
Traveling with an infant


Nov 12, 2004
Hi gals!!! :wavey:

So we are taking a trip to Florida next month with our soon to be 10 month old, and I'm stressing over how I am going to prep and keep everything together for L! I know many of you have flown/ traveled with your LO's, so was wondering if you can share tips? What do you do in the airport? We will be keeping him on our laps during the flight, but should I still bring the carseat(s)? Stroller(s)? I have a City Mini...should I take that or purchase an umbrella stroller for convenience? He hates the Ergo so forget that. And finally, for sleeping.....hotel crib: yay or nay? Am I bringing the pack n play? Help!!!!!!!!!
We've only travelled with K once...coincidentally when she was 10 months old.

What do you do in the airport?
Mostly just walked around (she was in the Ergo, but we had the stroller, too) until it was time to board. K was still crawling, so the second we'd put her down, she'd crawl to the nearest power outlet or other dangerous area. We also loaded up on snacks and water just in case.

We will be keeping him on our laps during the flight, but should I still bring the carseat(s)? Stroller(s)?
We brought the carseat, but only because we were going to be driving with her and needed the carseat. We checked it with our luggage because K was also a lap baby.

For us, the stroller was useless because K loved the Ergo. But for you, it might be useful. I will admit that the stroller is kind of a pain when going through the security line, but I think you'll need the stroller once you're there (even if you don't really need it at the airport), so bringing it is probably a good idea. If you didn't plan on getting an umbrella stroller, then I wouldn't bother getting one for this trip. But if you'd planned on getting one and just haven't gotten around to it, then it might make sense to go ahead and get it before you leave.

Crib or pack and play?
I have no good advice here since we've never stayed in a hotel with K. I feel like the crib would be, it's one fewer thing for you to bring. But other moms probably have more insight on that than I do.
Dani, we traveled to Florida with K when she was 7 months old. We got her a seat and put her car seat in the seat, but I know you can check the car seat and base. You can also gate check the stroller which is what we did. I would recommend renting a crib so it's more familiar for L. I know K is never in her pack n play anymore. We bought diapers and baby food in FL when we arrived so we would not need to take up valuable suitcase space. We fed K a bottle at take off and landing to help with any potential ear pain and she was fine. Hopefully, you will have a smooth travel experience.
I'm watching this thread with great interest because DH and I are taking the baby to NY from CA for Christmas when she's 3 months old. Normally I never would have considered it, but when I got put on bed rest we had already purchased flights to go this summer. If we don't go in Dec, we'll lose $2,100 from the tickets. :knockout: So I'm trying to banish my irrational fear of germs and start arming myself with tips!
tammy77|1374093154|3484956 said:
So I'm trying to banish my irrational fear of germs and start arming myself with tips!

Tammy brings up a good point. Germs. I'm sort of a germaphobe, as in I never walk around bare footed in a hotel room. We just traveled with B and he was crawling all over the floor. It totally grossed me out but there wasn't a whole lot I could do. Yet, we all survived.
We have traveled multiple times with my 2 DDs when they ranged in age from 4 months to 2.5 years. We plan on flying again next January with all three kids ages 4.5, 3.25, and 2.

Best money spent: $5 tip at the curb. Depending on your airport and the airline, this can be invaluable. They will check you and your bags and escort you to the family/handicap/premium flyer line for security. This is usually a much shorter line.

2nd best money spent: I buy my kids seats. My kids sit strapped into their car seats, buckled to the airline seat. This is the safest way for them to fly, and the reason why my kids have never misbehaved on a flight. Besides unsafe, I find the idea of holding my kid for 2-3 hours uncomfortable for me and them. They find the experience very similar to riding in a car. Usually they fall asleep for the majority of the flight.

Time you flight right. We usually travel really early in the morning, mid afternoon (nap time), or late at night. Any time that they will be most likely to sleep is a good idea.

Snacks. If my kids aren't sleeping they are probably eating. DH and I each have a back pack full of stuff for the kids. Teddy grahams, goldfish crackers, raisins, etc. Last thing you want to do is have a hungry grumpy kid and if they are eating, they can't be crying. Also make sure to have multiple pacifiers, books, toys, and their favorite lovey, stuffed animal, blanket etc.

with liquid restrictions through security, i bring my bottles/sippy cups empty. you can almost always get milk/apple juice/ water in the terminal and fill the cups before getting on the plane.

Have a decent stroller. Airports can be huge and while you don't necessarily need a huge stroller you need one that's easy to push and navigate. I also found that a beefy umbrella can comfortably hold more than one kid in a pinch. FYI, they will want to send the stroller through the xray machine. Baby trend joggers DO NOT fit. They got mine stuck and almost ruined the xray machine belt.