
Week 2 - Share Photos: Favorite Alter Shot

We had two weddings, so when I think "altar," I immediately think of the second wedding in the church, but there was no photographer, so there aren''t any true altar shots other than the posed ones afterward.

But I love this one from the first ceremony - to me, it captures how grand the location was, with the light and the trees and the stone of the gazebo, even though it was just a little park.

I love seeing all of the different ceremony styles! Simply gorgeous.

I didn''t really like any of ours from the actual ceremony, but this is my favorite at the end

Since we don't have any great shots at the altar of the 2 of us, my favorite altar shot is also my favorite groom shot.

Ceremony  016.jpg
I love these!

Here's mine of when our rabbi was blessing us and our marriage.
ETA: I look huge next to DH!

Aw I love your picture, Haven! Was the rabbi putting your heads together like that? It's so sweet!

P.S. I am way taller than my husband in our pics, too! I'm about an inch taller than him usually and I wore maybe 3.5" heels for the wedding! I love men who are secure enough to be with taller women!
I love this shot b/c DH and I are laughing at the fact that he looked at the Reverend (our friend) the entire time he was putting my ring on and saying his part (ding dong!)

Date: 11/9/2009 11:18:58 PM
Author: thing2of2
Aw I love your picture, Haven! Was the rabbi putting your heads together like that? It''s so sweet!

P.S. I am way taller than my husband in our pics, too! I''m about an inch taller than him usually and I wore maybe 3.5'' heels for the wedding! I love men who are secure enough to be with taller women!

I am 2" taller than my DH but most of our wedding pics were taken on an angle (not intentional but it does equalize us) so its not obvious. I do admire his confidence to be with a woman with quite a bit in height on him. He and his brother (who is about 5''4") are just fine with the way they are!

Haven- I had never noticed all the various lengths in your veil. I can see why you didn''t take it off for the entire reception!
Yay for taller brides!

I look like I''m towering over DH in a lot of the alter pics, so I chose this one. I like that it''s kinda artsy, and shows the whole bridal party.

Date: 11/9/2009 11:18:58 PM
Author: thing2of2
Aw I love your picture, Haven! Was the rabbi putting your heads together like that? It''s so sweet!

P.S. I am way taller than my husband in our pics, too! I''m about an inch taller than him usually and I wore maybe 3.5'' heels for the wedding! I love men who are secure enough to be with taller women!
He was putting our heads together, yes. I loved that moment.

I''m about an inch taller than my DH, too, AND, I wore 3.5 heels for our wedding, too. We''re height differential twins!
Sorry I''m late to the party!! I''ve got two faves - prolly not allowed but here goes :-)


Date: 11/10/2009 10:53:47 PM
Author: Clairitek
Date: 11/9/2009 11:18:58 PM
Author: thing2of2
Aw I love your picture, Haven! Was the rabbi putting your heads together like that? It''s so sweet!

P.S. I am way taller than my husband in our pics, too! I''m about an inch taller than him usually and I wore maybe 3.5'' heels for the wedding! I love men who are secure enough to be with taller women!

I am 2'' taller than my DH but most of our wedding pics were taken on an angle (not intentional but it does equalize us) so its not obvious. I do admire his confidence to be with a woman with quite a bit in height on him. He and his brother (who is about 5''4'') are just fine with the way they are!

Haven- I had never noticed all the various lengths in your veil. I can see why you didn''t take it off for the entire reception!
Thanks, Clairi! I do love that veil, even if it isn''t really most people''s style.
And let''s hear it for our confident, short-ish men!
Once again beautiful pictures ladies

Katamari-I may have missed your pic thread but am going to search for it now! It looks so lovely
I just love this one for some odd reason, I remember why I was laughing too!

This one is a hard one. There are so many great pictures and great moments to choose from, but I currently have this picture as the desktop background on my computer, so I''m going to choose this one. The Official Kiss!!!

Ceremony 127 - The Kissie.JPG
Mountain View Lutheran Church
Las Vegas, Nevada
August 24th 2008

Also late... but better late than never! My favorite shot of the ceremony

Our Wedding Photos 3871.JPG
these are all so sweet!

my favorite of ours was taken at the very beginning of the ceremony when my uncle was giving a homily. everyone else was being attentive and i was being....reflective?

Date: 11/11/2009 6:14:51 PM
Author: fiery
Once again beautiful pictures ladies

Katamari-I may have missed your pic thread but am going to search for it now! It looks so lovely

Thanks so much, fiery! It was probably around the time you had your DD. I just posted links in the PS Weddings sticky in BWW.
I think I like this one best...I got a little choked up saying my vows

Exchanging rings..

Here''s my favorite-us leaving, blissfully happy. Also, in the background is the theme song to Indiana Jones...

new 018.jpg
This is one of my favorites out of all the photos of the day..

Photography by Ashley Photography

We didn''t get married in a church, but this is the ceremony shot I like. I love the building- the beams, wood, art deco stained glass, and how this photo shows all of that.

I finally got some digital pics so I'm ready to play! Our ceremony was super short and I don't have a whole lot of altar shots, but I liked this one. The colors are really vibrant and it captures the scenery that we love so much.

LB_170 altar.jpg
Love love your dress elrohwen can''t wait to see more of it in action!
Date: 12/9/2009 9:53:36 AM
Author: luvbug
Love love your dress elrohwen can''t wait to see more of it in action!
Thank you! I loved my dress too
I love that this one shows the whole ceremony spot, guests, and us!

This photo - I love it which is great because there are not many of me at the ceremony that I am happy with.

I''ve been so slow at getting pics up on here-here''s one of my favourite alter shots, our first kiss
