
Urgent request


Jan 23, 2008
Many years ago, when i was a more active member we had a family member experience an accidental OD while at a nightclub. She was very young, and was told she wouldn’t make it. I came PS and posted and 10 pages of prayers were waiting her when she recovered (full recovery). I am here seeking that same support again. about a year later i came back and updated the thread and a non faith member was upset and had the whole thread removed for some reason, maybe due to religious talk. Thankfully she read all the love and prayers before it was removed.
We have very close family whos son began having seizures (he is around 11) and a scan showed a mass. They went to remove it yesterday but before they even got started there was bleeding and now he is in the ICU trying to stop the bleeding. I am pasting the update below from my church. If you are a prayer, please pray. Forward to all your praying friends. I know that the global covering ps helped with last time is no doubt what contributed to my hubs cousins full recovery over a decade ago and this little boy still has so much life left to live. Please lift him in prayer today and in the coming days as the bleeding could have caused damage too and we wont know anything until they can do more work when he is stable.


Copying from my church’s page below. Urgent prayer request and asking for a forwarded prayer chain to all your prayer warriors. My friends son had brain surgery to attempt to remove a mass. Doug & Jenny grew up and have family all over the community.

Posting here bc I believe in the power of praying in numbers, not to violate their privacy. Please if you know doug and Jenny just pray and do not reach out today, it is emotionally draining trying to update everyone in the midst of this no doubt.

Hes only 11/12. I have seen miracles, please please please pray with your kids. I know God is faithful! Gathering at the uxbridge free Methodist church for anyone who feels led to join in person.

Hi Everyone.
So Tytus surgery didn’t go as planned. They came across a bleed and have tried to stop it. He’s in the ICU for now and the next 24 hours are critical.
I’m going to be at the Church 11am to pray. If anyone can join me I believe there is power in numbers. I have seen a church gather in prayer before and miracles happen in exceptional ways. We won’t know a lot more for the next little while but what we can do is Pray.

**photo removed by moderator**
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@vintagelover229 sending bucketloads of healing wishes to Tytus and praying for his full recovery. I am so sorry for all this poor child and his family have endured..wishing for a miracle
Prayers, certainly-- but do you think maybe it might be best to remove the child's photo from your post?
Prayers and good wishes outgoing for him!
Poor little chap, I hope he can have the surgery and make a full recovery. Sending lots of positive and healing vibes his way.
Prayers, certainly-- but do you think maybe it might be best to remove the child's photo from your post?

when he is out and doing better I will remove the photo. I believe its good to have a visual and there are public fb posts w the same pic floating around the internet. when he is out of ICU and in recovery mode I will do that for maintaining privacy.
Sending prayers of healing and strength for Tytus, and prayers of wisdom and skill for his doctors, so they get his bleeding controlled and the mass removed as soon as possible.
Praying for you, Tytus.
Will be praying for Tytus and his family.
Prayers are outgoing!
Folks, it is not ok to post a photo of a child that is not yours on the internet, even if it's posted elsewhere. We've removed the photo.
I have permission to share the photo but thanks for trying to keep things safe,

update below:

Update on Tytus:

they are in the process of waking him up. They got the bleeding stopped and are removing the medication that was keeping him under and we will update as soon as we have one. They managed to stop the bleeding last night. Continued prayers for him, they anticipate 10 days in the hospital. They didn’t preform the removal due to complications, and will have to keep an eye on things and update with regards to the mass as time permits. Please keep prayers up as we are praising God for these good reports but we still must be faithful in our prayers!
I send my love and support for this brave little being.
He's fighting so hard; and I'll send any strength I can to both him and the people who love him.
Prayers for a health mind, body and spirit.
Prayers for the little guy, his parents and family.
Prayers and healing vibes sent!
Sending prayers and positive, healing energy
Sending prayers and hugs.

Healing vibes across the miles.

kind regards, Sharon
Sending out energy and strength to Tytus.
Tytus Update from Jenny:

Hi prayer warriors: so God has been busy through your prayers: Tytus is now breathing on his own. They took him off the sedation meds and he can talk to us (though his throat is sore and he is tired from the day's progress). He can sleep a lot better without the uncomfortable tube in his throat.
Thank you so much for your precious prayers
I have permission to share the photo but thanks for trying to keep things safe,

update below:

Update on Tytus:

they are in the process of waking him up. They got the bleeding stopped and are removing the medication that was keeping him under and we will update as soon as we have one. They managed to stop the bleeding last night. Continued prayers for him, they anticipate 10 days in the hospital. They didn’t preform the removal due to complications, and will have to keep an eye on things and update with regards to the mass as time permits. Please keep prayers up as we are praising God for these good reports but we still must be faithful in our prayers!

Prayers sent !
Praying for you, Tytus. Lifting you up and sending lots of love to you and your family.
Thank you for the updates.
Prayers continue.
Prayers sent
Sending well wishes and healing light to the young man and his family. Thank you for showering them with love and compassion. Hope everything continues to improve moving forward x