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Nov 1, 2003
just had to add another painfull topic.
bit into some pizza tonight and a tooth split down the center into 2 chunks.
Ran to the store and got some oralgel right at closing.

1/4 a tube of oralgel later and my whole mouth is numb but the spot where it hurts.
darvocet isnt touching it.
sugestions other than a 2x4 or a big bottle of jack daniels (i dont drink so thats a joke :)

check online re what you can find about clove oil and/or just a plain clove. i seem to remember reading that clove will reduce pain effectively until you can get to the dentist.

if you try it, let me know how it works.

movie zombie
Oh my gosh! I have electricity shooting thru my veins! Ouch!!

Yes, I have heard of the cloves as well. Some how get a piece or two of chewing gum (sugar less) chewed, on the good side, take it out, and press some cloves into it and fashion it around your tooth, also this works with a regular aspirin ... not tylenol, or Ibu.

I wonder if a darvocet fashioned into the chewing gum would work too?

Oh geez this is awful ... if all else fails ... I wonder if some denture adhesive would work temporaily, granted you still had the other part of your tooth? Do you have a 24 hour durg store? I''d go there and look at the isle that had the oral jel ... I thought I saw a package that looked like it had a temporary cap with a tube of some type of adhesive for this exact problem.

Take care, and get to the dentist pronto!

went to the dentist this morning.
about 1/3 the tooth broke off but didnt hit the nerve so he put a huge filling in.
mouth still numb but he said its going to be real sore for 2-3 days.
He said as bad as it was split nothing i could have put on it would have killed the pain.
Jello and scrambled eggs for you my man! What a horrible thing to happen, especially right now.
Gosh I am so hating teeth right now...just hope that huge filling works out and your tooth doesn''t get super sensitive like mine did after I had a huge filling put in to replace an old one...I started having sensitivity and pain in the tooth and eventually had to have a crown and then this week finally had the last step, a root canal because the tooth was STILL bothering me. I think that it solved the problem, keeping fingers crossed, but I am so over teeth problems right now, let me tell you!! They''re supposed to just WORK...not give you issues! Good luck and take some Advil over the next few days for jaw soreness and tender areas.
youch mara that sounds like what i went thru with one about 5 years ago.
I wished id had a root canal done sooner than i did on it.
it wasnt nearly as bad as the pain the tooth put me thru.
If this one isnt cleared up in a week or so im just going to have him pull it.
not going to put up with it and its a way back one so wont show.
beware of taking out teeth if they''re still healthy....and i know a painful tooth is hard to think of as healthy. removal of teeth can weaken the jaw bone and cause problems down the road.

i''ve got one now that i lived with the split too long and even though its now been capped for a year, it still can be painful at times. however, my dentists and and i are in agreement to not remove it until i just can''t i live with it any longer. since i''ve already had teeth out on that side, i''m not anxious to remove another. also, it took many many months for the pain to actually subside to a point i decided i could live with it. and the occasional pain i now experience is nothing like what the ongoing pain that got me to finally have it taken care of was like.

i hope you can reduce the pain to just occasional discomfort and keep that tooth. you''re still a young man, storm!

movie zombie
Date: 1/26/2006 1:07:16 PM
Author: strmrdr
about 1/3 the tooth broke off but didnt hit the nerve so he put a huge filling in.
Hmmm - a bit worried about the big filling. My husband''s going through something similar.

He went to the dentist because he was concerned with blemish on his front bottom teeth (turned out tobe calcification). While there, dentist decides that he should have a bunch of old fillings replaced.

Replaced 2 LARGE fillings, one on each side of his mouth, in August. Since then, his teeth have been terribly temperature sensitive. At first, he couldn''t eat anything hot or cold. Now, he is managing hot ok, but still cannot eat anything the point where he cannot eat grapes or salad because they are too cold. ANY contact with food cooler than room temperature sends pain shooting through his teeth.

Dentist said it''s because the fillings are big and because they are close to the nerve. Another dentist I asked about it said the filling material (white filling instead of amalgam -- they don''t do amalgam anymore, from what they say) could be conducting temperature.

I really think he''ll end up in root canal path. Dentist told us same thing MZ mentioned - pulling teeth causes loss of bone in jawbone. It also causes tooth above/below it to grow beyond the median point....trying to fill in the empty space.
bit cold sensitive today but just a bit not bad at all.
Better than yesterday.
Cold pop doesnt bug it much, but I wouldnt want to try icecream yet.
hot doesnt seem to bother it at all.
I just saw this! I had no idea you were also undergoing tooth trauma!!! I would have recommended motrin/ibuprofen for tooth pain. My dentist had me taking Tylenol and ibuprofen (one between the doses of the other) after root canal or tooth extraction. (I can''t recall which).

The most important thing, of course, was getting to the dentist! I''m glad that''s taken care of!

ugh ill take back what I said about heat.
got a personal pizza for lunch and a hot peice of sausage hit it.
The whole side of my face flared up .. ooooouuuuuuuccccchhhhhhh
Buy some Sensodyne tooth paste. That will help with the sensitivity issues you are having.
Date: 1/30/2006 2:03:15 PM
Author: strmrdr
ugh ill take back what I said about heat.
got a personal pizza for lunch and a hot peice of sausage hit it.
The whole side of my face flared up .. ooooouuuuuuuccccchhhhhhh
Yeah, thought that might happen.

My husband has been using Sensodyne for the last month, and it does take the edge off a bit, but it doesn''t fix the problem entirely. He still cannot eat grapes, salad, cold drinks, yogurt.....pretty much ANYTHING refrigerated!

And yes, it''s like the whole side of his face flares. Actually, it scrunches up like he''s being stabbed. Not a pretty sight.

Try some ibuprofen or Aleve, too......that also helps.
He definitely needs a ROOT CANAL, Al...!!

The longer he waits with that much pain, the higher the chance that the nerves are slowly dying in the canals which is a very bad thing. When my dentist did my root canal (and I wasn't even in THAT much pain) he said there was so little blood that he knew that the nerves were almost dead. They were just dying from the pain and chronic irritation so they had to be removed. The really bad part is when that pain he is experiencing STOPS entirely, it means the nerves are entirely dead and that bacteria will start growing in the canals, it takes 30 days for that to happen.

So he should definitely do it sooner rather than later!!

ETA: that I think my root canal actually worked, knock on wood...a few days afterwards..last week I had some pain and cold sensitivity which was odd because the nerves are entirely gone so not sure why a crown would have that kind of sensitivity, dentist said to give it some time to calm down, over the weekend it got much better and now it's basically 99% fine...I'm keeping fingers crossed!!
Try a tea bag on the gums where the tooth is...
the tooth right behind the other one broke tonight.. yoooouuucccchhh!
This time it was a soft taco.
I think im giving up eating.
I bet it cracked the same time the other one broke.
Thought it was that one acting up and felt the next one over moving :{
so same song second dance youch! youch! youch!
Yowza, poor Storm. That just sucks big time. Better get to the dentist tomorrow. I wonder why he didn''t notice it when he did the filling?? Maybe he was just concentrating on the tooth at hand. Anyway, hope you feel better and can put these teeth issues behind you. I hate going to the dentist.
strm how often do you visit the dentist? they should be catching these things if you go seems really odd that the tooth right behind the other one broke on a soft taco no less! do you know anything about the bone under the teeth, it sounds like maybe the infection in the teeth went down into the bone and is weakening it!
the last time i went was 9-11-2001 before the other day and that was to pack and cap the tooth I had the root canal done on.
no insurance... no $$ ... and havent seen the need unless ones bugging me.
Iv only had 4 filings (1 root canal) in my life and dont go to the dentist much.
Had the first cavity at age 25
When I get a new job ill go in and have the works done.
and no im not a hill billy and my teeth are plenty white :P
And yes he yelled at me for not coming in for cleanings.
I told him that for the sake of the nation i wasnt coming in after what happened last time but my tooth had other plans.
He didnt think that was funny. lol
Cant believe im typing this out LOL must be the meds.
Strm I hate to say it but you need to see the dentist more often! Even once a YEAR is better than when 'something bad happens'. You said you don't see a need to see them unless something is wrong. Well call me a cynic but two teeth splitting/breaking is NOT normal wear and tear and to me that means you need to be checked out regularly.

Regardless of teeth looking white, what goes on inside the teeth and under the bone is a mystery to us normal people, so you should definitely start seeing the dentist and finding the $$ or making some arrangements with them for a payment plan, unless you want to have problems with more and more teeth as time goes on. After this whole ordeal I had to go through I can't even imagine my teeth breaking in two...yikes.

I'd also venture to say that the cleanings and 6 monthly care or similar to ensure that your teeth and bones are strong and there are no hidden infections are cheaper in the long term than fixing splitting teeth!
Your right mara...
Im going to have to start going more often.
Pretty soon if the new job goes thru ill have insurance and can go twice a year.
I have my fingers and toes crossed for the new job Storm. I really hope you get it. Then you can go to the dentist!!!
Date: 2/2/2006 2:10:26 AM
Author: strmrdr
Pretty soon if the new job goes thru ill have insurance and can go twice a year.

Storm, why don''t you keep us updated on the new job prospect? Maybe in Hangout! I hope we won''t have to hear about it only in threads telling us about broken teeth!!!

whew wasnt broke.
the bite was off and putting pressure differently on the tooth causing it too hurt.

Well that''s good to hear. I thought it was very strange for 2 teeth to break within days of eachother.
Date: 2/2/2006 11:02:02 AM
Author: AGBF

Date: 2/2/2006 2:10:26 AM

Author: strmrdr

Pretty soon if the new job goes thru ill have insurance and can go twice a year.

Storm, why don''t you keep us updated on the new job prospect? Maybe in Hangout! I hope we won''t have to hear about it only in threads telling us about broken teeth!!!



nothing to talk about yet.
time will tell and when it does ill post about it :}
I should just start a blog... the adventures of storm LOL
Date: 2/2/2006 11:22:34 AM
Author: AGBF



Deb near speechless wow thats a first.
YIPES Storm!! I can''t believe it happened to you twice. Hope it gets better soon. Not to get off topic but I went to the dentist the other day for root planing and can you believe my jaws locked open? That was the freakiest thing that''s ever happened to me. And to top it off, while I was waiting for the oral surgeon to come to help me, I was trying to have polite conversation with the hygienist with my completely numbed up mouth that wouldn''t close. It was hilarious now that I think about it. They couldn''t finish the job but I don''t plan on going back anytime soon!
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