
To tell her or not to tell her


Apr 28, 2010
So I know that I will soon be off the LIW list :appl: (which by the way, I'm threadjacking my own far up do you guys think I'd be if I joined back in November when the ring was already purchased?) and my best friend who is like a sister to me is also a LIW. She vents to me because I'm basically the only other person in her life who could understand her without thinking she is nuts. After being taken off the list I have thought of giving her the site to soothe her LIW symptoms. It would keep her busy, and hopefully give her a place to vent and express her frustrations and receive the wonderful support you ladies have given me.

Problem: I kinda like how anonymous I am here. I like that I can post whatever I want without feeling judged. I'm sure a lot of you know what I mean. SO, if I did give her the site...the anonymity factor would be gone. Do I do it? Do I not?

I know its stupid, but I've really been thinking about this a lot haha! I suppose that after I'm off the list I won't have half as much stuff to bItch about anyway and the anonymity won't matter as much?
Can you give it to her but not tell her your log in name? :twirl:
I would not tell her. I have been tempted as well to point out PS to some of my friends -- the pregnancy and motherhood boards in particular -- but I like my anonymity too much to really invite them to join.
PrincessNatalie said:
Can you give it to her but not tell her your log in name? :twirl:

Problem is that she knows me like a book and would INSTANTLY know who I am just by the way I write!
PrincessNatalie said:
Can you give it to her but not tell her your log in name? :twirl:

ditto.. unless you use this name for other stuff too

I also like how anonymous I am here too. I can talk about anything with you ladies. If my friends ever come to this site, they'll know it's me right away.
She'd know who I was too :(
That's a tough one but if you are really close with your sister and share everything with her I would say go ahead since you think it would be something she would very much enjoy. However, if you think it would make you feel self conscious and hence take away from your enjoyable experience here then I guess you shouldn't. It all depends on your relationship with your sister.

I don't post anything here that I wouldn't share with my sister so if my sister belonged here it wouldn't bother me or censor me in the least. However, my sister has no interest in these things and is as far from me regarding jewelry and the internet as she could be LOL so that isn't a decision I have to make.

Good luck with your decision.
Personally, I wouldnt, but thats just me :\

my future SIL and even my best friend from college who are both planning weddings, are either getting engaged or are engaged, are always asking me for help (i am doing most of my wedding on my own, making centerpeices and all) and I was half tempted to give them this site to help out the "itis" but decided against it because in a way, i feel this is my own little place to go to discuss what i want to discuss with no reprecutions(spelling?) Yes i know i get the ladies who are blunt, but hey, they put me in my place and im ok with that!! So in my opinion, nooo.. good luck!
If you really think she will know who you are, then I wouldn't tell her. I like my anonymity here too. It really allows me to vent or talk about anything to you all and I like it that way. I wouldn't like having to censor what I am saying here just because I know that someone who I personally know might read it.

And if you had joined in November, I would say you would be either in the 20's or 30's by now. I'm number 39 and I joined in mid-december I believe.
I've been tempted a few times to tell a couple of people about PS, but I really prefer to keep it all to myself! I really enjoy being able to vent and discuss issues without people I know reading about it. If you think she'll know who you are, I wouldn't tell her.
Thanks guys :)

For now I'll keep it to myself. IF she starts to get some bad LIW symptoms, I'll refer her to here ;))