
Wanting but Waiting graduates!

Thank you. I am just a little freaked out. I am going to be starting a new job, moving to a new city, getting married and then having a baby, then finishing my JD... Oh my.
MissStepcut|1331086837|3142403 said:
Thank you. I am just a little freaked out. I am going to be starting a new job, moving to a new city, getting married and then having a baby, then finishing my JD... Oh my.

And you will be SPECTACULAR, just you wait :bigsmile:

PS. We're right here for petrified venting/freak outs/advice/commiserations/help. The mummy boards here are fab.
MissStepcut|1331086837|3142403 said:
Thank you. I am just a little freaked out. I am going to be starting a new job, moving to a new city, getting married and then having a baby, then finishing my JD... Oh my.

First off, congratulations! Second, I just wanted to say that I know a couple women who had babies while we were in law school and it was absolutely fine. One didn't plan on taking any time off, but she ended up taking a semester off because she went late (was due over winter break). The other planned to, and did, take a year. Both now have great jobs and were glad to have the ability to take a decent amount of time off to spend with their little ones with no real impact, career-wise. So really, don't let that part stress you out too much! You will be fine!
MissStepcut said:
I just graduated yesterday with my first positive pregnancy test :shock: :errrr: :o :sick:

It was an accident. Eep!

Congratulations to you, MissStepCut!

It does seem like a lot on your plate but I'm sure you'll manage just fine! Like Echidna said, the mommy boards here are fab, I am a habitual lurker on several here and on thebump and I must say, this is far more supportive!

Congratulations again and I can't wait to hear how everything is progressing!
Wow MissStepCut! Congrats! You'll handle it all and you'll do great, and you'll inspire others on this board like me! Can't wait to follow your journey. Congrats to the many WBW graduates here! Amazing how much has changed in a year or so!

Yeah, my FSIL is really not making me feel too great about the whole parenthood thing. She's not making me feel too great about being an aunt right now, either. Things are rough, to say the least. I know she's going through a lot but it's hard to be supportive when you're being reamed out for showing love for your nephew. It doesn't seem like having a little one is in the cards for us right now, just too much going on. We're also in the unexpected situation of trying to buying a house. Yes, I know most people plan for that, but we had planned to continue renting for at least another year or two and save up. We just found out that our landlord wants to sell the house we live in (which we LOVE), and wants to offer it to us if we're interested. We're TOTALLY interested, but good Lord, how are we going to come up with a couple hundred thousand dollars while planning (and funding) a wedding, me working full time and going to school half time, FI currently looking for work as his contract is ending, dealing with major FSIL issues, etc.? There is just no room for baby planning in all of this, so I guess it's just something I have to let go of for the time being. I guess our time will come when it comes.