
Travel Question: Airport Customs.

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Jun 24, 2008
Will be proposing on vacation. Now, I want to reduce the risk of having my bags searched at customs. Do they search your carry on bag? Meaning, once I board the plane and my carry on is put through the scanner, does it have a chance of going hand checked via customs when I land? I can''t remember if they only go through your luggage and not your carry on if your picked to be searched.

Thanks :)
I''ve had both happen . . . a note in my checked luggage saying it had been searched (minus $50 cash I had in there when I went to the Bahamas), and I''ve been pulled aside twice to have my body patted down and my carry-on luggage searched. Both times that happened there was a code of SSSS or SSSSS on my ticket as I was going through security to tell them to pull me aside. And sometimes, if something in your bag looks suspicious, they might just pull your bag after it''s been through the screener and go through it.

My husband had the engagement ring in his pocket as he went through security on our way to Paris. I think that''s the safest thing to do. It will not set off the metal detector, so the only fear is that you''ll be pulled aside to be patted down. Hopefully if that happens you''ll be taken to screening area where you can say quietly, "I have an engagement ring in my pocket. Please don''t let my girlfriend see it."

If you keep it in your pocket or your carryon, I would put it in a little cloth bag. That won''t attract as much attention as a ring box if you''re being patted down, or alternately, if it''s in your carry-on, it won''t be in a ring box which might get tossed about and brought to your girlfriend''s attention during a search. You can keep the empty box in your checked luggage so that you''ll have it to put the ring in for the actual proposal.

I definitely would not put the ring itself in your checked luggage.

And worst case scenario the ring is found and you say, "I didn''t plan to do this here, but . . ." and get to enjoy the whole trip as an engaged couple, right?

Good luck!
Ahh, good idea. Wrap it in cloth, don''t keep it in box. I kind of want to have the box to do the "classic" opening and presentation when I ask her. But I guess it''s not a "must".
I was just saying you don''t want the box to be visible during a security search. By all means put the box in your checked luggage and reunite it with the ring when you land.
Do not check anything you care about...ever! Just in case you were considering that.
My apologies to the hard working baggage handlers of the world, but its an imperfect set up.
Usually the hand scan deal is just pushing stuff around, not actually taking it all out. And if they do take everything out, its supposed to be behind a partition. Odds are, no one will mess with you, just leaver your liquids and gels at home.
Enjoy proposing!
put the ring in your pocket, it will not set off the detector. (and you will know where it is at all times.)

put the box in your "checked" luggage. the metal in the box will set of the detector...

exciting, good luck!
You''re not putting the ring in your check in bags, right?! Carry it on, put it securely in a safe place in your carry on, and if they want to hand check your bag (I doubt they will over a ring), ask them nicely if you can do it privately. If your GF is standing there, you can try to let her go through the Xray first and let yourself get held back, let a few people go in front of you and wave her to wait away from the machines for you until you''re finished...That way she wont over hear you if you''re asked to open your bag...I travel alot and have lots of iffy looking things in my carry on and I almost never get asked for a bag check.
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