
To apply or not apply; that is the question!

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Aug 17, 2007
I have been in my current position for over a year. I LOVE the company I work for. I LOVE my co-workers. I LOVE many things but the one thing I do not love is my salary. Although it is on par with the industry standard, I stepped down from doing paralegal level work to more administrative work because I liked this company.

A year later I am feeling a little trapped here so I peeked into local job listings and found a position listed with a salary level that is almost $25K more than I make here. I have taken about a year off from my trust and estate paralegal days but I am still confident in my abilities.

I am thinking of applying for this position just to see what happens. The problem is that aside from money I am very happy with my current employer.

Would you apply for the higher paying job just to see if you could score an interview and get an idea of the hiring firm to see if it could be a fit? I know the company advertising the position is a placement agencies and those drive me nuts because they almost insist you go and meet with them before they will send your resume off which is a total turn off for me. However, it''s hard for me to just look away from a potential $20K plus salary increase - especially in this economy!
Well if you are currently feeling trapped I don''t see why you can''t turn in your resume and keep your options open. I think once you interview then you can tell if you will be equally as happy. I think you can get a feel for a company when you interview; hopefully they give you a tour of the office and let you meet people. If you are 100% happy then I wouldn''t turn my resume it but saying that you feel a bit trapped would make me think you might not mind moving on.
I''m with Skippy. It never hurts to look, and you never know, you may really love this new place, too.
For an additional $25k i could learn to love my new co-workers!if you dont need the money then stay where you are at...if you feel you would be appreciated and can create the same positive work place as before then applie for it..i would just so you dont have regrets,...besides its work and we work to make money.
Apply. Good luck!!
Definitely apply, sweetness. You never know what (in addition to heaps more money!) else a new job and new contacts could lead to! I love leaving as many options open as possible.

And think of all the shoes and jewels you could buy with that extra $$$!!! (Or, you know, just improve your current lifestyle...)
Do you know what company you would be working for or would you not find out until after you applied? I would only do it if the increase in salary was coupled with a good company and a position that was a good fit for you. I would definitely go for an interview if you can--either one of two things will happen: 1. you will like the position/company and decide it''s a good career move or 2. You may feel your current position is better for you, but you can use the offer as a way to negotiate your current salary.

I was in a similar position about 3 months ago--I was happy with my job and loved my coworkers, but an opportunity came up at a company I''d always wanted to work for and the position started at more than $20K than I made then. I went for it and am so glad I did--I love my job, love the company and the increase in salary is always nice.

And I still have lunch with all of my old coworkers every 2 weeks, so I still get to see them regularly! I think this could be a really great move for you, sometimes we get comfy and it''s always good to get out there and see what the job market has to offer!
KTF: I totally know how you feel. I search job posts often, and I love my job! I, similarly to you, have a great gig but the pay is just okay--if it were not for the fact that they pay 100% of my grad tuition, it don''t think it would be worth it, even with a great boss, and flexible, undemanding, university hours.

I rationalize it by thinking, if something really great comes up, and its the perfect opportunity, at the very least I should look into it--it can''t hurt. I also know what you mean about the placement agencies, I always get responses from them when I inquire about a possible job opportunity. I have yet to go interview--a little scared I might not be ready since I am still in school, but I shouldn''t let that stop me! Its better to see what''s out there when you''re still working than wondering if anything will come up when you aren''t!

Good luck...I say, go for it!
I would apply. You dont have to accept the position if it was offered to you. $25,000 is a huge difference salary wise.

Is it possible to bring up a raise/different position where you are now?

Is the economy/job market something you would have to think about in your field if you were to accept a new position?
I would definitely apply! For $25k it''s worth at least submitting your resume and/or meeting with them! Once they offer you the position then worry about leaving your current job!
I don''t think it could hurt to apply. What about either asking your current company for a raise if the sole reason for leaving would be because of money? Or, you could do what my FI did:

He worked at one company for 8 years, and then he began looking for a job. He was happy but he felt that he had outgrown his position. He was offered a new position at a different company, and his boss asked him what he could do to persuade him to stay. My FI said that although he loved his job, he really was looking to make more, based on research that he had been doing. His boss upped his salary pretty much right then and there. My Fi ended up turning down the offer he got.

He did end up leaving the company a year later because he found something else that was a different type of challenge (and more $). His boss couldn''t go up higher in salary that time, so my FI finally left.

Thanks everyone!

Tonight I am going to clean up my resume and submit it for consideration. It certainly can not hurt to see if this path may lead to something great!

Thanks again!!!

Good luck, Keeping, and keep us updated!!
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