
Thoughts on this spinel


Jan 14, 2014
It's a red with some purple as it's secondary colour. There is a window, but if I go with this gem it will be precision cut and the window will be cut away to fit a 7X5 Eye clean. No inclusions .



Seems a bit dark. Do you like the color? What's the carat weight and the price?
From the picture I like the colour a lot. The price is 160. And the weight is 1.36
So if it's cut to improve performance, it might be a little bit lighter, but it'll decrease the weight. Does that price include the recutting cost?
Yes it does. The vendor did say the colour will lighten up a touch, which I am ok with. If I go with this spinel it will be cut to fit a calibrated size.
It looks very dark in tone overall, the ends look extinct. If you prefer this body color, you may be able to find something that you also like at GemCal.
I think you can find something better for that price. I'd be worried that it would be too dark in person.
I agree, it's going to be pretty dark in person, especially indoor.
How much do you think it will lighten up once its precision cut? Its a 7.4x5.5 and will be cut down to a 7x5.
Not that much.
Can you make a decision after the recut? it seems a little dark now but I can't tell by the pics how much it'll improve after being recut
HayleyMarie|1391040094|3603773 said:
It's a red with some purple as it's secondary colour. There is a window, but if I go with this gem it will be precision cut and the window will be cut away to fit a 7X5 Eye clean. No inclusions .

I don't see purple in the stone. It looks to be orangy red with a strong brown modifier. If you like that color, you can get it in a pyrope garnet for much less money. Garnets are pretty durable stones too, even though they're not as hard as spinel. I don't think the body color is such that it will lighten even if recut.
TL|1391056357|3603983 said:
HayleyMarie|1391040094|3603773 said:
It's a red with some purple as it's secondary colour. There is a window, but if I go with this gem it will be precision cut and the window will be cut away to fit a 7X5 Eye clean. No inclusions .

I don't see purple in the stone. It looks to be orangy red with a strong brown modifier. If you like that color, you can get it in a pyrope garnet for much less money. Garnets are pretty durable stones too, even though they're not as hard as spinel. I don't think the body color is such that it will lighten even if recut.

I agree, for that colour pyrope will work better and will be cheaper.
By the time you factor in the cost of recutting, you could get a similar or nicer stone by a lot less. Contact the cutters and see if anyone can cut a stone with a similar color for you, instead of buying one and having it recut.
$160 seems a reasonable price considering the colour (a bit darkish and brownish) and cut (shows extinction at the ends and has a window). It is preferable to purchase a stone that you like and don't need to tweak because there is no guarantee as to the outcome. A recut will not lighten it much.
Thanks guys. Ha ha I still like the colour. I might see if they will send me the gem before getting it set and see if I like it. And go from there. My SO and I have decided to wait a touch before getting a ring made so it's no rush.
Chrono|1391113534|3604358 said:
....... It is preferable to purchase a stone that you like and don't need to tweak because there is no guarantee as to the outcome. A recut will not lighten it much.

words that I live by......

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