Well,my impatience finally led to a fight last night. A little background---my boyfriend has been saying we would get engaged in the spring -feb, march time. Well , I know he bought the diamond last Tuesday....He lets it out last night that he hasnt even talked to the jeweler since then ( he bought diamond elsewhere and is having the band made at a jeweler) A WEEK AGO TODAY.... this would , under normal circumstance might not be such a big deal...but we are moving this summer . ...and we wanted to get married this summer so we could go on and buy a house before I start my job. I am a teacher, so this means we have to be done with everything, house, wedding , honeymoon by the beginning of August. I blow up that he has done nothing for a week( he has called the guy twice- if it were me, I would of called everyday) and he sees it as "only a week" ..he does not seem to feel any of these time constraints...and i am just so disappointed..he knows how ready I am and h says he is as well....a week seems just wasted...ughghghghghg