


Feb 3, 2010
Me and my SO have been looking for apartments for the last month or so. We finally found a nice place in one of my favorite neighborhoods and at the low end of our price range and put in an application. Well, we got a call back yesterday from the owner/manager saying we got the apartment! It is being renovated right now so it won't be ready til early to mid September which is fine because we aren't in a big rush.

I'm so excited! This has been a long time coming especially considering we've been together for over 6 years! A few months back we had a conversation about when he thought he would be ready to get engaged. He didn't have an exact time line so I was a little worried. He told me that he would have proposed already if it wasn't for the fact that he didn't have the money before and we weren't living together. He said that really now the only thing he's waiting for is for us to live together. He explained he doesn't need to live with me to know that he wants to marry me, he just thinks it shows that you're ready for that next step.

So now after we move in the real waiting will start lol. He doesn't like to talk about it too much because he said I could ruin a surprise so I really have no clue when he is planning on proposing or if he evens knows when. I'm hoping it won't be too long after we move in and could possibly be that same month. Who knows, maybe I'll be one of the lucky ladies being proposed to in September! Wish me lots of luck and dust please!
ooh that is awesome! I think you will really enjoy living with your BF, for me it has been really the best thing :) I am so excited for you!!!
Congrats!! Living together is so much fun! You're going to be so antsy, but as he said, try not to ruin the surprise! Sending you some September luck!
Congrats!! That is very exciting and *DUST* for September!
Thanks everyone! I'm really excited about having a place that is "ours". He's really really excited too so it just makes me that much more happy that we're doing this. I'm gonna make sure I don't even mention getting engaged to him so that he feels like I'm totally not expecting it. Really I don't know what to expect so whenever it happens I'll be surprised!

Such an exciting time in my life :bigsmile:
Aww! Congrats! Me and BF won't be moving in together until next summer but I'm already so excited! I totally understand about how you feel to finally have a place that is just your's and his. That's the part I'm most excited about too!
Thats wonderful news!!! :mrgreen:
Great news! September isn't far off at all!
Thanks again everyone! It looks like there is a possibility the apartment may be ready near the end of August!