
Weekly Workout Thread 5th Feb till 11th Feb

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thanks kimberly, i feel much better this morning, pretty much back to pre-workout 'normalcy'. i have been feeling a bit more like myself the last few days in the stomach region which hopefully means this medicine is working...which is good news...because i also found out that an odd side effect is one that i seem to be experiencing: 'unusual tiredness'. sometimes i feel like my head and legs are heavy and i just want to nap wherever i am! i was worried for a while about it, it has come on in the last 3-4 days mostly, but then i was looking this medicine up online and it looks like sometimes after 10+ days of taking it you can display a tired symptom! so i am just trying to push through it. also my blood tests all showed normal except i am mildly anemic which is something i have been on and off all my life so i might start taking iron again which will also probably help with my tiredness. so anyway the sooner i can kick this stomach thing then the sooner i don't have to take this medicine anymore and can stop being tired! haha. literally i am ready for bed each night at about 9pm and i have to struggle to stay up longer. sometimes i don't even bother and greg is like why are you going to bed at 9:30?! or i fall asleep on the couch like 2 nights ago in the middle of zoolander! anyway..i feel better so that's what is important! sleep is good too anyway. hehe.

DJ don't worry about the 1/2 lb girl! and if you feel fine with 1200 then go for the 700 but just keep an eye on how you feel. when i was doing 700 cal workouts, i was REALLY pushing myself. that is when i hurt my quad for a bit actually on the treadmill (too many 700 cal workouts in a week i guess?!) and i had to start using the elliptical more. but you should be okay since you are already mainly using the ellip which is easier on your body IMO than a treadmill on a high incline! in any case, you are doing great, so stick with what feels good. i was really excited when i broke 700 cals. and one day i even did 800! i think i only had like 2-3 of the 800 ones before i ended up basically reaching my goal and bringing things back down.

oh and i posted this in the healthy recipe thread but those hungry girl chocolate muffins i made (all gone by the way), i miscalc'd the cals so they are only 180 each and not 270. whee!! bonus. hehee. so my cals from earlier this week eating them are less than i thought, gotta love it. it's like calorie christmas. i am definitely making those things again. big hit with everyone who tried them. perfect for dessert or in the morning with coffee.

so breakfast this AM is TJ's frozen steel cut oatmeal (oh how i have missed you) with a bit of brown sugar, coffee, and 1.5 pieces (small ones since we're at the absolute end of the loaf) of the cinammon raisin bread with smart balance. lunch will be either fiber one cereal blend mix or chicken and rice soup...or something along those lines though i do have my other 1/2 of my sandwich from yesterday, but i don't feel like downing all that bread honestly. the slices of bread loaf they used were huge. and then tonite we'll either do TJ pizzas and salads or i might make my healthy mac and cheese. i am not working out tonite so i have the time to make a maybe i will do that. or maybe chicken and my yummy lemon carrots. oh wait wasn't i craving lemon potatoes too. darn. so many dinner ideas, so little weeknights!!

anyhow, hope everyone has a good day. i have my weight for the weigh in but won't have my measurements til i shower etc though i doubt much has changed as i measure myself all week long and nothing had really moved. but i'll check in later!

congrats nejarb, kim and DJ on progress!! whee!
Mara, I am also anemic, and I HATE taking iron pills. They upset my stomach and make me constipiated (TMI!). I incorporate a fair amount of red meat into my diet to avoid having to take them as I just can''t stand it. Glad you''re feeling better this morning.

Way to go, nejarb! You''re doing so well. Be proud of yourself.

Today is a no workout day. We need to move the last load of stuff from the house that closes today and I have to get some fingerprints done so I can start subbing.

Speaking of teaching, where has Tybee gone?
I''m going to have to change my weigh-ins (or at least change when I post them) to get on the same schedule as y''all!
Especially if everyone''s success keeps rubbing off on me from reading this thread

I just wanted to share that I had the most amazing breakfast this morning - some of those whole grain lowfat toaster waffles, with Smart Balance light buttery spread, some TJ''s frozen raspberries thawed in the microwave, a few squirts of low-calorie syrup replacement stuff, and a half container of Fage 2% yogurt. OMG - I was in total heaven, I feel completely full and satisfied, and the whole thing was only about 270 cal, plus it had like 14 grams of protein and 9 grams of fiber. Yum - I think this may be my new favorite breakfast, all thanks to the WWT thread
I haven''t been posting, but I have been working out and watching my eating very closely since returning from Hawaii last week. I did end up losing a pound by the end of last week, so if I gained any weight in Hawaii (I didn''t weigh myself), I was able to lose all of it plus an additional pound. If I keep up this 1 pound a week, only 14 more weeks to my goal! That sounds really long to me (3 and a half months), but it''s better than not losing it at all.

It sounds like everyone is doing great, so keep up the good work!

By the way, Kimberly, I wanted to offer you my belated condolences on the loss of your mother in law.
Date: 2/7/2007 11:45:47 AM
Author: coda72
I haven''t been posting, but I have been working out and watching my eating very closely since returning from Hawaii last week. I did end up losing a pound by the end of last week, so if I gained any weight in Hawaii (I didn''t weigh myself), I was able to lose all of it plus an additional pound. If I keep up this 1 pound a week, only 14 more weeks to my goal! That sounds really long to me (3 and a half months), but it''s better than not losing it at all.

It sounds like everyone is doing great, so keep up the good work!

By the way, Kimberly, I wanted to offer you my belated condolences on the loss of your mother in law.
Thanks so much, coda, I really appreciate it. We''re in the process of selling the house DH lived in until we got married and he brought home a picture of her he found when cleaning up yesterday when she was much younger, healthier and happier and said "this is who she gets to be again." It was so sweet and touching and true. There is definitely a void in our lives as he saw her every day, and I visited about 4 times a week. We''ve both made plans to visit her, since her passing, and then realized she''s no longer there. But really and truly, she had stopped living and found no pleasure in her last days so it''s a blessing that she passed away quickly and quietly. She even warned John that she was dying; about two weeks before she passed she told him "I am sorry I have to leave you, but Ciara and Mama (her sister and mother) tell me it''s time to go." She was extremely aimiable during her last two weeks (not the norm for her). And then she slipped into a coma the day we brought her from the skilled nursing facility back to the board and care she considered home and passed away the next day.

I keep meaning to post my new to me discovery. I have replaced my 1% milk with Silk (soy milk) and am really liking the switch. It has less calories and tastes great over oatmeal and in my tea. It also has good for me things in it, like more iron than milk and omega 3s and 6s. I have been an avid milk drinker my entire life (I used to drink a glass with dinner and pour a ton over my cereal) I''ve really changed that over the past few years and am so thrilled to have taken another step away from milk.
Kimberly I did the soy milk thing too when I was detoxing...and it was yummy but I ended up going back to milk mostly because it was easier...because Greg won''t drink the soy milk and so when I ran out, sometimes it could take me a week or so to get more so eventually I think I just zoned out. I have vanilla soy milk in the fridge typically because I use it for my coffee as a backup but I don''t like it in my cereal. Some of the Hungry Girl smoothie recipes use the vanilla soy milk in them so I might try that...I want to try the banana pie smoothie she suggested at some point, which I think is vanilla soy milk, instant sugar free pudding (caramel?), bananas, crushed nilla wafers and fat free cool whip. YUM!

Here''s my weigh-in:
Weight: 134
Waist: 27"
Lower Waist: 33.25"
Hips: 36.75"
Thigh: 20"
Arm: 10"

So not much change at all really, which I am not surprised about. Though my hips are slowly continuously getting a tiny bit smaller which is a nice thing for me since they are probably the curviest part of me and my legs are way thinner than they are and I feel like sometimes it''s a little out of proportion. So another 1/2" or something on the hip would be perfect for me so we''ll see if it continues.

Things kind of fluctuate within a 1/4" for the most part back and forth. I am happy to be back at 134 so just want to maintain now. On a funny note, I washed my fave new jeans, my Paige ones, and I was afraid they''d shrink down a bit and they were already kind of tight at the waist area (it''s double reinforced with fabric so there is really no give to the waist area which is hard on me)...but I tried them on today and they were awesome! They fit maybe washing them was the right thing to do (I''d procrastinated on washing them for like 2 weeks because I was afraid I wouldnt be able to wear they anymore!) very happy about that. I love these jeans. They make me look very tall and thin, willowy! haha.

Tybee where are you? Probably lurking yet busy....glad to hear you didn''t have any lasting effects of Hawaii food coda! hehe.
John is the anti-milk man for a myriad of reasons and asked me to try soy milk as an alternative, just to see if I like it. I''m really glad I allowed him to sway me as the benefits of drinking soy milk as opposed to regular milk are definitely worthwhile for me (the Omegas that are so important and good for us that I don''t get through seafood as I don''t eat it, the iron for anemia, less calories, less fat, etc.) and I really do like the taste.
Well the good news is my friend actually *did* meet me for lunch. The bad new is I was CRAZY to think it was actually even a little bit warm outside -- BRRR!!! I didn''t wear my earmuffs because it''s supposed to be 15 and I thought, oh, that''s not so bad. WRONG.

Anyway, I had this dish with grilled eggplant on the bottom, topped with shrimp and minced chicken in a light, tangy, slightly spicy sauce. Last time I was there I ate the whole thing, but this time I was really full after just the eggplant and half of the chicken, so I bought the rest of the chicken and all of the rice back with me. Maybe I''ll have it for breakfast tomorrow.

I wish I had a better grasp on the calories I just ate, but there''s no telling really what was in that sauce so I''m just going to consider it "bad" and be super good for the rest of the day!
I wanted to add this link for anyone calculates your RMR, resting metabolic rate. This is the # of calories that your body needs for all organs to function as proper...with absolutely no activity added in.

Apparently there are a bunch of ways to calc it so it shows you all of them and then takes the average for you, but you can choose to use whatever # feels best to you (aka I took a slightly lower # than the average). Mine shows as 1410 average and I took 1380 as my RMR.

Anyway for those of you interested in calc'ing # of cals + exercise = consumed kinda thing to see where you are, you can use it. I noticed that when I calc'd it with what I consumed seems more 'strict' than sparkpeople's range estimates.

aka sparkpeople's estimates for me say 'eat between 1700-2000 cals a day and burn 1900 cals this week to remain at 134 lbs'.

but if i take my RMR 1380x7 and add in workouts of 2000 cals last week and minus it from my estimated consumption/calories last week (which averaged out to about 1790 cals per day(thanks superbowl sunday!), i get an excess of about 900 calories. which means i would technically be gaining something like 1/3 of a lb from last week.

yet the scale from last sunday to this tuesday was a light 134..aka meaning it was more like 133.8 kinda thing but more comfy at 134. wheresa it was a strong 134 (aka borderline 135) on sunday. so i didn't gain anything at all...and even lost maybe 1/3 lb.

these are of course splitting hairs but it seems like this calc is slightly more strict than sparkpeople's range...but for those who really want to continue losing weight, you might want to use the more strict cals just to keep yourself on your toes rather than using the sparkpeople range (though i did use the SP range previously and stayed near the light end of it and lost just both probably would work)...but for anyone curious, check out the link and enter your #'s.
Date: 2/7/2007 2:17:06 PM
Author: merrijoy
Please see the link below regarding daily weight fluctuations. You can not lose or gain pounds in 1 day as it is 3500 cals in one pound.

I disagree regarding ''you can not lose or gain pounds in 1 day'' as I have seen the scale move from one day or two days to the next and STAY there so I know it''s possible for the body to do whatever it wants regardless...and I am familiar with water weight and all that as well...there''s not much regarding weight loss and similar that I have not researched and read about online, I''m a huge researcher.

That is also why I said up above that I was ''splitting hairs'' because it''s nuances that might not make a difference in long-term (aka ''gaining'' or ''losing'' 1/3 lb) but for those who like to play around with their #''s and data (like me), it can be handy.
Date: 2/7/2007 2:17:06 PM
Author: merrijoy
Please see the link below regarding daily weight fluctuations. You can not lose or gain pounds in 1 day as it is 3500 cals in one pound.


I absolutely agree that 1/2 a pound here, a pound or two there, is normal fluctuation. But I try to see the forest for the trees, so even though I''m only looking at a little bit of weight gain or loss at a time, I''m really concentrating on the larger number over the long term. For instance, even though the scale is only .5 lbs different this morning than it was last Wednesday (and I know that could be due to *any* number of factors), my total comes out to a loss of 9 lbs since Dec. 11. Hopefully that''s not all 9 pounds of water, LOL!
Date: 2/7/2007 3:46:48 PM
Author: Dee*Jay

Date: 2/7/2007 2:17:06 PM
Author: merrijoy
Please see the link below regarding daily weight fluctuations. You can not lose or gain pounds in 1 day as it is 3500 cals in one pound.


I absolutely agree that 1/2 a pound here, a pound or two there, is normal fluctuation. But I try to see the forest for the trees, so even though I''m only looking at a little bit of weight gain or loss at a time, I''m really concentrating on the larger number over the long term. For instance, even though the scale is only .5 lbs different this morning than it was last Wednesday (and I know that could be due to *any* number of factors), my total comes out to a loss of 9 lbs since Dec. 11. Hopefully that''s not all 9 pounds of water, LOL!
Oh, 100% agree that long term it is not water weight. And congrats on the 9 pound loss! That is fantastic.
Mara - I am a huge researcher as well.

I just find it hard when people weigh themselves daily and say "I lost 1 pound" or conversly "I gained 1 pound" overnight. If you give it a few days I would agree. But I think it is hard, especially for women and their cycles to say down .5 pound/up .5 pound, etc.

Date: 2/7/2007 3:55:25 PM
Author: merrijoy

Date: 2/7/2007 3:46:48 PM
Author: Dee*Jay

Date: 2/7/2007 2:17:06 PM
Author: merrijoy
Please see the link below regarding daily weight fluctuations. You can not lose or gain pounds in 1 day as it is 3500 cals in one pound.


I absolutely agree that 1/2 a pound here, a pound or two there, is normal fluctuation. But I try to see the forest for the trees, so even though I''m only looking at a little bit of weight gain or loss at a time, I''m really concentrating on the larger number over the long term. For instance, even though the scale is only .5 lbs different this morning than it was last Wednesday (and I know that could be due to *any* number of factors), my total comes out to a loss of 9 lbs since Dec. 11. Hopefully that''s not all 9 pounds of water, LOL!
Oh, 100% agree that long term it is not water weight. And congrats on the 9 pound loss! That is fantastic.
Mara - I am a huge researcher as well.

I just find it hard when people weigh themselves daily and say ''I lost 1 pound'' or conversly ''I gained 1 pound'' overnight. If you give it a few days I would agree. But I think it is hard, especially for women and their cycles to say down .5 pound/up .5 pound, etc.

I totally agree and I think pretty much everyone on here knows that is not the case...aka I gained a pound overnight. DJ even asked like 2 weeks ago if you could gain a lb overnight from eating a big dinner. A doctor on here (Lisa aka :)) said no. So this group is pretty educated overall about how the scale can DEFINITELY lie (we say it all the time!)...but anyway I do agree with you...and that is why in general I do tell people to not pay that much attn to the''s just one element of a total program. Like the HCA is to diamond buying. One element.
merrijoy said: {{{Oh, 100% agree that long term it is not water weight. And congrats on the 9 pound loss! That is fantastic.}}}

LOL Merri -- glad to hear that the 9 lbs is real loss and not that I just had one helluva bloat goin' on!
Date: 2/7/2007 4:33:54 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
merrijoy said: {{{Oh, 100% agree that long term it is not water weight. And congrats on the 9 pound loss! That is fantastic.}}}

LOL Merri -- glad to hear that the 9 lbs is real loss and not that I just had one helluva bloat goin'' on!
Hi everyone...just one of the guys checkin'' in.
I danced a little too much on Saturday night and I''m suffering from some hip pain, exercise this week. Tough getting old

You just can''t win sometimes.
Jeff, good to hear from you though! I wondered if maybe you had abandoned us.

Sorry about your hip, and I'm right there with you on that "getting old" thing...


At the fifty minute mark I did the math and realized I needed to kick up the resistance one more notch to get to 700, but I did it!

I have no idea how good/bad I was foodwise today. 150 cals of oatmeal for breakfast, but then that mystery Thai meal for lunch (the other half of which I ended up eating in the afternoon in lieu of a snack--at least it wasn't a Three Muskateers bar, LOL), and now I just had a 210 cal LC. I will probably have a 60 cal pudding later, but now I have to go dig around in the freezing garage for some client files becuase Chicago tax bill have come due and all my clients from last year are calling and asking me what to do. I read somewhere that your body burns calories simply trying to stay warm, so that would be one nice benefit from the time that I need to spend in the garage!

Hmmm... maybe I might want hot chocolate more than pudding once I get this all over with...
lol DJ congrats!!! i felt so good when i reached 700 and onwards. it's kind of fun when you are challenging yourself.

your thai probably was not as bad as you think it might have been. but better safe than sorry, i hear you on overestimating...i used to do that a lot too and sometimes still do...but i did read about thai as long as you don't get anything fried or with lots of oil (aka greasy slippery slidey kinda thing) and stick with a lean protein and lots of veggies on either rice or lettuce, you are probably doing better than most.

so i went to the store and got the fixins for my lighter mac and cheese, yum. also i am always on the lookout for new goodies so i got some of those light and fit smoothies for 60 cals, figure we'll see if i feel more 'satisfied' drinking my yogurt. also has anyone heard of 'no pudge brownies'? my coworker was raving about them recently and i wanted to find them and this store had them. you basically just mix the mix with nonfat vanilla yogurt and bake! each brownie is 120 cals and the mix makes 12 (could probably make muffins too actually). it sounds like kind of the same idea as the devils food/pumpkin mix, wonder if i could mix the devils food with yogurt if i didn't want pumpkin. ooh ideas.

AND i found a krusteaz fat free blueberry muffin looks yummy! and each muffin when made is only 130 cals. so i might make those this weekend. or maybe next week because i think my bananas will be ready for some bread this wkd.

OH and thomas english muffins is making 100 cal english muffins now! they are soft and squishy like the originals and they have 5g of fiber(!) so i got a bag to try. they also have 100 cal multigrain but i already have multigrain bread and i love me a regular ole thomas english muffin so we'll try those this wkd.

anyhow, time to make the macaronic and cheese!!! hope everyone is having a great night.
Date: 2/7/2007 11:45:47 AM
Author: coda72
I haven''t been posting, but I have been working out and watching my eating very closely since returning from Hawaii last week. I did end up losing a pound by the end of last week, so if I gained any weight in Hawaii (I didn''t weigh myself), I was able to lose all of it plus an additional pound. If I keep up this 1 pound a week, only 14 more weeks to my goal! That sounds really long to me (3 and a half months), but it''s better than not losing it at all.

It sounds like everyone is doing great, so keep up the good work!

By the way, Kimberly, I wanted to offer you my belated condolences on the loss of your mother in law.
Hey Coda, good to see you on the fitness thread. And kudos for working out and watching your eating. Hope you had a great time in Hawaii. That''s what they call a ''veykashun'' isn''t it? I''m afraid we''ve heard of such things, but with the life we''ve had lately, they are only what other people do...........

Anyway, stick around and keep us workoutaholics company!!

Date: 2/7/2007 4:38:22 PM
Author: Modified Brilliant
Hi everyone...just one of the guys checkin'' in.
I danced a little too much on Saturday night and I''m suffering from some hip pain, exercise this week. Tough getting old

You just can''t win sometimes.
Un Huh......and your point is my friend?????? Do NOT allow yourself to get old. Get back in the gym and work through that pain. It''s worked for me everytime I''ve pulled something or pushed some muscles too much. I get right back in the gym and thepain goes away so much faster than rest would permit.

Anyway, good to hear from you. You''ve got to come back more often. We''re still the only two guys on this thread. And while we love our gals very much, we need the male perspective too!!
Hey........I have felt a little off this week and even had a day of feeling chilled. Of course the fact that I''m living in a climate that got really cold all of the sudden could have helped, but still, I have been a little off. But, I didn''t let it stop me from hitting the gym the past two nights like usual. In fact, after each workout, I felt better than before I went to the gym. I''m convinced the endorphens released in a wokout actually make you feel better, even if you''re not feeling 100%. Plus if there was something brewing in my system, working out at the gym seems to be keeping it at bay.

On the scale, we''ve both noticed we''ve each gained about 4 pounds over the last few weeks. Now, we know we''re not eating more. And we know we''re not working out less. In fact, we''re increasing the weights. And I''ve actually been working on unassisted chin ups. That may not sound like much, but believe me, unassisted chin ups are really really tough. And I can now do three sets of 5 alternating with 3 sets of 15 unassisted dips. It''s amazing at 52 that I''ve developed enough muscle to accomplish something like this!!!

Tomorrow, will be our third day in a row at the gym like normal. So, I''ll check in tomorrow night after our workout.

Take care Team PS!!
So we had steak, brocolli and salad for dinne, thanks to John cooking! It''s is another low calorie consumption day for me due to all of the running around we needed to do. We got the house all squared away and I had some paperwork to file for substituting so between those two things I downed a clif bar and some real soda (DH bought the wrong drink for me and he''s so stressed I didn''t feel it would be right for me to complain!). But if I eat frozen yogurt I''ll be at 1350 calories for the day, if not I''ll be at 1,150 calories for the day.

I''m meeting up with some girlfriends for happy hour tomorrow night at a Mexican restaurant. I''ll opt for a salad w/o dressing to keep myself in check and have a few glasses of wine. It should be fun though, as I haven''t seen one of them since the 3Day walk in November and the other since early September. Wow how time flies.

Anyways, have a terrific night everyone!
thanks mara for that link to the rmr formulas. when you figured yours and decided that based on that you should''ve gained 1/3 lb last week, maybe it''s because you''re burning calories doing things besides cardio that you keep track of? in other words, is the rmr literally for strictly "resting"? like if you were on bed rest? my average based on those 5 is 1486--that seems like alot if i were not moving at all. weird.

i got a little off track today, just suddenly exhausted and super hungry. i think it may have been just a reaction to my super-low calorie intake of 1600 cal yesterday (haha, not really that low! but for my body it was probably somewhat of a shock!). i did 600 cal on ellip this morning, but then i was busy all day trying again to keep it around 1600 and so had about 400 cal breakfast and 500 cal lunch, and then in the afternoon i just crashed. i was going to have a snack and some tea, but i ended up having about 600 calories worth of snacks and then falling asleep. then dinner was a informal family business meeting and the food ended up being pizza and salad, so who knows? but i''m not worried about it.

oh--does anyone experience a little extra gas after eating one of those fiber one oats and chocolate bars? or more than usual fiber in general?
nejarb, if you''re still interested in cutting cals I''d eat less, more often. Meaning I''d eat smaller meals more often.

Fiber pills make me gassy (DH said I passed gas in my sleep last night while he was trying to read and it STUNK!) but I take them anyways cuz they''re good for me!
nejarb, yep a side effect of additional fiber is gas! take a gasX chewable or something if it bothers you...i read about it online but apparently it's how your body breaks down and processes the additional fiber. make sure you also drink enough water when eating extra fiber as it helps your body process it more efficiently (and ensures nothing gets stuck). oh and i agree re eating smaller meals more often if you end up feeling hungry...and try to kick up the fiber a little bit too because it does help to keep you full!

re: the RMR yeah i guess that could be it huh! it is technically 'resting' rate i think, aka if i just sit on the couch resting all day that is what my burn would be. so yeah i guess if you are active and walk around a lot during the day or would add a fair amount of calories. on a random note, i read that one hour of typing burns like 120 cals. isn't that funny? i do that almost all day..haha. anyway it's all pretty interesting, the whole what your body needs, what you feed it, what you do, etc. but it's hard to really know for sure what your body IS doing, it's all still a guesstimate yanno! i mean there are 5 diff ways to calc RMR! nothing is for sure.

also i have found a bunch of other sites that said if i continue to work out 4x a week that i should be consuming like 1800-2100 cals per day to maintain. which is a lot! spark says 1700-2100. so anyway i figure 1700ish is okay..i am doing about 1700 'average' per day at the end of the week because we eat out on the weekends. so hopefully this is the right 'recipe' for me to stay where i am at.

rod hope you don't get sick...i too was battling a cold for a few days but i think i kicked it *knock on wood* boss came down with a cold yesterday and was out today, totally down for the i really hope i don't get that one! i just keep taking emergenC and i do feel better after i work out. jealous of your light calorie days!! on the days i am at the office it's so hard for me not to snack. and sure i'm having healthy stuff and all but still..i wish i could snack less. though maybe it's okay since i did reach my goal and all that. on the weekends its very easy for me to just snack lightly all day and save my cals for our dinners out!

anyway dinner was yum! greg again said he loved this mac and cheese because it's really not THAT creamy so it's not too's flavorful but not too crazy and it's not too cheesy but still verra yummy. we had 60 cal pudding cups with some light whipped on top for dessert. have a great eve all! tomorrow is a new day...
Glad to see you Jeff! I hope your hip feels better soon, I can sympathise with that!

Dee - I don't know what it is, but whenever you mention a food item, you get me craving it! It must be the way you tell it! I want hot choc and pudding now
, but as it looks like a Christmas card outside, maybe the hot choc might be a good idea - I have a supersize Swiss Miss with marshmallows with my name on and not the revolting sugar free variety either!

Where are you Lisa, ShortBlonde and others? SB - I hope your horse is ok and feeling better, check in if you can, I know how it is to worry about these guys.

Good to see you back Miss Coda!

I did an hour cardio last night, didn't do weights as my shoulders were aching, so I thought the ellip would be enough to loosen them up a bit. So half an hour treadmill and half hour ellip!
Ok so much for the detox. I had every intention of doing it, but succumbed to mara''s chocolate muffin recipe. I had the vegie tofu scramble for dinner with brown rice, and was rummaging in my pantry for snacks when I saw a box of choc mud cake mix I had bought ages ago, and remembered the hungrygirl recipe posted here. The most INSANE chocolate craving kicked in, so I had to bake some muffins. I didn''t have pumpkin (fresh or canned), so I used a can of peaches instead. The muffins turned out really yummy, but a bit too sweet for my liking. I''ll have to try them with pumpkin next!

I did 600calories today at the gym, and will go back tmr morning for a cardio session to meet my wkly goal.

Congrats on everyone''s weight loss!
Thanks for the welcome back, Rod and Lorelei. I would like to call Hawaii a vacation, but in all honesty for much of the 2 and a half weeks, it was work. So, don''t feel too bad Rod, I can''t go on vacation either. We had to get our house that we bought last year ready to be rented out, and that took up a lot of time. But I''d give anything to be back there right now even if it meant working. This cold weather is killing me!

I took off from working out last night because I had to do a lot of running around yesterday, but I''m going to hit the treadmill again tonight and do some strength training too. It''s almost Friday, and I can''t wait!
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