
This is why I can't ever do a big project...


Mar 2, 2009
...I just can't resist pretty colored stones! Arg!

I'm supposed to be saving to reset my ering diamond, but I just couldn't resist a Barry sapphire...
1.10 cts., 5.8mm, unheated, "medium-dark purplish blue color under incandescent light and a pure blue color in natural light. It is quite bright."

Can't wait to see it!

Anyone else scoop up any goodies?

I am bravely resisting that luscious aqua cab.

And a delicious chocolate truffle, too. I will probably break down and blow either my diet or my wallet.
I would have made a play for the faceted aqua if I didn't already have 2 of his aquas! The color looks outstanding. I hope whoever got it posts pics. many delicious gems over there! Barry's cutting is beautiful as usual.

MTG - I LOVE your sapphire, I completely get why you had to go for it. It's such a lovely blue color.
I really like the round peridot - actually I like all of the new peridots. I'd have gone for one of those or a garnet if my bank account had anything in it. :D
The faceted round and cabochon aquamarines are incredibly tempting.
I love Barry, but his faceted stones sell out too fast, and you need an phone app to even get a chance to buy one, and even then you're not guaranteed. I often wish he would put his stones up for auction on ebay so that some of us would have a chance to get one, and review it before purchasing. You can't even blink an eye when it pops up, or it will be gone. I gave up on his stones a long time ago because I'll never get any of the highly desired faceted material, in particular the spinels that everyone wants.
TL|1378392521|3514952 said:
I love Barry, but his faceted stones sell out too fast, and you need an phone app to even get a chance to buy one, and even then you're not guaranteed. I often wish he would put his stones up for auction on ebay so that some of us would have a chance to get one, and review it before purchasing. You can't even blink an eye when it pops up, or it will be gone. I gave up on his stones a long time ago because I'll never get any of the highly desired faceted material, in particular the spinels that everyone wants.

Yup. I do have one, which I got on the secondary market. I was able to talk to the seller, get their opinion on the stone, think about and then make a decision. Much better!
Yep, you have to act very quickly. It helps that I've memorized my credit card information. I take a "shoot first, ask questions later" approach with his stuff. He has a liberal return policy too.
Gorgeous MTG!!

I, too, take a shoot first policy with his stones. I have never had a return, but he is so incredibly gracious that I do not hesitate to purchase from him.
MTG - have you received this Umba Sapphire? How do you like it?
It went so quickly on Barry's drop but I've been so curious about its coloring/color-shifting IRL.

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