
Thoughts on what to do


Feb 23, 2019
So I have a 1.5 Carat GIA certed SI1 G color excellent polish, excellent symmetry stone that I had removed from my old 3 stone engagement ring to put a sapphire in it after my marriage ended. The jeweler who removed the stone said it was chipped. I have spent hours searching and finally found my certificates.

Should I make a claim with USAA?

Should I take it to the jeweler who sold it to me to see if it’s really chipped?

Do people get these things wrong? I cannot even see the chip. The image shows there’s some naturals and an indented natural underneath.

The cert was published in 2005 so there’s no good info like cut. It’s 62.8% depth, 54% table medium faceted girdle.

I listed the ring at $14,000 on my policy. It was platinum with certed side stones .4 each and we probably paid enough over the years to replace the ring.

Thoughts on how a claim will play out?
There may be circumstances here that make an answer pretty much a guess. What period of time was the ring insured by USAA? Did the supposed chip happen during the time the ring was insured? Was the diamond removed by a expert during the time the ring was insured, or when it was uninsured? Was the diamond damaged in wearing it or was the diamond chipped in the removal process? Likely, you really don't know the answers to some of these questions.

If you believe there might be damage that insurance would cover, you should call USAA and speak with a rep. They are decent people to deal with and professional. If they think you have a potential claim, they have contacts for you or they can have their own in house experts look at the diamond. They are well equipped.

The damage may be easily fixed, but you can't know right now. No one else can know, either, until the diamond is examined by a knowledgeable person. Most likely the damage is not a "total loss', but far more minor. Getting a little chip fixed is not a big deal or all that unusual. It is worrisome, but not life and death stuff.

Give USAA a call and tell us how it went.
They called me and said it was chipped before they took it out. It’s been insured since I got it.
In my opinion, it is sad you were not told of the chip while it was still mounted. It should have been shown to you and the chip documented prior to doing any work on the ring. (This assumes the chip was not completely hidden under a prong.)

It would have made filling a claim much easier and the insurance company could have worked directly with the jeweler to have the diamond unmounted with no question as to whether or not it was damaged during the unmounting.

I agree with Oldminer that USAA is a good company to work with. Call them and get the claim started before having any further work done.

My guess is that they mistook the indented natural for a chip, especially since you say you can’t see it. Take it to another jeweler, tell them what happened and ask them to look at it. Just looking through a loupe and answering this should be a free service.
My guess is that they mistook the indented natural for a chip,
IMO this is very possible if they didn’t/couldn’t pull the cert and match with inclusion plot.
I filed the claim. My new BF and I want to upgrade this diamond so if it’s not chipped then I will go back to the original jeweler who sold it to us and ask him to get us what we want. If it is chipped, hopefully I’ll turn it in, get a check out of it and then I can go to whomever I want for the upgrade and dream ring. Worst case scenario it is damaged and they want to fix it. Not sure how it can be “fixed” and not lose value/size. Also the GIA cert from 2005 doesn’t have any angle info on it so I don’t know how to evaluate the cut .

Is that something I can make require them to consider when they are determining the price they offer me for my stone or the replacement stone?
You probably should read your USAA policy. I used to be with USAA. At the time they had access to diamonds and would
replace your damaged stone with a similar undamaged stone. Not sure if they still work that way or perhaps you had a
different policy than I did?

Someone correct me if I wrong...that was about maybe 5 years ago. It may have changed since then.

Does the jeweler you bought it from have a trade-in policy?

Do you have a Jeweler's loupe? You might want to get one for fun, especially if you are getting a new stone!
There are plenty of inexpensive ones on amazon. I think I have something like this.

You probably should read your USAA policy. I used to be with USAA. At the time they had access to diamonds and would
replace your damaged stone with a similar undamaged stone. Not sure if they still work that way or perhaps you had a
different policy than I did?

Someone correct me if I wrong...that was about maybe 5 years ago. It may have changed since then.

Does the jeweler you bought it from have a trade-in policy?

Do you have a Jeweler's loupe? You might want to get one for fun, especially if you are getting a new stone!
There are plenty of inexpensive ones on amazon. I think I have something like this.

Yes, USAA is a replacement-through-them-directly insurer for jewelry as of last I checked about two years ago.
I am now really just hoping it’s not damaged. I don’t want to end up with worse than what I had!!! They make a big huge deal out of needing a separate jewelry rider. My existing diamond is probably not a hearts and arrows cut but it is quite pretty.
The loupe is a great idea.