Looks hard to argue with. Small table and mixed cut (?). Either a small window or a big culet or a super-shallow taper (?) in that last course of step cuts. Dimensions would help me interpret the tone a little.
As always, it comes down to price and how close it aligns with your expectations.
7.1 x 7.0 mm. Don't have depth. Few different views.
I did indeed look at it in sunlight between forceps and it was improved but still had too much extinction. I made sure head and camera did not block light which was a chore getting it. Pavillion angles just not right. Also, had a small window.
Well the verdict is in and the tone is indeed too dark. It is definitely pure red.
Inside with incandescent light
View attachment 869011
outside sunlight
outside shade
When a modifier like brown overtakes a stone’s hue and saturation, it really isn’t “pure red.”
There is no brown in that stone, just extinctin.
There is no brown in that stone, just extinctin.
I respectfully disagree, I see brown in the vendor pictures already. OP’s pictures just confirm it.