1+Sarahbear621|1317385184|3029580 said:Wow both rings are gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!
For me I would reset into a bezel as you suggested but I love the current setting as well so if you wanted to wear that as a RHR I would be a fantastic CS in there.
Lottie UK|1317321870|3028896 said:CONGRATULATIONS!!!! What a ring and what a lot to celebrate. It is beautiful, I love the setting too. Would love to see many, many more pics please![]()
Hmmm, its my five year wedding anniversary next year as well.........I think I might show this post to Mr L![]()
Kismet|1317324901|3028944 said:It's beautiful Circe! What a great find.
kelpie|1317325034|3028948 said:A zillion more pics please! It's gorgeous!!!!! Congrats!
rosetta|1317326314|3028960 said:Tis gorgeous Circe!![]()
tyty333|1317326477|3028964 said:Congratulations! It is lovely!
yennyfire|1317329882|3029010 said:It's fantastic! What a great way to celebrate all of the special things in your life!
stci|1317331595|3029046 said:Circe|1317322249|3028907 said:You might remember my original e-ring and you might notice, um, a certain family resemblance - well, what can I say, I'm consistent! I love vintage settings, and I love what fishtail prongs do for both shape and security. Once my ring sizes go back to normal, I'm planning to wear my engagement ring as always, and to wear this baby on the middle finger of my right hand. My husband is making vaguely encouraging noises about resetting: he thinks that it'll look funny to have such similar rings on each hand. What do you guys think? I'm torn between loving the setting and style, and daydreaming idly about a bezel ... a Van Craeynest bezel ....
For me, this treasure don't have the style to wear in the middle finger. It's a marvelous ring...!!!!
Future Mrs. Williamson!!|1317331645|3029048 said:wow your new ring is beautiful!!
Congratulations on your baby to be and your 5th anniversary!![]()
I love the setting that it is in now but a van craeynest bezel would be beautiful.
Oh and the blue flour is TDF!![]()
tsavvy|1317331908|3029052 said:Wow! Both of your rings are beautiful. The cut and fluorescence of your new stone is really neat, and the prongs on your original e-ring are gorgeous. I agree with your husband -- the settings are similar and your new stone would look amazing in a VC setting, perhaps 1012-10 or 1020. Congratulations on all the good things in your life![]()
canuk-gal|1317332088|3029057 said:HI:
Gypsy|1317332996|3029068 said:Circe|1317322551|3028909 said:I love looking at that little table and that high crown!
And, as you might remember from my obsessive fixation ... I love fluorescence. Luuuurve it! So it was very important to me to get a stone with flour on this go-round: it's the only thing I've ever seen as a drawback about my original stone, that lack. Et, voila!
SO beautiful. Seriously. It looks like a larger version of the Transitional that was flirting with me yesterday. It was a light bulb and I'm sure yours is too. WOW.
It is AMAZING! Wear it in the best of health!
Kismet|1317334637|3029099 said:Circe|1317322249|3028907 said:You might remember my original e-ring and you might notice, um, a certain family resemblance - well, what can I say, I'm consistent! I love vintage settings, and I love what fishtail prongs do for both shape and security. Once my ring sizes go back to normal, I'm planning to wear my engagement ring as always, and to wear this baby on the middle finger of my right hand. My husband is making vaguely encouraging noises about resetting: he thinks that it'll look funny to have such similar rings on each hand. What do you guys think? I'm torn between loving the setting and style, and daydreaming idly about a bezel ... a Van Craeynest bezel ....
I totally do that. I wear my wedding rings (plain 6 prong YG cathedral setting) and on the middle finger of the same hand I wear my OMC in a 6 prong RG setting. It's actually a picture of the earrings but you can kind of see how it looks.![]()
hmr_mama|1317336133|3029121 said:Okay...I love this and I want one.I'm with your husband though...I have two solitaires and I never wear them at the same time...it does feel/look a little weird to me. On the other hand, if you like the look...go for it!
catwalk82|1317339905|3029166 said:Oh my, absolutely gorgeous!![]()
Yssie|1317340028|3029170 said:eeep![]()
And *look* at that fluor!!
stargurl78|1317340862|3029189 said:Gorgeous ring Circe! Congrats on all of your celebrations![]()
If it were me, I would re-set it...
Christina...|1317341372|3029195 said:I'm sooo jealous! It's beautiful!!![]()
I think I agree with hubby on this one though, I love the current setting, but both rings are so similar that I would be tempted to try something new. And a Van Craeynest bezel sound so perfectly wonderful, how could you resist???![]()
ForteKitty said:It's gorgeous, i love the fluor. pics!![]()
D&T said:woweeee what great finger coverage! its beautiful!![]()
slg47 said:congratulations circe!!! it's gorgeous and what a great find![]()
MrsBettyBoop said:Beautiful!
bright ice said:It's a gorgeous stone! Lucky you![]()
junebug17 said:Wow!!!
It's truly spectacular Circe, just so very beautiful - many congrats!
decodelighted said:Ew boy. Here goes. I'd wear the new anniversary ring, as is, as an engagement ring. And reset my engagement diamond into a bezel milligrain pendant.
**ducks for cover**
smc7277 said:Wow that baby is beautiful!
moosemom said:Congratulations on your anniversary. That diamond is beautiful - what a find.
Amys Bling said:Wow!!!! Congrats on all fronts!
MissGotRocks said:The ring is very lovely - congrats on the ring, anniversary and baby on the way - wow!
vivid2012 said:congrats on the ring.
Dreamer_D said:I love it, and what an unusual cut! Before you explained I was looking at the pics and thinking that the facet pattern looked like a modern RB not like a transitional, but the table is so small and the crown so high... and voila! What fun!
And I agree with Deco![]()
Sarahbear621 said:Wow both rings are gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!
For me I would reset into a bezel as you suggested but I love the current setting as well so if you wanted to wear that as a RHR I would be a fantastic CS in there.
natascha said:I am gobsmacked! That is beautiful!
Strangely i was not expecting it since when I read the thread I missed the 2.5 carats and just saw 5 transitional, so I was expecting to see a five stone. Must be because I want a five stone old cut for our five years anniversary coming up.
I agree with changing the setting and putting a colored gem in the old setting. But I completely understand the loving a certain style and ending up with several rings in the same style. I mean I have a halo on my e-ring and I ended up buying another halo. One thing I would say is make sure that if you change the setting that you change it to something you will love just as much. Otherwise I think you will regret it.
Ok back to drooling at your rings ( by the way the prongs n your e-ring are giving me the shivers, too bad that my stone will not work with that style).
hearts-arrows_girl said:Gorgeous! and LARGE!!!! How exciting. I love the high crown and small table, lotsa fire! That setting is wonderful. I would probably trade off wearing the new 2.5 on my ering finger one day and the original ering on my ering ring finger on another day.
Congrats on your first baby and 5 years together!![]()
Bliss said:GORGEOUS!!!!! I would totally keep that setting - it is MAGICAL! Maybe reset your original e-ring and bezel that?![]()
Amys Bling said:Are you still planning on wearing your original ERing.
mitsui4 said:It is pretty and certainly look great on you!
thing2of2 said:Wow, it's absolutely stunning! It looks HUGE on you and I love the setting! So I'm with deco and dreamer (those sound like reindeer names together)-I'd keep this as is and reset your e-ring!
luv2sparkle said:It's beautiful Circe! I love the setting! I think it is gorgeous. I wouldn't worry about it looking the same on both hands, but if you haloed
it I would keep the marquise going down the band. I love love love it.
My 2.57 is 8.8 X 8.8 so I am sure you hit the 2.5 mark! What a lovely find. Congrats all around!
LGK said:Oh my dear GOD Circe! It's beautiful. Really truly. You got so lucky with the dealer honoring an old quote! I cannot wait to see what you do with the setting.
I bet it is incredibly fiery in person. It definitely does not look like an RB even with the longer LGFs. And fluoro! YUM. I don't have a single stone with fluor, and I do love it and wish at least one did have it. Oh well! I'll live vicariously through yours meanwhile![]()
diamondseeker2006 said:Your diamond is beautiful!!!I'll comment about the settings on your other thread! Love your e-ring, too!
HeartingDiamonds|1317854651|3034136 said:Oh, what a lovely, lovely, LOVELY ring, Circe!![]()
I absolutely adore it, and Im totally jelly now... I have just realized that my forever diamond will be a tranny and I have been searching for the last year or so now, to no avail
( I sold my all-time fave ring some years back and I regret it to this day (the prettiest tranny I have ever laid my hands on - 1.96ct).
Wear in great love, good health, and lost of love for always!!
Ganesha said:What a find! It's gorgeous!!
IIRC, you're in NYC, correct? If you don't mind sharing, I'd love to know the name of the shop where you bought it. Wouldn't mind stopping by to ogle some antique lovelies myself sometime...
Skippy said:Stunning, congrats!!!![]()
HeartingDiamonds|1317963838|3035161 said:I adore your new tranny so, Circe!
And here's a few photos of the stone that I will always long for - if I could find this guy's bigger sister, I'd be set (I swear I'd be, Erica!).