
Wedding Saturday and starting to feel under the weather!

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Oct 22, 2005
So, our wedding is sat.

Fi is sick - but starting to get better. He has an immune system of steel and rarely gets sick but I get sick if someone sneezes near me! I''m using that airborne stuff and praying to not get sick for the wedding! I thought I only had to worry about allergies to my parents'' dog but apparantly that''s not the case!

We''re leaving tomorrow at 6pm to drive overnight to MA so hopefully he''ll be feeling better by then because a 13 hour ride while sick will be brutal. I bought him cold eez and cold meds.

Do any of you have any tried and true methods for avoiding getting sick around your wedding? I''ve been really tired lately, and that''s usually the first sign for me that I''m getting sick, so any advice is muchly appreciated!
I''d recommend echinacea and vitamin C along with some rest... I''ll be sending you some good vibes, too!
Get Emergen-C at walgreens, target, or anywhere. It has TONS of vitamin C and a bunch of other stuff and they make an Immune Defense one too. You stir it into some water and drink it. It tastes really good and does a good job of boosting your immune system. Feel better and stop stressing! You''re wedding is gonna be awesome and you are gonna feel like a million bucks!
if you do get sick -- crossing fingers -- try zicam (
and lots of sleep, if that''s possible

good luck! i''m sure you two will be FINE.
airborne, echinacea, and lots of water works for me if i catch it really early. and stay with it even if you feel least up until the wedding, you can relax on your honeymoon and chances are you won''t get sick anyway, that''s the way it works!...hehee.
I highly recommend Vitamin C!!!!!!! I always keep a bottle of it in my house. I start popping those babies the second I feel ill. and Rest REST REST!!! Good luck!
I highly reccomend vitimin C as well.
As for zicam, you MUST read the instructions before using it. A lot of people don''t and it costs them their sense of smell permenantly, so just be aware.
Not just the cold, but treating the individual symptoms can help as well.
I take l-lysine to stop the canker and cold sores which works REALLY well.
I take omega 3 fish oil to prevent joint stiffness.
It depends on what kind of sick you are: Congested? I would take a steam (really, really hot shower) to clear sinuses and take the C and B vitamins. Mucinex DM is fantastic exporant (?sp).
Date: 11/19/2007 7:41:18 PM
Author: Mara
airborne, echinacea, and lots of water works for me if i catch it really early. and stay with it even if you feel least up until the wedding, you can relax on your honeymoon and chances are you won''t get sick anyway, that''s the way it works!...hehee.
Ah, I wish!!! FI and I actually are putting off the honeymood originally b/c of his school (we''re thinking summer or fall). But I just got a new job which requires I start training in Long Island for 4 weeks the monday after the wedding! How''s that for timing???? I''m thankful to have the job, and it''s a real dream job i''m excited, but what awful timing!!!

Thank you everyone for the advice - I took some airborn and tomorrow I''m going to get some echinacea and some emergen-c and zicam just in case. Can''t be too careful!

What is Zicam, btw?

Homemade hot lemon: juice of one lemon, cup of water, grate fresh ginger and zest from lemon. Mix together and boil for two-three minutes. Strain, add honey to taste and drink. If you can handle adding one crushed clove of garlic and a dash of cayenne pepper to the boiling mixture, then go ahead. Otherwise the hot lemon and ginger drink is lovely and soothing.

ooh - also if anyone has any good bloating remedies that''d be good too. Unfortunately it''s my bloating time of month (3rd week of my cycle) and I want to be comfortable and able to breathe in my dress!

What a mess. I hope to not be a sick, bloated bride. I''m going to sleep in the living room tonight. Even though I''m sure I''ve been plenty exposed to FI''s germs and am starting to feel icky myself, but just in case ...
Eating lots of fiber encourages your body to cleanse out more of the bloating. Ginger helps some peope as well.
Avoid salt at all costs and carbonated drinks which add gas to your stomach are not a great help either.
Avoid foods with high natural estrogan, like soy which can add to the problem.
Don''t shoot me ladies, but what about taking a diuretic pill? I KNOW THEY''RE BAD FOR YOU, but if it''s only temporary to help get rid of your tummy bloat and you continue to drink water with them, then what''s the harm? Also try eating a lot of yogurt with active cultures or even taking lactobiotic (which is a supplement-pill with the active cultures in it). Watch your intake of grains, bread, pasta, sugar, beans, and anything hard to digest. Think BRAT diet (bland easy to digest foods like rice, chicken, and bananas).

As for the cold, think happy thoughts, get lots of sleep (as much as possible) and keep drinking your airborne. FI and I swear by it. If you have allergy problems, start taking Claritin (not Claritin D) a few days ahead of time before you get to your parents house because it works better once it''s been in your system awhile. Be sure to crack the window in the car on occasion to keep the air fresh and unstuffy

Good luck, I hope the weather is nice for you this weekend (uh, it snowed last night...)!

YAY for trips to Boston! YAY for your wedding!

Can''t wait to see the pics :)
and I''m worried about rain!!!.....

I really hope you feel better your wedding day! Don''t get stressed and sleep sleep sleep!
I too, suffer from bloating, and my fixes are:

Caffeine (mmmm, coffee)
Stay away from salt - be careful, sooooo many processed foods are high in sodium
Eat yogurt every day (like somebody said above, stick with live cultures)
Avoid foods like salads, cabbage, broccoli, beans, whole grains (like cereal), high-fat foods, and too much dairy the couple days before the target no-bloat day.

Fat slows down digestion (food stays in your stomach longer). Foods that contain a lot of air (like ice cream, air-puffed cereals, carbonated drinks) can be very bloating. Insoluble fiber is healthy, but it can be big on bloat, especially if your body isn''t used to it. Anything hard to digest, like dairy, should be avoided in large quantity.

Hope this helps!
All of my suggestions have been mentioned already, so I''ll just say that I hope you feel better! Can''t wait to see the pictures ASAP!
I ditto CrownJewel- take care of yourself and get some rest. You''re going to need it with or without a cold! And have a great time. You''ll be beautiful!
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