
Tsavorite photos


Mar 13, 2012
Here are the photos of the tsavorite. These were professionally taken by Swala (photos taken on an i-phone were previously posted). I think I can see some inclusions, especially in the second photo. Also, in the second photo, is it just the angle the stone is being held at or the lighting but could there something strange going on on the left side just off the center of the stone and also on the right side just off center (tilt window?) ? Again, perhaps the lighting but does the stone looks rather dead looking in the second photo? Also, I am not sure about the symmetry of the stone, especially in the second photo. I couldn't tell much from the first photo. I would appreciate your feedback. Perhaps I am being over-critical because I am trying so hard to evaluate the stone and I am still very inexperienced. Those of you who have been following this thread know how badly I want a tsavorite for my pendant but I certainly don't want a stone with any serious issues.


I don't know. If it's taken in the same lighting conditions as the other stones on their site I'd say it looks like it could be on the darker side. Is this what you're looking for? Depends on your taste.
It's going to be shipped from a long way away so it has to be what you want.
The symmetry seems okay.
I don't know if the second photo is representative of the stone and know that taste is very subjective but I think that the stone looks very dark in the second photo. I would guess that I am not seeing a shadow because this is a professional photo. Africa is certainly a far way off and I can only imagine that a return would be a nightmare.
That's a shadow. Not sure what they are trying to show you with that pic, but that darkness is due to the camera blocking the light. It's not taken in a lightbox or a light setup, so yes, this look is what happens when you are sitting in a room, grab a stone and take a macro pic of it on your hand with no thought towards lighting.
Glad to hear it is a shadow. I am surprised though. Thoughts on the stone would be appreciated.
Exactly, and returning it would also be expensive. It does look dark in that photo I agree. How did they describe the stone?
The stone was described as mid to dark tone.
Medium to dark is a pretty big range. It would be more helpful if he said medium to medium dark or medium dark to dark. As for the pictures, I like the colour in the first picture and would like to see a better straight on picture than the second one. I'm quite sure the darkness is obstruction from the camera (came too close to take the picture).
Thank you, Chrono. I will ask for another picture.
I would not want a medium dark to dark toned tsavorite - they have a tendency to black out. Medium to medium dark would be just right.
Thank you Chrono. I wrote to Swala and they should get back to me with that info and another picture.
Not to disagree with Chrono (well...maybe), tone is subjective. She would not accept a medium-dark to dark, but I would.

I own two Tsavorites of excellent color, one is Medium, the other is Medium-Dark to Dark. In dimmer light, as she says, the darker stone does black out, but in sunlight/bright light, the darker stone blows away the lighter one. Again, personal preference. Trade ideal is Medium Dark.
I was only talking about tone, not saturation. Any stone with stronger saturation will obviously blow away a grayer counterpart. While preferring a certain tone is subjective, the range it falls into isn't.
I don't think tone is subjective. Taste is subject to a host of individuals' experiences. Tone is measurable. One may prefer a darker tone, but one does not then say that one's preferred tone is the new medium

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