
Weecam and other fellow Canadians


Nov 9, 2019
Hoping either Weecam, whom 'I think' is a fellow Canadian can help me.
....Or any other Canadian out there! :)

I will be using FedEx to have a loose diamond sent to my home in beautiful British Columbia.

I realize I will need to pay provincial taxes, however, I am trying to find out what duty if any will be charged.

I believe if it is a finished ring that was manufactured in the U.S., under NAFTA no duty would be charged.

I'm finding conflicting information on loose diamonds. It may depend on the country of origin...not sure.

FedEx does not know the answer.
I've reached out to the seller but they are hesitant (and rightly so) to provide me any wrong information.

I'm now currently on hold with CBSA (Canada Border Services Agency) is a very very long wait. With winter coming, a way up here in Canada, I fear I will be frozen stiff by the time someone answers!

So, if any of you kind fellow Canadians are out there have ever had a loose stone sent by FedEX can you please fill me on what % of duty is charged if any.

Thank you everyone!
You will be required to pay GST+PST in BC. This would be the same if you bought a finished ring locally.
There is no duty on loose diamonds and finished rings from the US under NAFTA.
FEDEX will either ask you to pay with CC over the phone before delivery starts in Canada, or to pay at a local pick up station.

Having that said, I would not work with a US seller who does not understand how to ship to Canada and how taxes and duties work in Canada.
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Of course, Fed + Prov taxes charged on the USD-Can exchange rate.

The only addition to FP comment--is that FedEx may charge a "brokerage fee" for processing the paperwork. This is not duty. (incidentally, FWIW, the excise tax aka "duty" was scrapped well over 10 years ago.)

Yup, taxes and broker fee from FedEx. Fellow Canadian here.
Awesome! Thanks! That us great to know.
I have purchased both a loose stone (garnet), cut in the USA and a diamond ring (diamond from USA and ring manufactured in USA.
I live near the border, so had them delivered to a FedEx office in the US. So, of course, no brokerage fees.
There was no duty charged when I crossed the border, only GST and PST.
There is no duty on jewellery or stones from the US, under the free trade agreement.
I also purchased a second hand watch from a US jeweller. Since it was a Swiss watch, there was duty and GST and PST. Also a FedEx brokerage fee.
Hope this helps you to know what to expect.
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