
Tipping thing is getting out of hand


Jul 24, 2003
I am sorry but if I walk into/drive through somewhere to get food or drink and they hand it me I do no fell I need to tip them. If I am at a restaurant and seated for a meal I will tip for good service. I tip for delivery of food as well.

Twice this week Starbucks and another place (drive thru but I forge the name) shove this thing in my face to give them a tip before handing me my food, for literally handing me the food!
Excuse me, you didn't take my order, deliver my meal with a pleasant attitude, get me a drink refill, ask if I needed anything else.

It drives me insane when this happens.
Had the same thing happen at a Burger King drive thru window. They taped a cup to their outer shelf with a note that said ‘Not necessary but appreciated’. I too felt it was inappropriate at a fast food drive thru window. The grocery stores all want you to round up to donate to different charities. I do that but would like to have a say about who I am donating too. Many folks are in need and I would like my donation to go to a local food bank but several of the charities have been totally non food related. Just a captive audience for donations.
One of the larger grocery chains in my area have now also eliminated one of two entrances/exits. The self serve grocery lines only allow you to enter with 20 items or less. There is now a security guy of some type standing there. I was told that theft was a big problem and the self checking lines had incurred big losses - scan one, not the next type of thing. No sympathy here - you wanted to eliminate checker jobs and have people do their own. Is it really a surprise that some people would take advantage of this? Does it surprise you that people will roll carts out of the door without paying and yet employees are not alllowed to do anything about it? They didn’t want to hire security but have instead incurred losses that are passed on to all consumers. Some people are in need and some people are just dishonest and greedy. If this is going to be the new way, then they will have to go back and hire more checkers to check people out. Was also told that they would probably do away with the handheld gadgets that allow you to scan your groceries as you go and the. Run it through a register and pay. You honestly thought that would be a good idea and no one would scan one, but another in the bag without scanning, etc.? All to save you from having store personnel to do this? Seems so moronic to me but I am old enough to remember when you could leave your groceries at the curb and employees would help load your car! Apparently these retailers are learning that it is cheaper to hire employees than to trust the honor system among their buying public. Sad but no surprise. I seldom use the self checkout as there is never enough room to put your groceries and the computer robot is barking out orders to you - lol! I can spare the few extra minutes to stand in line. I got to my car once with a small jar of jelly that was under my bags. I hadn’t paid for it. Took it back into the door to explain and pay and they acted like I was a tremendous bother. Probably thought I was stupid to not have just thrown it in my bag and gone on home.
I don't get tipping culture at all. First off, how it's legal to pay employees (in the US) so so low, second why we have tipping for other industries where people are paid full min wage, and third why it's everywhere!
I love travelling to other countries where tipping isn't the norm.
I started tipping for takeout food during Covid-19 just because I figured the people who don't make that much anyway were probably struggling the most from the lack of business. I've kept the habit up since then.

But that's completely different from a worker requesting a tip. I agree, that's obnoxious.
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I do.
I started tipping for takeout food during Covid-19 just because I figured the people who don't make that much anyway were probably struggling the most from the lack of business. I've kept the habit up since then.

But that's completely different from a worker requesting a tip. I agree, that's obnoxious.

I do.

I understand the concept - I truly do. Sometimes it is like cutting off your nose to spite your face and these types of practices are just so pervasive these days. My best answer to myself is to not to be intimated or coerced into tipping or bagging my own groceries. We do always have choices though.
One of the larger grocery chains in my area have now also eliminated one of two entrances/exits. The self serve grocery lines only allow you to enter with 20 items or less. There is now a security guy of some type standing there. I was told that theft was a big problem and the self checking lines had incurred big losses - scan one, not the next type of thing. No sympathy here - you wanted to eliminate checker jobs and have people do their own. Is it really a surprise that some people would take advantage of this? Does it surprise you that people will roll carts out of the door without paying and yet employees are not alllowed to do anything about it? They didn’t want to hire security but have instead incurred losses that are passed on to all consumers. Some people are in need and some people are just dishonest and greedy. If this is going to be the new way, then they will have to go back and hire more checkers to check people out. Was also told that they would probably do away with the handheld gadgets that allow you to scan your groceries as you go and the. Run it through a register and pay. You honestly thought that would be a good idea and no one would scan one, but another in the bag without scanning, etc.? All to save you from having store personnel to do this? Seems so moronic to me but I am old enough to remember when you could leave your groceries at the curb and employees would help load your car! Apparently these retailers are learning that it is cheaper to hire employees than to trust the honor system among their buying public. Sad but no surprise. I seldom use the self checkout as there is never enough room to put your groceries and the computer robot is barking out orders to you - lol! I can spare the few extra minutes to stand in line. I got to my car once with a small jar of jelly that was under my bags. I hadn’t paid for it. Took it back into the door to explain and pay and they acted like I was a tremendous bother. Probably thought I was stupid to not have just thrown it in my bag and gone on home.

Agree, and just imagine if they used money to supply security that would actually do something. I believe it BS not to allow your security to apprehend people, then why have them if they just stand there and watch it happen.

Just so tired of seeing this country go to sh!!
There's 2 sit down places that I go to (if I plan it in advance!) that have a no tip policy, At one, the wait staff starts at 18 bucks an hour. The food is exceptionally good. Its not a cheap restaurant by a long shot, but it is very well run. Never had a bad time there. They seem to treat their people very well. They were in the news down here and might be why people flocked to them.

The other is a small shop. They open at noon and close at 7:30pm. Closed on Sundays and Mondays. Food isn't cheap, portions aren't super giant (thankfully!) but its exceptionally good. They do a lot of business, seems that its family run.

Like plenty of people, I worked in the service industry and while the tips were good, they were not something I relied upon. (at the time I recall making under 2 bucks an hour!) I did have a 2nd job that picked up the slack of the first. Mostly, I worked in a restaurant so I get a free meal a couple of times a (when you're a broke college kid you do what you must!) my 2nd job was at a trucking company, and it was easy enough to sit there and wait for trucks to come in and go out (I was the overnight dispatcher) Plus, I used the downtime to study.

Tips should be a nice to have and not a guarantee. There's a place down here that charges right off the top 18% gratuity on every party. They don't tell you, its not in the fine print on the menus. That to me isn't right.
I’m not angered by workers making so little money they have to ask for tips, I’m angered by greedy corporations that could EASILY pay their employees a living wage, but won’t.
When we first starting visiting the US we were told to double the tax, then it was 10% then it was 12%, 15% etc to now being intimated that tipping should start at 20%. Coming from Australia it is starting to become over the top but we can’t blame the waitstaff - they need to earn enough to live.
I have never tipped at a fast food outlet, anywhere.

DK :))
I do.

I do now
There's 2 sit down places that I go to (if I plan it in advance!) that have a no tip policy, At one, the wait staff starts at 18 bucks an hour. The food is exceptionally good. Its not a cheap restaurant by a long shot, but it is very well run. Never had a bad time there. They seem to treat their people very well. They were in the news down here and might be why people flocked to them.

The other is a small shop. They open at noon and close at 7:30pm. Closed on Sundays and Mondays. Food isn't cheap, portions aren't super giant (thankfully!) but its exceptionally good. They do a lot of business, seems that its family run.

Like plenty of people, I worked in the service industry and while the tips were good, they were not something I relied upon. (at the time I recall making under 2 bucks an hour!) I did have a 2nd job that picked up the slack of the first. Mostly, I worked in a restaurant so I get a free meal a couple of times a (when you're a broke college kid you do what you must!) my 2nd job was at a trucking company, and it was easy enough to sit there and wait for trucks to come in and go out (I was the overnight dispatcher) Plus, I used the downtime to study.

Tips should be a nice to have and not a guarantee. There's a place down here that charges right off the top 18% gratuity on every party. They don't tell you, its not in the fine print on the menus. That to me isn't right.

I recently noticed one of our restaurants here did that automatic 18% gratuity as well and I didn't realize it until I saw it on the bill. To me that is just not right.
I do now

I recently noticed one of our restaurants here did that automatic 18% gratuity as well and I didn't realize it until I saw it on the bill. To me that is just not right.

For the waiter/waitress to get an automatic tip is good for them, but it is assuming that the service will be wonderful and that you will feel it is an appropriate tip for them. A bit like putting the cart before the horse. I understand from the wait staff's position though; they could work their legs off and end up with nothing for a tip or a paltry amount that is almost an insult. At the very least, they should tell you up front about the gratuity policy. I have been in restaurants before where this was the case and it was never told. If you didn't look carefully at the receipt, you would be inclined to leave yet another tip. I tend to kind of go in favor of the paying customer for without them, you wouldn't have a business to work in at all.
When we first starting visiting the US we were told to double the tax, then it was 10% then it was 12%, 15% etc to now being intimated that tipping should start at 20%. Coming from Australia it is starting to become over the top but we can’t blame the waitstaff - they need to earn enough to live.

I went out for happy hour last week and there was a 30% tip option on the machine. THIRTY PERCENT! My goodness.
Tipping has always stressed me out. I stress over every time I get anything done. I want to make sure I’m tipping at the right time, the right amount, etc..I just wish it was like Europe where tipping isn’t the norm.
I do now

I recently noticed one of our restaurants here did that automatic 18% gratuity as well and I didn't realize it until I saw it on the bill. To me that is just not right.

I think a lot of people miss these auto tips and tip again as often there is still a line on the charge slip for a tip.
Well I am a minimum wage worker in a bakery and we are not allowed to accept tips. I had a guy come in at 9:00 one night and asked me to write on two cakes, it was the same message so easy peasy. He tried to tip me $5 but I told him I can’t accept tips, he looked shocked lol!

Tipping is definitely out of hand, I just figure when I got to Starbucks once a week for a paradise drink that I have to also figure in $1 tip even going through the drive thru.
One of the larger grocery chains in my area have now also eliminated one of two entrances/exits. The self serve grocery lines only allow you to enter with 20 items or less. There is now a security guy of some type standing there. I was told that theft was a big problem and the self checking lines had incurred big losses - scan one, not the next type of thing. No sympathy here - you wanted to eliminate checker jobs and have people do their own. Is it really a surprise that some people would take advantage of this? Does it surprise you that people will roll carts out of the door without paying and yet employees are not alllowed to do anything about it? They didn’t want to hire security but have instead incurred losses that are passed on to all consumers. Some people are in need and some people are just dishonest and greedy. If this is going to be the new way, then they will have to go back and hire more checkers to check people out. Was also told that they would probably do away with the handheld gadgets that allow you to scan your groceries as you go and the. Run it through a register and pay. You honestly thought that would be a good idea and no one would scan one, but another in the bag without scanning, etc.? All to save you from having store personnel to do this? Seems so moronic to me but I am old enough to remember when you could leave your groceries at the curb and employees would help load your car! Apparently these retailers are learning that it is cheaper to hire employees than to trust the honor system among their buying public. Sad but no surprise. I seldom use the self checkout as there is never enough room to put your groceries and the computer robot is barking out orders to you - lol! I can spare the few extra minutes to stand in line. I got to my car once with a small jar of jelly that was under my bags. I hadn’t paid for it. Took it back into the door to explain and pay and they acted like I was a tremendous bother. Probably thought I was stupid to not have just thrown it in my bag and gone on home.

post of the year !
i never use self checkout
its doing someone out of a job
Well I am a minimum wage worker in a bakery and we are not allowed to accept tips. I had a guy come in at 9:00 one night and asked me to write on two cakes, it was the same message so easy peasy. He tried to tip me $5 but I told him I can’t accept tips, he looked shocked lol!

Tipping is definitely out of hand, I just figure when I got to Starbucks once a week for a paradise drink that I have to also figure in $1 tip even going through the drive thru.

we dont tip here but we have a hospice money box and kidney kids box on the counter
sometimes people say keep the change and are more than happy for me to give it to the charity
9pm you deserved that tip though
even our bakers are at home still at that hour
So, I have a little Yorkie. The last time she was groomed a month or so ago, it was $75. The lady at the front asked me if I wanted to add a tip. I am sure I was looking at her like she had two heads because the groomer was the owner of the grooming salon. Tessa’s haircut costs more than mine! I just honestly didn’t feel that a tip was justified in that instance.
So, I have a little Yorkie. The last time she was groomed a month or so ago, it was $75. The lady at the front asked me if I wanted to add a tip. I am sure I was looking at her like she had two heads because the groomer was the owner of the grooming salon. Tessa’s haircut costs more than mine! I just honestly didn’t feel that a tip was justified in that instance.

I thought you weren't supposed to tip the owner of any kind of salon, doggie or human? Has that fallen by the wayside?
I thought you weren't supposed to tip the owner of any kind of salon, doggie or human? Has that fallen by the wayside?

You know, that was always my understanding as well. I thought it was based on the fact that the owner can take whatever percentage of the fee they want. However, that clearly doesn’t stop the asking. It puts you in an uncomfortable position in regard to tipping. My hairdresser owns her shop as well; the front desk asks about a tip too when they are checking you out. When you are paying premium prices for service (and I know the owner charges the highest price in the shop - her prerogative) tips should be up to you to offer and not solicited in my opinion. I realize it is always your choice about which shops and providers you use. I choose them because I really like their work but it is not unreasonable to want fairness as well.
Our system is flawed. People need to be paid a living wage. Period.

Of course, were that to happen, the resulting increase in price for various services would cause people to lose their minds.