
Weekly Workout Thread 5th Feb till 11th Feb

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Hi everyone!

I've just read the detox thread that mara linked to, and am interested in doing it. Any other takers?

We're going overseas next Thursday for 4-6 wks, so I think I will start the detox tonight in order to get in one full wk. That means I have to get to the market and buy more vegies and brown rice plus some tofu. Is black tea ok on the detox? If it's not, maybe I'll stock up on green tea.. erm.. hang on.. is green tea ok?

I've only gotten 1 day of exercise in this wk, but have a session with the trainer tmr and friday I am going to go in and do more cardio, so hopefully I will reach my wkly calorie goal by friday!

I need to do some planning for our holiday so I don't wreck all my hard work so far! Any tips on eating whilst travelling?

Roppongi - 28days of detox! Wow! Did it get easier as u go along?

ETA: Oops comment to roppongi was for detox thread.
fun link to check out:

i took the quiz about calories and only got 3 out of 9 but the good news was i was overestimating most things, not UNDERestimating them.

some scary facts:

a serving of spaghetti and meatballs is 1000 calories, 3x what it was 20 years ago.
a 3oz bagel 20 years ago was about 140 cals and now it''s more like 6oz and 350 cals.
today''s average cheeseburger is something like 650 cals!
today''s average serving of fries is something like 550-650 cals (can''t remember exactly)

most of the things on the quiz said that today''s portions were about 3x what they were 20 years ago!

nejarb: working out can be tough if you are working 60+ hour weeks or if you are having to come in on the weekends (fellow lawyer). There''s always a lunch break! You''ll find the time and probably appreciate the exercise even more. are you temping?
hehe jade leaves, not interested in doing it again (i didn''t post the thread from the next time we did it...where we all fell off the wagon within 2 days or something like that and were like ''forget it'')....but good luck!!

it is possible to do it in a positive way which we all did, and 5 days for us was doable. honestly i don''t know that i felt any BETTER necessarily, one way or another though that is when i saw some progress on the scale...but i typically eat pretty well to begin with so i thought maybe it would be more effective for someone who was going from a really horrible caffeine and fat loaded diet to that detox. i did notice i becames more ''regular'' (tmi!) with all the brown rice and all that, lol.

in any case, keep us posted!! i did find that i like brown rice more than i thought! i also really like wild rice as well.
Date: 2/6/2007 3:20:36 PM
Author: nejarb
i think i micalculated earlier, b/c i'm only at 840 for the day and my dinner is going to be 500 cal. plus, i already had my snack--the fiber one bar, just got them today and they're great. yum! so maybe even w/ a glass of wine i'll come in under 1500 today! that's pretty exciting for me. and if i get too hungry before dinner i'll just have another 100 cal snack, and it'll still be a low cal day (well, for me). i also bought some south beach diet peanut butter cookies--100 cal for 2. i'll report back on those today or tomarrow.
my days of leisure with my 9am-11am gym sessions may be coming to an end, at least temporarily. i've just been working about 2 hours a week so far this year as a tutor, but now i have an interview for a temporary position (2 months) at a big law firm to help w/ research on some case or something, and i think it's a full time gig while it lasts. i've never actually worked a 40+ hr week, just school and part time jobs. i'm really into my exercise groove, and i want to keep that up, but i honestly don't know how people do it when they're working full time. housekeeper? takeout? wake up at 5:00 am every morning for the gym? how do you working ladies (and rod) do it? as far as i'm concerned, you're all super-women, and although i'll probably fail, i want to know your secrets!

We do not have kids yet, so this is not too hard - although we don't really have normal dinners during the week and it is very hard to get involved in organizations because if you do, they take up most days of the week making it hard to work out. My schedule is get up at 7:30 am, get to work at 9 am, work till 6pm, get home at 7 pm and workout from 8 to 9:15 pm. Back home at 9:30 pm, shower, protein shake, laundry and then bed time at around 11 pm.

So follow up questions:
Do any of you work full time and have kids? Or are you involved in organizations (ie Volunteering)? How do you manage your workout time and house duties - ie, cooking, cleaning, straightening? I can make my husband fend for food (he is actually abetter cook than me), but I know this will be extremely difficult with kids.
How many hours a week do you all work and how long do you stay at the gym for during the week? How many times a week? And how many hours on the weekend? I do 45 minutes of cardio and about 30 minutes of weights 3 – 4 days a week - I have been working out pretty consistently and running for 8 years and can not imagine those loooong gym sessions of 3 hours. Once I get too sweaty, I must get home and shower right away, if not (and this is somewhat tmi), I may get a uti...anyone else get these from sweating and not showering right away?

Whew, ok, lots of questions, so hopefully you can weigh in (ha, pun intended!).


merrijoy for's just us and our dog. typically a workout day for me is..up at 7:45am, eat breakfast, and into work by 9:30am, out at 5pm, at gym by 5:30pm, leave gym 7pm, head to supermarket next to the gym for groceries or dinner makings or whatever, head home (or to daycare to pick up our dog), shower, make dinner by 8pm. relax on couch til 10:30pm (and usually do about 30 minutes of work each night on my laptop while watching TV), then bed around 11pm. on days i don't work out i am home by 6pm with dog in tow as well. my husband typically gets home by 7pm. sometimes my dog stays home and sometimes she goes to mom also assists us with picking her up early etc. so our schedule varies. my husband cleans the kitchen each evening..that doesn't vary! our deal is i cook, he cleans.

but we don't really do any laundry or tidying of the house or anything like that til the weekends, when we do anything that needs to be's just us and we don't 'use' most areas of the house during the week so everything stays pretty clean and tidy. also on the weekends we run errands like dry cleaning etc etc. i try not to 'overload' my weekdays and nights so that i don't have too many errands to run, aka if i have to go to the drugstore then fine...but whatever we can put off til the wkd we typically do. i also don't typically take lunch hours at work unless it's a group thing or i am meeting a friend or something. it allows me to leave pretty much always at 5pm (even though i also work from home in the evenings and a bit on the weekends) so that my 'schedule' stays intact.

sometimes i get overwhelmed with where i have to be next or what i have to do but for the most part i know my 'mental' limits and i try to avoid overscheduling us on weekends or myself during the week. and for the most part it works out quite nicely. on the weekends i go to the gym on sunday afternoons typically and spend 2 hours's kind of my more 'relaxed' day where i typically don't have to BE anywhere by any given point in time. i also can hit up trader joe's on my way home and stock up for the week...though i have one near my office so i sometimes go during lunch for a quick getaway.

rambling but hope this helps!!
Date: 2/6/2007 5:22:46 PM
Author: Mara
merrijoy for''s just us and our dog. typically a workout day for me is..up at 7:45am, eat breakfast, and into work by 9:30am, out at 5pm, at gym by 5:30pm, leave gym 7pm, head to supermarket next to the gym for groceries or dinner makings or whatever, head home (or to daycare to pick up our dog), shower, make dinner by 8pm. relax on couch til 10:30pm (and usually do about 30 minutes of work each night on my laptop while watching TV), then bed around 11pm. on days i don''t work out i am home by 6pm with dog in tow as well. my husband typically gets home by 7pm. sometimes my dog stays home and sometimes she goes to mom also assists us with picking her up early etc. so our schedule varies. my husband cleans the kitchen each evening..that doesn''t vary! our deal is i cook, he cleans.

but we don''t really do any laundry or tidying of the house or anything like that til the weekends, when we do anything that needs to be''s just us and we don''t ''use'' most areas of the house during the week so everything stays pretty clean and tidy. also on the weekends we run errands like dry cleaning etc etc. i try not to ''overload'' my weekdays and nights so that i don''t have too many errands to run, aka if i have to go to the drugstore then fine...but whatever we can put off til the wkd we typically do. i also don''t typically take lunch hours at work unless it''s a group thing or i am meeting a friend or something. it allows me to leave pretty much always at 5pm (even though i also work from home in the evenings and a bit on the weekends) so that my ''schedule'' stays intact.

sometimes i get overwhelmed with where i have to be next or what i have to do but for the most part i know my ''mental'' limits and i try to avoid overscheduling us on weekends or myself during the week. and for the most part it works out quite nicely. on the weekends i go to the gym on sunday afternoons typically and spend 2 hours''s kind of my more ''relaxed'' day where i typically don''t have to BE anywhere by any given point in time. i also can hit up trader joe''s on my way home and stock up for the week...though i have one near my office so i sometimes go during lunch for a quick getaway.

rambling but hope this helps!!
Yes, all of this info does help, thanks! I never take a lunch either, but I always have so much work to do and I am busy at work from 9 am to 6 pm straight, so no getting out earlier for me. I went to a doctors appointment today, so that is why I am at home and able to type this early. I always go home first because I do not like to leave my purse in my car as my car was broken into at the gym in November and purse was stolen.
My dog (14 years old Miniature Schnauzer – my avatar picture) passed away in December, but I used to rush home to take care of her - no doggie day care. I was not going to the gym as much because I wanted to spend as much time as possible with her.
I do laundry almost everyday because I can not stand the sweaty gym clothes in the hamper too long – I have somewhat OCD so I feel compelled to do laundry almost daily.
What I meant by tidying is dusting, wiping, windexing, etc, Our furniture gets dusty every 2 days or so, and I hate dust, and the mirrors in the bathroom always need windexing, and the floor always needs mopping or wiping, etc.
And not that we have stuff laying around either as it also just the two of us. My husband is a CPA and works late now till the end of tax season, so I am pretty much on my own for 3 months.

I am very much a “giver”, so I love to volunteer my time, but I am also somewhat selfish and love the “my gym/running time”. So it is very hard for me to say no to organizations. It is such a quandary for me.

Dee Jay:
roppongi, I think giving all that up for 28 days would kill me... No wine to go with the steak that I''m also not having along with the baked potato that missing too -- YIKES!

Dee Jay: You never cease to amaze crack me up. It really wasn''t so bad and the energy that kicked in was incredible. I was feeling horrible from September - December and I had to do something about it. I feel really healthy now.

Husband and I have two boys and since they are in Private School in the City, we have no choice but to Volunteer at the schools. 40 hours for our eldest and 10 hours for our youngest. We both work full time, husband works for an investment bank and I work in consulting. We are running the boys around to their sporting events, practices and academic coaches etc... four days a week.

We have a housekeeper that comes every Wednesday she does everything except laundry which I don''t mind doing everyday so it doesn''t get backlogged. Husband is a great cook, so he does most of the cooking which he enjoys. Husband works out during the day at Equinox and I belong to a Pilates Studio near my house, I go after work for an hour, twice a week. I am also a morning person so waking up at 5:00 am to walk on the treadmill for an hour isn''t hard for me to do. On Saturday and Sunday mornings, husband hikes first for about 2 hours and I hike when he gets back 2 - 3 hours. That way we each have one one one time with the kids which is fun.

We stagger our schedules during the week so we have more time together with the kids at night and during the weekend. It really isn''t that bad.

You will find a schedule that will work for you and your husband.
i dunno, i can''t see myself going ot the gym after work. all i want to do is go home, put on comfy clothes, straighten up, start dinner, pour a glass of wine, etc. i''d rather get up early. even if it''s really early--i think it''ll work better, i just have to get used to it. and maybe i''ll just do it 1-2 days a week and then go every sat & sun. also, the job, the gym, and my apt are all within a few blocks of each other! i''m just a baby.

lulu, i guess it''s temping. it''s a temporary position. but i didn''t go through an agency or anything like that. the thing is that i just graduated, but i''m not licensed and not taking the feb bar b/c me & fi are moving out of state this summer. so i''ve been planning my wedding, exercising, sort-of hoping to get more tutoring jobs, praying i don''t forget everything i learned in law school, etc. then this opportunity fell in my lap w/ this firm that wants a JD but doesn''t require a licensed JD. i''m fine w/ my current situation, but it''s sort of selfish (and short-sighted) b/c we''re trying to save as much $ as we can at this point in our lives, and whatever i can earn right now is just $ in the bank, so if i can make 1k+ a week for 8 weeks or something like that, it''s hard to say "well, getting in shape, improving my cooking skils, etc is worth 8k, so i''m not going to take a temporary job." i just didn''t think an opportunity like this would come up, and it seemed SO unlikely that it wouldn''t have made any sense to actually seek it out. i would''ve spent a month just calling firms, sending out my resume, having coffee w/ attorneys, etc, you know? and now that i''m cut off from my westlaw/lexis accounts, it''s not like i can just call up solo lawyers and offer to come do research for them for $15 or $20 an hour. i''m not entirely clear about the position. i think it''s a research/library thing. maybe to fill in for someone on maternity leave? i''ll find out more about it in a few days.
Date: 2/6/2007 1:55:49 PM
Author: roppongi

I have been crazed busy and haven''t been around much but I absolutely love this thread and thought I would contribute to it.

I went on this ''detox'' for 28 days and cannot tell you how great I feel. Seriously, the amount of energy that I have and how my body responded to the detox has been incredible.

Basically for 28 days I gave up:

All Dairy Products
Diet Soda or the use of sweetner
Red Meat
Complex Carbs

I jacked up my intake of tofu, fish, chicken, ground turkey, legumes, leafy green vegetables, and whole grains. I also started walking every morning for 45 minutes - 60 minutes, going on 7 - 10 miles hikes on the weekends and increased my pilates equipment class to twice a week and I started lifting weights.

I still haven''t had any dairy, coffee, diet soda, or sweetner. I read that coffee increases your adrenalin, which can cause the secretion of cortisol which is the major cause of bloating and storage of excess fat. I have maybe 1 or 2 glasses of wine on the weekends and have started eating a little red meat again. When I have a choice, I will always choose whole grains over starchy complex carbs.

At 5''0 tall and weighing 105, I didn''t want to lose any weight, I just wanted to get more tone and muscle definition. The scale this morning said 103, and I''ll take it.

I thought it was going to be super hard giving up the things that I loved to eat....but after 28 days, I don''t crave it anymore. I can actually go to dinner, a party, a work event and not be tempted.

Just thought I would share.


Thank you for your answers earlier - one question on the volunteering - I assume that those hours are for the whole school year?

Highlighted above about the coffee - I stopped drinking coffee before our wedding last year and I dropped 5 pounds right away. I started drinking coffee again after the wedding and the weight went back up 5 pounds. I stopped coffee over 1 month ago because of IBS like stomach pains and the 5 pounds dropped off again! I tell people this and they think I am crazy - they say you must have been putting lots of sugar in - nope, no sugar, a little skim milk, or soy milk and 3 splenda.

Anyway, do you know where you found the information about the coffee and adrenalin and cortisol? I was just relaying this info to my dad and he asked if these affects come from decaf as well?

Thank you for your help!

i can't give up my morning coffee, but i did give up sugar in it. hehe.

for those of you looking for a little valentine's day splurgey goodness YET without the splurge, check this out!

gayle's 30 calorie truffles:

my girlfriend found them recommended on hungry girl and apparently the reviews say they taste just like the full fat/calorie version? i gotta try it. they have been featured in a bunch of mags too which hopefully means they are good.

so $40 later i have 4 bags of truffles on their way to i will not eat them all (i don't like chocolate that much!) but shipping was going to be $15+ anyway so i figured i'd order all 4 diff flavors (chocolate raspberry, chocolate mint, dark chocolate and milk chocolate) and test them out and then give some to my coworkers and mom etc since i was going to pay shipping anyway.

i like chocolate and candies but i don't snack on them typically. i think we have some from xmas just sitting around...i won't eat them unless they are see's candies and then only if they are my favorite ones. hehe. i was going to ask greg to get me a little baggie of my favorites from see's rather than a box or anything but maybe now i won't need to !
Mara - I ordered the Gayle''s truffles, for both DH and I. We both love chocolate, and he''s been trying to watch what he eats because apparently I''m not the only one who gained some post-wedding weight and is trying to take it off hehe
Anyway, they are pretty good, but they don''t quite taste as good as See''s. The cappucino I think were my favorite, which was weird because I don''t normally love coffee stuff. For 30 calories a pop though they definitely satisfy a chocolate craving for me, so i think they are worthwhile having around.

So more good news here - I did my weigh-in today instead of yesterday because my schedule was mixed up, but the good news is that I lots another 2 lbs since last week! I''m very pleased that this weight loss is continuing so steadily, fingers crossed it keeps up because I have about 15-20 lbs more that I''d like to lose to get to a good place.
Today I''m clocking in at 1390 cals (those 3 Muskateers bars in the middle of the day have come to an END as of right now!) and there was no workout for me tonight because I was out with my client. But tomorrow I plan on being more toward the 1200 cal mark and I''ll get a good workout in.

My butt muscles are still a little sore from kicking up the incline and the resistance from yesterday, plus burning 650 cals made me feel good too. Now my new goal: 700 cals an hour!
Date: 2/6/2007 8:22:56 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
Today I''m clocking in at 1390 cals (those 3 Muskateers bars in the middle of the day have come to an END as of right now!) and there was no workout for me tonight because I was out with my client. But tomorrow I plan on being more toward the 1200 cal mark and I''ll get a good workout in.

My butt muscles are still a little sore from kicking up the incline and the resistance from yesterday, plus burning 650 cals made me feel good too. Now my new goal: 700 cals an hour!

1200 cal tomorrow? 700 cal/hr? you''re a maniac! that''s great! wait--you''re not going to try both in the same day? is that even safe? be careful. i would limit my cardio to 200-300 cal on a day that i was only going to consume 1200 cal.
Date: 2/6/2007 8:37:42 PM
Author: nejarb
Date: 2/6/2007 8:22:56 PM

Author: Dee*Jay

Today I''m clocking in at 1390 cals (those 3 Muskateers bars in the middle of the day have come to an END as of right now!) and there was no workout for me tonight because I was out with my client. But tomorrow I plan on being more toward the 1200 cal mark and I''ll get a good workout in.

My butt muscles are still a little sore from kicking up the incline and the resistance from yesterday, plus burning 650 cals made me feel good too. Now my new goal: 700 cals an hour!

1200 cal tomorrow? 700 cal/hr? you''re a maniac! that''s great! wait--you''re not going to try both in the same day? is that even safe? be careful. i would limit my cardio to 200-300 cal on a day that i was only going to consume 1200 cal.

Oh no -- is that bad? My goal is always to stay toward the 1200/1300 cal range (although there are invariably a few days during the week when we go out or I end up splurging for some other reason) and I''ve been getting in 4-5 workouts a week for more than 600 cals each (so some low cal eating days overlap with some high cal workout days). It doesn''t *seem* bad... ???
Regarding chocolate: I just get the dark chocolate with a high percentage of Cacao and I have maybe 2 - 3 squares per week. The one I have is Hershey's All Natural Extra Dark - Pure Dark Chocolate with 60% Cacao.
I am looking at the box right now and the nutrition facts are each square is 10 g and each square has 52 calories. I piece totally satisfies a sweet tooth.
You can find these in any grocery/convenience store and they are not as expensive as the truffles.

Oh, and check out this link on how beneficial dark chocolate is:


I don''t think it''s bad, if your body is responding well to it. I would just be very aware of my body''s reactions (getting tired easier, etc.) and increase calorie intake if you sense problems.
Date: 2/6/2007 3:31:24 PM
Author: KimberlyH

Date: 2/6/2007 3:20:36 PM
Author: nejarb
i think i micalculated earlier, b/c i''m only at 840 for the day and my dinner is going to be 500 cal. plus, i already had my snack--the fiber one bar, just got them today and they''re great. yum! so maybe even w/ a glass of wine i''ll come in under 1500 today! that''s pretty exciting for me. and if i get too hungry before dinner i''ll just have another 100 cal snack, and it''ll still be a low cal day (well, for me). i also bought some south beach diet peanut butter cookies--100 cal for 2. i''ll report back on those today or tomarrow.

my days of leisure with my 9am-11am gym sessions may be coming to an end, at least temporarily. i''ve just been working about 2 hours a week so far this year as a tutor, but now i have an interview for a temporary position (2 months) at a big law firm to help w/ research on some case or something, and i think it''s a full time gig while it lasts. i''ve never actually worked a 40+ hr week, just school and part time jobs. i''m really into my exercise groove, and i want to keep that up, but i honestly don''t know how people do it when they''re working full time. housekeeper? takeout? wake up at 5:00 am every morning for the gym? how do you working ladies (and rod) do it? as far as i''m concerned, you''re all super-women, and although i''ll probably fail, i want to know your secrets!
Nejarb, it was for this exact reason that I bought an elliptical. When I first moved to SD we had a strict schedule to adhere to because we had to have dinner w/ my MIL (otherwise she wouldn''t eat) and she had to eat at 6:15. I got up for work at 5:30 and just couldn''t see waking up any earlier to work out. So I plopped the elliptical in my living room and after dinner w/ MIL we would go home and DH/then BF would watch TV and I would work out.

If I were you I would choose 2 weekdays that were workout days, no backing out. And then the other two days would be weekends, at your leisure. But you just have to tell yourself that not doing it is just plain not an option.
Kimberly gave you sage advice Nejarb. You have to make the decision that exercise isn''t a luxury, it''s a lifestyle, an obligation, a part of your life you can''t ignore or give up. FOr me, it''s that simple. I have a very demanding job. I get up at 6:30 every morning and I''m in the office by 8 or 8:15 every day. And I work until about 6 PM every night. Then, I go directly from the office to the gym because I know if went home, I''d skip working out. So for me, I put my gym bag in my car''s trunk every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursady morning so I can go directly to the gym. I realize I may be a bit extreme on working out 5 days a week, but the results have been so positive for me that not working out just isn''t an option for me at this time.

We all hope your interview goes well and you get the job. Once you do, pick the days you want to go to the gym and make it happen. Either get up really early (not something I want to do), or go after work, but pick a schedule and stick with it.

Good luck on the interview Nejarb!!

I have three weight management books on my nightstand and I am 90% sure I read it from the Abs Diet by David Zinczenko, the Editor in Chief of Men''s Health. I highly recommend this book.

Also, if you are just getting started with an exercise routine, I would recommend Prevention Magazine. Just make sure you pick something that is fun and will not lead to burn out.

A question: what is the hungry girl? you guys have mentioned this a few times. just curious?
mara, just checked out the quiz and I overestimated a few of them too. I missed the coffee one but I thought they were just comparing plain old coffee with plain old coffee, not plain vs. the mocha''s of today and I just can''t believe the 1025 for the spaghetti (eek). i did the BMI calculator too and I was in a 19. Hubby did not fair so well at 27 but is still working on his weight loss and has bumped up his excerise. I''m trying to do mostly cooking light receipes at home to offset some of the not so heathly food choses made when we eat out (which really isn''t that often).

that detox thing is very interesting to me. I''d love to try it but not sure I could do it...i love my wine with dinner too
Date: 2/6/2007 10:29:45 PM
Author: mrssalvo
mara, just checked out the quiz and I overestimated a few of them too. I missed the coffee one but I thought they were just comparing plain old coffee with plain old coffee, not plain vs. the mocha''s of today and I just can''t believe the 1025 for the spaghetti (eek). i did the BMI calculator too and I was in a 19. Hubby did not fair so well at 27 but is still working on his weight loss and has bumped up his excerise. I''m trying to do mostly cooking light receipes at home to offset some of the not so heathly food choses made when we eat out (which really isn''t that often).

that detox thing is very interesting to me. I''d love to try it but not sure I could do it...i love my wine with dinner too
mrssalvo, welcome to the PS-WWT wine club! I love the taste of it and drink a glass almost every night with dinner. It''s built into my calorie count every day.

Thanks for the compliment, Rod, I really appreciate that coming from you. Working out is not a decision I make when I feel like doing it, it''s just part of my life 4 days a week come h*** or high water.
lol mrs salvo, well at least being aware of what you guys are eating is half the battle!! and with you making CL recipes, hubby will drop that 27 right quick i'm sure! i am at 21.

so hit up the gym and did 500 cals on the elliptical. my right side hurt a bit and it's sore now but i'm taking tomorrow off so it can recupe...and i might do a walk on thurs instead of an elliptical workout for a change. my weight is holding steady too which is nice, so i guess so far i'm doing the right things for maintenance.

also hit up trader joes and man that place is like a neverending goodie shop. i found a few new things that we are is the shepherds pie...which i am totally unfamiliar with in general but the picture looked good and it's a 16oz serving for 380 calories total. mine is in the oven right now cooking up. apparently it's beef and veggies inside with an onion garlic gravy/broth and a mashed potato topping? for under 400 cals...nice!! i'm also having it with a romaine salad with a greek lowfat yogurt dressing because i wanted something 'fresh'.

also i found some frozen gnocchi in a tomato cheesish kind of sauce and the whole bag is 3 cups, 3 servings, for 180 cals per serving. so greg and i can easily split it and share it and have salads on the side with maybe veggies for a dinner. and i got more frozen steel cut oatmeal, which is my new crave!! oh and some fresh pre-packaged corn.

OH and a new goodie. in the shape mag i was reading at the gym from a year ago...they had an amazing recipe for chocolate souffles that used cocoa which apparently is low-cal or something, anyway each 10oz souffle is only like 190 cals with a teaspoon of raspberry sauce on top, so i snagged the magazine. i plan to just jot it down and bring it back to the gym, hehee. but i didn't have a pen or anything and there was no way i was letting the 190 cal chocolate souffle recipe out of my clutches! it looked divine.

amber...that's funny about the truffles, good to know they are yummy. i don't think there is much that is 'as good' as Sees!!! but i figure if they are yummy then 2 a day won't break the diet kinda thing...i don't really crave chocolate that often but when i do it will be nice to have them. also my mom LOVES chocolate and she is such a sucker for truffles, if she cut out her weekly trips to Sees and our other local chocolatier (up the street from our house, Mom always makes trips there when she comes over)...she'd probably lose her last 5 lbs right there! She is always lamenting she can't get those last 5 lbs off, i am like okay where are the STASHES of candies in the house? so if she likes these (without knowing they are 30 cals) then maybe i can turn her onto them too.

merrijoy, yeah we like regular super dark bittersweet chocolate too, we have a few diff specialty bars in the house that we pick up when we go on our weekend travels (aka a spicy dark chocolate with cayenne, an 70% one with orange peels, etc) but sometimes a truffle just hits the spot. and i LOVE raspberry truffles. so we'll see!

DJ...honestly i would not attempt a 1200 cal day and a 700 cal workout either...but that's just me. i tried to eat a bit more on days i did really hard core workouts...but sometimes it's just not possible in any case, don't be so hard on yourself if you are in a 1300 range...that is still really good esp how many calories you are burning! but yeah i would cut out those 3musketeers bars, it gets too hard after it's a real habit. hehe.

rosebud, hungry girl is (i think that's the url, or maybe it has a dash)...anyway she writes for Yahoo! food as well but she basically goes through the latest and newest kind of healthy treats and things like that and posts about what she thinks is good and what isn't so great etc. it's probably based on personal preference as it is food based but she has some good ideas on stuff! the article on Yahoo! today was about celebrating V-day and thinking outside of the box, and the truffles were a recommendation.
okay so the shepherd''s pie...YUM!!! i ate the whole thing and half my salad and i am stuffed. definitely a winner! 390 cals and 7g of fat. hehe.
Date: 2/6/2007 5:10:51 PM
Author: merrijoy

Date: 2/6/2007 3:20:36 PM
Author: nejarb
i think i micalculated earlier, b/c i''m only at 840 for the day and my dinner is going to be 500 cal. plus, i already had my snack--the fiber one bar, just got them today and they''re great. yum! so maybe even w/ a glass of wine i''ll come in under 1500 today! that''s pretty exciting for me. and if i get too hungry before dinner i''ll just have another 100 cal snack, and it''ll still be a low cal day (well, for me). i also bought some south beach diet peanut butter cookies--100 cal for 2. i''ll report back on those today or tomarrow.

my days of leisure with my 9am-11am gym sessions may be coming to an end, at least temporarily. i''ve just been working about 2 hours a week so far this year as a tutor, but now i have an interview for a temporary position (2 months) at a big law firm to help w/ research on some case or something, and i think it''s a full time gig while it lasts. i''ve never actually worked a 40+ hr week, just school and part time jobs. i''m really into my exercise groove, and i want to keep that up, but i honestly don''t know how people do it when they''re working full time. housekeeper? takeout? wake up at 5:00 am every morning for the gym? how do you working ladies (and rod) do it? as far as i''m concerned, you''re all super-women, and although i''ll probably fail, i want to know your secrets!

We do not have kids yet, so this is not too hard - although we don''t really have normal dinners during the week and it is very hard to get involved in organizations because if you do, they take up most days of the week making it hard to work out. My schedule is get up at 7:30 am, get to work at 9 am, work till 6pm, get home at 7 pm and workout from 8 to 9:15 pm. Back home at 9:30 pm, shower, protein shake, laundry and then bed time at around 11 pm.

So follow up questions:
Do any of you work full time and have kids? Or are you involved in organizations (ie Volunteering)? How do you manage your workout time and house duties - ie, cooking, cleaning, straightening? I can make my husband fend for food (he is actually abetter cook than me), but I know this will be extremely difficult with kids.
How many hours a week do you all work and how long do you stay at the gym for during the week? How many times a week? And how many hours on the weekend? I do 45 minutes of cardio and about 30 minutes of weights 3 – 4 days a week - I have been working out pretty consistently and running for 8 years and can not imagine those loooong gym sessions of 3 hours. Once I get too sweaty, I must get home and shower right away, if not (and this is somewhat tmi), I may get a uti...anyone else get these from sweating and not showering right away?

Whew, ok, lots of questions, so hopefully you can weigh in (ha, pun intended!).


I am busy all the time at home, but I try to workout early evenings and stick to the same time if I can.

I aim for no less than 3 hour long workouts of mainly cardio a week, but 5 workouts is what I like to achieve.

Had a rest day yesterday, but will be working out tonight. It will be freezing in there though, heavy snow has been forecast for tomorrow!
Kimberly, can I hire you to be my dinner planner? The recipes you post are SO good! Last night we made the coconut curried chicken, and ohhhhh soooooo gooooooood -- I even ate peas, and I hate peas!!
I love couscous, but I never would''ve even thought to make that with curry chicken, but it was *perfect* with it.
Happy Wednesday morning everyone! For my weigh in I'm down (only
) 1/2 pound from last week, but a total of 9 pounds since I started on Dec. 11, and I'm averaging about 1.3 pounds a week for the past five weeks since I started "weighting in" on Wednesdays.

Last night I gave into the calling of that snack size bag of mini oreo cookies to the tune of 160 cals, so I ended up at 1390 with no work out (ug).

And nejarb and Mara, I've been thinking about the whole 1200 call day (although I almost ALWAYS to a least a little over that) and a 600+ cal workout, and I am never tired or weak or anything like that. As a matter of fact I'm frequently not even hungry when I'm done, although I do always eat dinner after I get home from the gym.

Once again my friend has rescheduled our Thai lunch for today, but i'm not holding my breath since he's moved it the last four times. It has warmed up here (it was actually *above* zero when I walked to work this morning
) so a little trot out at lunch wouldn't be such a bad thing.
Dee - I know half a pound doesn''t sound much, but when you look at it as half a pound of butter, sugar etc, you will see it is significant!

Well done!
Date: 2/7/2007 9:15:21 AM
Author: ellaila
Kimberly, can I hire you to be my dinner planner? The recipes you post are SO good! Last night we made the coconut curried chicken, and ohhhhh soooooo gooooooood -- I even ate peas, and I hate peas!!
I love couscous, but I never would've even thought to make that with curry chicken, but it was *perfect* with it.
Ellaila I love planning meals! It's on of my favorite times of day, so I'd be happy to plan yours as well! Just don't ask for tested seafood recipes, it is one of the few foods I have a total aversion to, unless it's breaded! I'm so glad you liked it. Couscous is so yummy, but sometimes I forget that it's a great alternative to rice!

So today is Wednesday Weigh In, here I go:

Height: 5'5" Height: 5'5"
Weight: 133.8 Weight: 133
Bust: 33.5" Bust: 32.5"
Waist: 28" Waist: 27.25"
Lower Waist: 33.5" Lower Waist: 33"
Bicep: 12" Bicep: 12"
Hips: 38.25” Hips: 38”
Thigh: 21.25" Thigh: 21.25"

DeeJay: I lost 1/2 a lb. with you, be proud of yourself, not disappointed! You have made big changes to your eating habits and you are doing things that are good for your overall health. As we so often discuss, it's hard not to get stuck on the scale, but really and truly you are doing great things for your body and the scale isn't what matters in the long term, it's your overall health and physical fitness.

Mara: Sorry your workout left you hurting, but it's great news about maintaining your current weight!

Lorelei: Next time I have creme brulee I'll inviite you to join me. Would it be worth a trip from England to San Diego?
week 4
weight 146.75
bust 36"
waist 28"
hips 38"
thighs 22.5"
arms 10.5"

week 6
weight 145.25
bust 36"
waist 27"
hips 38"
thighs 23"
arms 10.75"

i''ve lost 3.75 lbs in the last 6 weeks! i guess that''s not too bad. and my body fat % has gone down 2% according to my home scale. my thighs and arms seem to be growing slightly, but i guess that''s okay b/c they''re both noticably toner, and they weren''t all that big to begin with. there''s definitely more progress to be made.
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