
Tsavorite help!


Jul 4, 2013
Hello all,

This is my first post here after stumbling upon it on Google when searching for information about gemstones, tsavorites in particular.

I am going to propose soon, and my hopefully soon to be fiancé has shown me a picture of a ring she likes ( the only time she has given me any indication what she likes lol ). It was a cushion style (I think) emerald in the middle with a cluster of 3 diamonds either side in a triangle shape.

So this is what I have tried to replicate but given it a slightly modern feel (tsavorite with a round diamond each side on a platinum band) After reading lots about Emeralds being brittle I have opted for a Tsavorite, a jeweller has found one which I am going to view tomorrow, a 1ct emerald cut.

Does anyone have any tips on what I should be looking for/questions to ask? Should they be untreated? It should be clear to the naked eye right as in no inclusions?

Lastly he said its very good quality and the stone is worth £1100 but he will do it for £900 for me, what are peoples thoughts about this? The shop are members of the National Association of Goldsmiths.

Apologies for long winded first post
Not an expert, but I do think a tsavorite would be a tougher gem than emerald. You are right in expecting the tsavorite to be untreated and without inclusions, I think most are supposed to be. One of my friends has a tsav e-ring and its gorgeous. I cannot comment on the price or anything else to look out for as I do not know enough.

My only question is, do you know if your gf likes emerald cuts? A cushion cut looks quite different from an emerald cut in my opinion. Some people love emerald cuts, while others don't. I love cushions but emerald cuts don't do anything for me.. It would be good if you could get a sense of what other shapes she would enjoy before you commit to buying anything.
Thanks for your reply, to be honest she does not really wear rings and I don't want to spoil the surprise by asking what cut off ring she likes :-) but I see where you're coming from.. I have been so pre occupied with the actual stone I have not given much thought to the cut!
The very first shop I went into steered me away from emeralds and they had an emerald cut tsavorite, so I have just stuck with it really..

Just having a look online now I think a cushion cut would look more sparkly :confused:

I won't buy it tomorrow just inspect it and take some photos, see how it looks in real life.

I love tsavorite garnet. However, she probably won't be able to wear that 24/7. She will have to baby it a bit, as it is not as strong as a diamond or sapphire. The color or colors you should be looking for is a medium dark green , or just medium green. Look at some vendor websites from list above. I am not computer literate so I can't link. Someone may come along and link to some nice colors to show you.

I know the cost of gems are more in England than the US, so I think it may be a bit high priced for a one carat stone. Today is a holiday so many people are out today, but tsavorite garnet is a favorite on this forum. I think others will respond.

Good luck

yes she will take it off for work anyway as she works with acetone, so I hope its durable enough for her to wear say 3 days a week.

Indeed it is happy 4th July! :wavey:
It depends on whether she is easy on rings. Garnets are not as durable as diamonds or corundum (sapphires & rubies) but are more so than emeralds. They can chip or crack if banged on something & in time they can show facet wear. It's doable if she takes care -- if the stone is set in a bezel or a halo & not sitting too high, that's one way to protect it a bit. I would not recommend wearing it while doing household chores, gardening, etc.

The most desirable colors are medium to medium-dark green or forest green, with blue overtones. Yellowish-green, too light or too dark, lower value. You want it well saturated throughout the stone, without areas of extinction (where it looks black). Be sure to look at the stone in natural light -- see if the jeweler will at least let you take it to a window. Store lighting is designed to make gems sparkle & ask to go home with you; if it still does that in natural light, listen to it!

There is great info here from some of PS's smartest types (not me!); it might give you more confidence if you take a peek at it.

I've attached photos of some very nice tsavorites from various vendors, to give you an idea. After the 4th, somebody else may chime in with more info for you. Good luck & congratulations!




Ok great thanks for the reply, I will remember it all tomorrow and definitely view it under natural light!!

She wanted a green stone so she will have to take care of it! She will have to take any ring off for work anyway as she handles acetone etc which I presume could damage or mark most I do all the gardening so that won't be a problem ha!

The ones you attached look beautiful! Especially the 3rd one...Let's hoping 'my one' looks nearly as good tomorrow.
Have you seen it yet? Although you prefer the 3rd garnet (round), the trade preferred colour is the deeper green cushion or 4th stone, with a hint of blue.
Yes I saw it, it looked really nice, quite a medium to dark green, the colour was consistant all the way through, I checked it out in the natural daylight as well. I have got a photo but a very poor one as the camera on my phone is not the best for taking pics close up!
I will upload it now.

I did ask for a carat, and the one the supplier sent to the shop was in fact 1.3 carats.

I have a matching pair of round diamonds colour E clarity VVS1 30 points each to go either side in a setting which will be platinum (the other half doesn't wear any yellow gold) but with the middle crown in yellow gold to set the stone off.
The first three look more like mint garnets, especially the third one.

Here it is, not sure if its attached from my phone..

looks way dark to me. My first thought would be tourmaline with a closed C Axis.
Its lighter in real life then on that photo I can assure you! What is a closed c axis?
Difficult to judge when the stone is at such an angle to the camera so I would discount the perceived extinction. The lighting condition also appears quite low, hence any stone will appear darker as a consequence. It would be helpful if a picture is taken with the stone is on the back of the hand, close to natural light by a window. I am curious to see the colour and if it has cut issues. Rest assured that tsavorites do not show a closed C axis.
Hi chrono, yes was a very poor picture was quite rushed as I forgot to take a pic whilst I was there.
It was quite a dim shop with spotlights in but no light source directly above it, after reading about tourmaline I'm a bit worried. I wanted the ring made by the 16th so wasn't going to get a gemologist report...although now I think I will just to be safe (the stone they say is valued at £1100 and have given it to me for £900, I would be deeply disappointed if it was tourmaline).

They have GIA certified diamonds with certificates, and are members of N.A.G. (an association in the UK, out of 200 jewellers shops in this area only 8 are members), with all this I was inclined to believe what they told me. I will have to call them Monday and go in.
Hey, just a quick update, I have got the jeweler to send the stone off today for a Gem identification report, will take about 10 working days for it to come back. So we will know for definite if it a tsavorite (just a really bad picture) or a Tourmaline masquerading as a tsavorite :lol:
I do think it is a tsav as it looks like my friend's tsav, but hers is an oval. She actually wanted a deep green tourmaline at first but found out it was too soft.

So you're pretty sure about this stone? Cut wise and color wise? Does it sparkle at all?
I couldn't tell from your post, is your fiance set on a shape (emerald versus other cuts) and also a particular variety of stone?
Also, what color of green does she want. I do think you get the most "green" color from an emerald but they are less clear and a little more fragile than tsavorites (but then again I wore an emerald for a number of years and had no problems).

If your girlfriend is more open to shape and also color, you can also consider sapphires. They won't be a pure green color, but often come in a variety of bluish-green colors.
The negative, is that you don't get a pure green color. The positive is that sapphires are more durable and she can wear it as an every day ring.
This is my favorite from this site

here is an emerald cut bluish green
Yes it did sparkle, I looked at it in natural daylight outside the shop also. I can't really remember everything about it, I seemed happy when in the shop, it was only when posting up the poorly taken picture my mind started playing tricks on me! lol.

In regards to what the girlfriend prefers I have not had any guidance really, so I am going on what I think looks good. The cut, if I went for more oval or cushion then I get that it would sparkle more, but I kind of like the contrast of the square emerald cut with the round diamonds in the ring.

The colour; I appreciate the alternative suggestions but the sapphire green looks quite washed out, I definitely prefer tsavorite green above others including emeralds - which I feel are just too included or cloudy (well ones that are within my budget :lol: ). It was definitely a much lighter colour then the photo above, but as that's all I have to look at now its clouding my memory!
You know your girlfriend and her tastes best, so don't let us sway your instincts. We are here to clarify, not confuse. I know before I got engaged, I knew nothing about gems except I wanted a sapphire and I was very happy with what my husband picked out for me. It meant a lot that he picked it out himself.

Of course these days I am a lot pickier but I only have myself to blame for that.
I love tsavorite garnets as well, just wanted to give you all the options.
tsavorites and emeralds do have slightly different "greens"and looks (and of course each type of gem comes in a range of tones as well) but it is something you more notice when you see an emerald and a tsavorite next to each other.
Everyone here remembers Pandora's tsavorite ring which is gorgeous, so I do feel the tsavorite will give her that green she wants.
The stone you posted looks a tad dark but that could be the way it is photographed. All stones look a little darker once set.
The gemstone looks dead to me with no sparkle. Any chance of more photos? I still think I would pass on this.
Any updates on your tsavorite search?
Yes I got a call and the stone is back in the shop tomorrow after having the gem identification report done, so I will be going in tomorrow afternoon to see the report and also have another look at the tsavorite itself, this time I will take better pics as I have seen from this forum - in between my fingers outside in daylight and from the top down.
I know taking accurate pictures can be challenging but please don't give up. :)) Also of importance, take note when outside for how much darkening (or even blackish) areas you see and take note of how the tsavorite looks under fluorescent lights, halogen, etc. Please be extra careful not to drop the stone as it might get damaged.

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