
Week 4 - Share Photos: Favorite Wedding Shoes

Ben our photog took my shoes when i was down on the beach and snapped this one

My shoes....

I don''t have all my photos back yet so this is just a preview/thumbnail shot - loved my shoes!

Gosh, I have a few but i think this one''s my favorite

I really wanted beaded shoes, and I knew I would never find any to match my dress, so I wore these. I am 5''2" and with a wider skirt, I needed all the height I could get, so these were 4" tall, but not very comfortable.
What you can''t see is right after this pic, my mom taped a coin into my shoe. She looked up the rhyme and the full thing is:
"some old,
something new,
something borrowed,
something blue,
and a half penny in your shoe".
My mom actually got all of these, even a real English half penny, which she taped in my shoe. It was so sweet I almost started crying.

katamari, love your shoes and the vibrant colours! What are they, might I ask??
My shoes were cheapo Colorific wedge heels. I got married outside so I definitely went with comfort over style!

I had two pairs, so I'm cheating!
Pair one, which I wore for the ceremony


Pair two, my delicious Loubies

I had a terrible time deciding on shoes, I bought a total of four pairs and was willing splurge if necessary. Fortunately, these ones were the most confortable and the least expensive! When does that ever happen?! I love them and they served me well - not one blister after wearing them the whole night!

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I looooved my shoes! Too bad I have no idea where they are now!

Here are my shoes :)rsz_shoes.jpg
Here comes yelllllow! My juicy yellow (dyed) Kate Spade Evies... sadly they gave me the most horrific blister that covered nearly my entire right big toe down to the ball of my foot (including all under the toe which KILLED). This has NEVER happened to me in my life, so it could possibly have been due to the rigorous pedicure I got 2 nights before the wedding though, in defense of Kate! That blister seriously impaired my enjoyment of the first 3 days of the honeymoon though, no joke!

Here are mine, I didn't have a lot of shoe photos to choose from, I think this one shows them off best. This was the only pair of shoes I wore, so I guess they are favorite by default? But I love them.

Here are mine...
The SW pair was surprisingly more comfy than the Dessy pair, probably due to the lack of padding.

Ceremony Shoes

Reception Shoes


Yay shoes! Notice the bandaid on our flower girl (white sandles) :cheeky:

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I got HORRIBLE poison oak all over my legs the week of our wedding. Ha!

This one is really really hard for me as through the course of the day I wore three pairs of shoes -- classic ivory wedding shoes, gold sequined peep-toes for the reception, and a pair of pink floral rainboots when we were out taking pictures! Not only that, but the soles of the wedding shoes said "I DO" in pearls and the gold shoes said "I DID" in crystals! GAH! I don't know what to pick!

But...I guess I'll go with the classics. Somewhere else I'll post my whole shoe collage! :lol:

I have two.....


I have some good close-up ones, but I thought this one was fun.

Here are my shoes, just hanging out in the garden :sun:

I have a feeling that my fave shoe shot is going to come from my TTD sesh (from the same shoe-lovin' photog as rachie and ladyciel) but since I won't have those for's my fave from what I currently have!

LOVED my purple satin SWs...I bought them before I bought the dress!

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ladypirate|1310706978|2969437 said:
I got HORRIBLE poison oak all over my legs the week of our wedding. Ha!


Oh you poor thing...but cute shoes!

SB, love that shot. And I love the color you picked for your pedicure!

AMZ! We need more pictures of your gorgeous wedding, girlie! LOVED your shoes!

Champagne shoes with my champagne bouquet :))
Both our shoes (and his pink socks!)

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Sparkly gold shoes!

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Pretty shoes everyoneee!! :love: :love:
David Tate shoes -- not showing up well in the picture, but the center thing was really pretty and sparkly!
ETA -- they are a really deep navy blue that actually look navy in person and not so dark as they seem here

Beautiful! Here's mine!I have two pictures of just my shoes from the "getting ready" shots that are very pretty and show the details of the shoes better, but I love this one because you can see the bottom of my dress, my flowers, and it's during our ceremony! I cheat by posting of just the shoes, and one of my wearing the shoes!

My shoes were purchased from DSW and the brand is b.o.c. (born on concept). I changed them by hand painting in the black b.o.c. logo that was on the side of the shoe (you can't even tell!) and changing the flower on the toe from the leather sunflower it came with to this satin and rhinestone/pearl flower I got at a craft store. I loved loved loved how comfortable they were and wore them all day with no troubles at all. And now I have cute wedding flats I can wear with jeans and a top for anniversaries!

