be? And if it is not natural alexandrite, can you get a refund?
Thank you for answers
My gem is Blue Green under daylight is hard for photography.
With Triplet x10 magnifier I not see inclusions Is very clear.
I buy from Bulgarian Auction but I not trust of Certificate

So I think send for Certification in Bulgarian Earth and Men National Museum
Have problems with labs close to me
For example
GIA in EU not support colour gemstones

I'm sorry the GIA near you won't do colored stones. Mailing gems for any reason is so hard, but you'll feel better with peace of mind. Good luck!
This morning i created video for YouTube
This is reflection from Black Sea lights on my terrace. I try to see you different colors of Alexandrite

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