
Thought on this spinel

First rule of fight club, be careful about putting up links of any stone you might like! Someone will inevitably swoop in and grab it before you can. Proceed with caution :cheeky:

I like the cut, but do you like grey?
First rule of fight club, be careful about putting up links of any stone you might like! Someone will inevitably swoop in and grab it before you can. Proceed with caution :cheeky:

I like the cut, but do you like grey?

Lol. That is true. I am not opposed to the purple/gray color. I would love to have a windex blue color but I can only find that color in a zircon. I know zirconia are way to soft for an everyday ring. I love unusual colors right now I have a modified trillion cut dark blue and green sapphire. I am more concerned about purchasing from that online store
I've purchased from them and had a perfectly fine experience. :)

P.S. I'm sure people here could help you find some sort of durable bright blue stone, budget and timeline willing. ;)
The gray makes the color a bit dull for my liking. It doesn't feel "festive" to me.
You could totally go avante-guarde with it, but being its an ering, it may be out there for you if you maybe want to go traditional later on. But it looks moody. You're the only one who can decide if thats ok with you. The cut is very good on the stone and it would give you great finger coverage.

I can see it mounted in platinum surrounded by icy white diamonds or pale pink sapphires (heck why not both?? LOL) This is a stone I would not set as a solitaire.

BTW, Gemcal is fine. I've bought a couple of stones over the years.
The cut and size are great, but the colour doesn't wow me. It boils down to individual taste :)
I am on the hunt for an asscher or emerald grey spinel that is larger, but while I find the purple modifier pretty I think its is pretty dark and will look black or at least very dark grey in a lot of lighting conditions. Would you be ok with that? Perhaps they will send you a video in indoor/outdoor light so you can better assess.
It probably won't look that purple a lot of the time it will be a mid to dark grey in colour.
I tend to prefer gray spinels that are light in tone so you can at least take advantage of the sparkle.

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