
Weekly Workout Thread 5th Feb till 11th Feb

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Date: 2/11/2007 11:02:58 AM
Author: Lorelei

Date: 2/11/2007 10:48:25 AM
Author: KimberlyH

Date: 2/11/2007 10:39:47 AM
Author: Lorelei
How bad of me not to mention your success Merri
, congratulations on your achievements - I couldn't run 5 metres let alone what you do! Coda runs halves and marathons too, so we have another runner too along with Kimberley! I am glad too you are enjoying your energy drinks from your Magic Bullet - did Dee ever end up getting one?
I am a sporadic runner. Up until I moved to San Diego I ran 5 miles 4 times a week. I ran a bit after I moved and then stopped to train for my walk (I, like you, have a bad back and I don't think it could have handled both long distance walking and my usual runs). I've toyed with the idea of taking it up again, and have run a few times but nothing serious. I am doing about as well with it as I am lifting weights and doing core work. I wish I could force myself to do these things on a regular basis! My body would be most appreciative.

I wish I could run more, Hubby thinks it is a confidence thing for me, as I was always the slowest kid at school with running
A bad back makes it much harder to do these things, but we do well Kim when you consider the amount of people who make a fuss about the pain all the time and don't even try - maybe we inspire others to try out exercise. I might have a wonky spine and pain which I can never be free from, but I will be d*mned if I will be unfit, overweight and a general flabberlanch with it!
And you can add smoker to that list of bad things you will not suffer from right?!!! You go Lorelei!
Date: 2/11/2007 11:02:58 AM
Author: Lorelei

I wish I could run more, Hubby thinks it is a confidence thing for me, as I was always the slowest kid at school with running
A bad back makes it much harder to do these things, but we do well Kim when you consider the amount of people who make a fuss about the pain all the time and don''t even try - maybe we inspire others to try out exercise. I might have a wonky spine and pain which I can never be free from, but I will be d*mned if I will be unfit, overweight and a general flabberlanch with it!
Honestly, sometimes I think you are me and I am you.

If you asked my hubby how athletic I am, he''d bust out laughing.

And you''ve got a great attitude! I don''t want to be an overweight, out of shape flabberlanch either!

*looking up flabberlanch*
Absolutely non smoking to the list Rod!

Ellen that is hilarious the amount of things we have in common - on one used to pick me for their team either!
I bet I am thinner and fitter than any of them now though!

I hope you find * flabberlanch* Ellen!
Date: 2/11/2007 11:02:58 AM
Author: Lorelei

Date: 2/11/2007 10:48:25 AM
Author: KimberlyH

Date: 2/11/2007 10:39:47 AM
Author: Lorelei
How bad of me not to mention your success Merri
, congratulations on your achievements - I couldn''t run 5 metres let alone what you do! Coda runs halves and marathons too, so we have another runner too along with Kimberley! I am glad too you are enjoying your energy drinks from your Magic Bullet - did Dee ever end up getting one?
I am a sporadic runner. Up until I moved to San Diego I ran 5 miles 4 times a week. I ran a bit after I moved and then stopped to train for my walk (I, like you, have a bad back and I don''t think it could have handled both long distance walking and my usual runs). I''ve toyed with the idea of taking it up again, and have run a few times but nothing serious. I am doing about as well with it as I am lifting weights and doing core work. I wish I could force myself to do these things on a regular basis! My body would be most appreciative.

I wish I could run more, Hubby thinks it is a confidence thing for me, as I was always the slowest kid at school with running
A bad back makes it much harder to do these things, but we do well Kim when you consider the amount of people who make a fuss about the pain all the time and don''t even try - maybe we inspire others to try out exercise. I might have a wonky spine and pain which I can never be free from, but I will be d*mned if I will be unfit, overweight and a general flabberlanch with it!
You are dead on, my friend! I think we are carbon copies of each other, minus how overweight I was at one time. I smoked, weighed WAY too much, have a bad back (stupid back!), love to run, always the slowest!!, and on and on!

Unless you know me very well, you would never guess I have back issues, I''m very sensitive about it. DH sometimes treats me with kid gloves because of it (don''t lift that, don''t do that yourself, etc.) and it makes me a bit nutty as I am so darn stubborn! He''s only trying to help though.

Here Here to not being overweight and a general flabberlanch!!
But it''s a bit early to be drinking, I haven''t even had my breakfast!
Date: 2/11/2007 11:30:13 AM
Author: Lorelei
Absolutely non smoking to the list Rod!

Ellen that is hilarious the amount of things we have in common - on one used to pick me for their team either!
I bet I am thinner and fitter than any of them now though!

I hope you find * flabberlanch* Ellen!
LOL Me either.

And I still see many of the gals I graduated with and I KNOW I''m in better shape.

<--- To them.
lol you girls are always so silly..! half the time i am reading these posts first thing in the morning going ''whaaa? where''s my coffee?'' hehe.

anyway, on a fitness note, i used to run track in high school and played volleyball. my dad has always been a runner and he wanted me to be one too. i did sprints rather than long distance running, and i tried hurdles but i really was very uncoordinated!! i never really loved running, in fact many times i hated it. i just kept at it because my dad loved that i did it and it kept me in shape. but after HS that was it. i really haven''t run any other time in my life. i am a HORRIBLE long distance runner as well. i have great form when i run, but bad breathing, i run heavy footed (when you are sprinting you are light but long distances for me i could never be light, all i can think of is how far i have to go), i feel like i am dying when i run, no matter what great cardio shape i am in. so walking it is for me. also for me, i have read about how horrible running can be long-term for women with their organs and joints and all that and really i don''t need to be inviting any health problems into my future so i figure walking is also easier on my body. and i really like it too. but i know some people just love running (aka my dad!). sometimes i wish i could be a runner because they can burn so many calories faster (hee) but then i think nah it''s okay. i''ve got a good setup i think the way things are now with splitting walking and elliptical.

but i love hearing about other people running, and greg runs so i can relate to having a runner in the household, hehe. and because i can''t really run, i always think that people who can and actually LIKE it, are like wonder people or something, hehee.

anyhow, happy sunday to all!! i love and hate sundays at the same time...haha because the next day spells WORK. ugh! but anyway, it''s morning here now (9am) so we have a whole day. i am having breakfast, fiber one and honey bunches, a cinnamon toast slice, and coffee. i''m going to the gym in about an hour and a half and then i am meeting up with a girlfriend who is getting married this summer to do some registry shopping (my fave!). we''re going to C&B so i can''t wait to see what i come home with myself, lol. more kitchen items i''m sure. then tonite i''m making us dinner...

i was torn on what to make us so i was looking through all my recipes last nite and seeing what sounded good (and looked through the recipe thread...) and then i found one of my old recipes that i have wanted to make for a while but it totally fell off my radar, pasta primavera! the original version has lots of cream and butter, but i found a few adapted healthyish recipes that still use cream and butter but less of it, and lots of veggies, chicken broth to help the cream and butter give volume then you thicken it...and parm cheese with pasta. so i think we''ll make that! and then i don''t have to make sides either, hehee. i was thinking of doing that rachel ray pepper cognac steak with some roasted lemon potatoes, but this will be easier and also i don''t know if i mentioned it but greg has lost some weight recently as an unwanted side effect i think of my healthier cooking (and stress at work) so i need to beef him back up! and what better way to do that than a large portion of pasta? hehe. the problem is that he isn''t eating that much at work because he''s been so busy, so he comes home and i feed him a nice portion of something healthy, and while he eats a fair amount at night, i think he needs more food overall during the day as well. i will have to send him to work with some more granola bars and typically he takes a muffin in the mornings but that doesn''t work for a lunch too. he just needs to get out for more burritos!!

but boy wouldn''t it be nice to have that problem?? ''oh i didn''t mean to lose 8 lbs, i don''t know what happened, i have just been eating less!''...HEH. somehow it''s always the men who have that issue eh?!!

Date: 2/11/2007 11:41:28 AM
Author: Ellen

Date: 2/11/2007 11:30:13 AM
Author: Lorelei
Absolutely non smoking to the list Rod!

Ellen that is hilarious the amount of things we have in common - on one used to pick me for their team either!
I bet I am thinner and fitter than any of them now though!

I hope you find * flabberlanch* Ellen!
LOL Me either.

And I still see many of the gals I graduated with and I KNOW I'm in better shape.

<--- To them.
With brass knobs on!
Yes - cheers Ellen and Kim to being a non flabberlanch!

I shall be having my din dins soon you breakfast eaters!
LOL to all you runners. I tried it. Once. Not ever gonna do that again. Pain in joints I didnt't even know I had...

But the happy hubby is a big runner. He's more of a distance runner but last year decided to work on speed too and actually came in in the top ten in one of Chicago's big 5Ks. This year, now that his heart problem is totaly behind him, he really looking forward to some long jaunts along the lake. More power to him--I'll drive him home when it's over!

Anyway, I spent an hour on the elliptical this morning for 660 cals. Had my left over chicken and asparagus for breakfast and now I'm having a can of Progresso fat free ministrone before I bolt off to my open house. Honestly, I'm not hungry yet (it's only 11:15) but I will be at some point between 12 and 2 so I'm taking care of it now.

Tonight we're going to visit some friends who had a baby last week. We're taking them take out; I told them to pick any place they want and place a big order and we'll go pick it up on the way over. So who knows what I'm having for dinner but I plan on enjoying it, whatever it is!

I worked out to the tune of 3290 cals last week (including today), and my plan this week is to take tomorrow and Friday off and to work out Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday and then Saturday/Sunday.
Mara, John has lost 10 lbs since the beginning of January due to stress, not having time for lunch and smaller portions at dinner. He is still in the healthy range for his height but I keep encouraging to go get some KFC for lunch and put more olive oil on his meals (just not on mine!)!

Yay to us non flabberlanches!

Enjoy your suprise dinner, DeeJay!
kudos on your awesome weekly calorie burn DJ!!! i miss those 3k weeks but i don't need them anymore so it would be overkill and i'd probably end up in traction, lol. today my goal is about 600 so if i reach it i'll be at 2k for the week which was my mental goal so that will make me happy. but of course i am kind of sore today...i think my power walk in the rain yesterday definitely was a good workout, haha. i forgot to mention that i did 14 minute miles in the rain so that is like 1 minute faster for each mile so i was walking a fair amount faster, nothing like some pouring rain on your head to make you hustle. lol. but my legs are sore today and my side too. i figure the elliptical is pretty low-key so i'll just do an hour on there at a medium pace and not get too crazy. tomorrow is a rest day so i can take it easy then.

kimberly, yeah greg didn't need to lose weight. and he has a comfort zone he feels happy with and he's like 5 lbs under that. he looks the same to me, which is wonderful and in-shape, but mentally i think he feels too thin. and a few friends have said his face looks thinner. so i am going to keep putting more cheese and evoo and dressing on his stuff rather than mine which i typically do but i'll do more now!! and he eats his sugary cereal and stuff in the weekend mornings too. but the real issue is during the days. aka yesterday we had breakfast (cereal and english muffin), at lunch he had a mushroom burger and 1/2 of my fries, and then he didn't eat a THING til dinner which was like 7 hours after lunch. whereas between lunch and dinner, i had a fat free blueberry muffin, a 60 cal yogurt smoothie and a toaster waffle. not like i am advocating snacking like a fiend which i can definitely do, but he is like 50 lbs heavier than me and eats less a lot of the times!! and today he had breakfast and he is going to work on his truck for most of the day. i packed him a muffin but that will be all he will eat til he comes home for dinner. i am like EAT MORE. i don't care if you are hungry. hehee. so i think that is what he does at work too. he just doesn't think about it and gets busy, can't take the time etc. so i guess i'll just have to keep putting muffins in his bag and keep adding stuff to his meals at home. hehe.
Date: 2/11/2007 12:26:14 PM
Author: Mara
kudos on your awesome weekly calorie burn DJ!!! i miss those 3k weeks but i don''t need them anymore so it would be overkill and i''d probably end up in traction, lol. today my goal is about 600 so if i reach it i''ll be at 2k for the week which was my mental goal so that will make me happy. but of course i am kind of sore today...i think my power walk in the rain yesterday definitely was a good workout, haha. i forgot to mention that i did 14 minute miles in the rain so that is like 1 minute faster for each mile so i was walking a fair amount faster, nothing like some pouring rain on your head to make you hustle. lol. but my legs are sore today and my side too. i figure the elliptical is pretty low-key so i''ll just do an hour on there at a medium pace and not get too crazy. tomorrow is a rest day so i can take it easy then.

kimberly, yeah greg didn''t need to lose weight. and he has a comfort zone he feels happy with and he''s like 5 lbs under that. he looks the same to me, which is wonderful and in-shape, but mentally i think he feels too thin. and a few friends have said his face looks thinner. so i am going to keep putting more cheese and evoo and dressing on his stuff rather than mine which i typically do but i''ll do more now!! and he eats his sugary cereal and stuff in the weekend mornings too. but the real issue is during the days. aka yesterday we had breakfast (cereal and english muffin), at lunch he had a mushroom burger and 1/2 of my fries, and then he didn''t eat a THING til dinner which was like 7 hours after lunch. whereas between lunch and dinner, i had a fat free blueberry muffin, a 60 cal yogurt smoothie and a toaster waffle. not like i am advocating snacking like a fiend which i can definitely do, but he is like 50 lbs heavier than me and eats less a lot of the times!! and today he had breakfast and he is going to work on his truck for most of the day. i packed him a muffin but that will be all he will eat til he comes home for dinner. i am like EAT MORE. i don''t care if you are hungry. hehee. so i think that is what he does at work too. he just doesn''t think about it and gets busy, can''t take the time etc. so i guess i''ll just have to keep putting muffins in his bag and keep adding stuff to his meals at home. hehe.
I went through the same thing with some folks thinking I was too thin years ago...then gained some weight...I feel just right now at 165 lbs (5'' 10").
My weight is now stable +/- a few lbs. here and there. i''m sure the fantastic rib eye that I had last night at a fancy shmancy restaurant didn''t help. 31 bux worth

Oh the gym I go
Mara - how do you manage an hour on the elliptical??? I know you have your music, but after half an hour on the ellip I am ITCHING to get off it, doesn't happen with the treadmill though!

I just remembered I tried a stationary 'bike' in a store the other week, my little legs were going, but I can't see it does very much other than burn some cals and tone leg muscles, fitness equipment has come a long way...You know you are a committed non flabberlancher when your Hubby tells you off for working out on store equipment, fancy him accusing me of trying to burn some sneaky calories in public....

Glad you enjoyed your meat Jeff, my Hubby would be jealous!
Date: 2/11/2007 12:55:43 PM
Author: Lorelei
Mara - how do you manage an hour on the elliptical??? I know you have your music, but after half an hour on the ellip I am ITCHING to get off it, doesn''t happen with the treadmill though!

I just remembered I tried a stationary ''bike'' in a store the other week, my little legs were going, but I can''t see it does very much other than burn some cals and tone leg muscles, fitness equipment has come a long way...You know you are a committed non flabberlancher when your Hubby tells you off for working out on store equipment, fancy him accusing me of trying to burn some sneaky calories in public....

Glad you enjoyed your meat Jeff, my Hubby would be jealous!

I would love to know how you do an hour too! I did 40 minutes on it on friday and I was knackered.

I went to the gym today but I think Im coming down with a chest infection and a bad cold to boot,so after 20 minutes on the cross trainer I wasn''t feeling to good at all. Lost my appetite all day too which is not like me at all!!

Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend!!
hope you feel better bee*
John is off to eat a high fat lunch at some fast food restaurant, yay for him!

My weekly total for calories burned is 1700 and I ate an average of 1508 calories a day. Not too shabby! It''s drizzling and grey so I''m going to curl up and read a good book. John is also going to the grocery store and I''m going to make some sugar cookies to bring over the board and care where my MIL lived (but not eat any!) and then it''s enchiladas (using the recipe I posted in WWT recipe thread) for dinner.

Hope everyone has wonderful end to the week!
hehee well it ''s not like i LOVE the elliptical or anything, it is kind of a long workout for me too...mentally i am kind of bored by 20 minutes. but i play games with myself, aka i start with 45 minutes on the clock on the machine, then as i get to 30 i am like, almost done...and then when i get to 40 i bump it up to 50 so i am like okay just 10 more. then at 48 i might add 2 more to make it 52 and i just keep doing this because it''s much easier to say to myself ''more than halfway'' or ''just 5 more minutes'' and then when i get there i am like oh i can do a few more minutes. so this is basically how i do it. and it''s funny because mentally you think my mind would KNOW i''m going to be on it for 55 or 60 and not let this little game work but it does EVERY TIME! like today i was thinking oh gosh i want to do a full hour (most of the time i do 50 minutes then 5 minutes cool down) am i ever going to make it. at 20 minutes i was like jeez i''m bored but i had a mag with me and i was reading about food and recipes (love stuff like this while working out, it''s like ''oh well i am working out so i can make that for dinner''..)...and also about fitness tips and stuff so i am really happy doing that when working out. and i played the mind game and also i replay favorite songs 2-3 times sometimes if i am in a ''groove'' when the song comes on. it''s mostly just diversionary mind games lol. and it works!!

so i did 60 min and 575 cals so almost met my goal (well i met my weekly goal which was 1900 but i was hoping to get to 2000 which i decided yesterday lol) i am like 25 cals shy for the week of 2000. the scale still says the same thing which is good AND bonus...i had my body fat tested and it was 18.9!!!! WHEE! a month ago i think is when i tested and it was something like 20.5. and before that i think it was 21.5? anyway, i was JAZZED that it went down. i was hoping to just maintain 20! so i must be eating the right kinds of things i guess to give my body ''fuel'' but not too much fat. hopefully anyway!

then i went to the market and loaded up for the week. i got more 60 cal smoothies, dinner for 3 nights this week, etc. oh and this morning before working out i made the banana nut muffins, the bananas were finally ready! the funniest thing is that in the food and wine section of our paper there was an article on a recipe for choco souffle so greg kept it for me and also in the same section there was a ''roasted banana muffin'' recipe, i was like HEY perfect timing! so i made that recipe with my adaptations and some nuts. it came out REALLY YUMMY...but i love love the taste of bananas so next time i might add a 3rd banana to make it super banana-y. but really they came out fab. and 135 cals each. i will post the recipe in the healthy thread later tonite.

now i gotta run and shower as my friend is coming to pick me up for our shopping excursion. funny thing is that i was thinking i''d buy some fun kitchen stuff at C&B and i was at the grocery store and sometimes they have really random ''cute'' bakeware and stuff for the kitchen and lo and behold, they had the cutest ribbed large souffle dishes (like 15 oz maybe?), but still personal sized, in cream, blue and green pastels for $1.49 each!! and then they had a bunch of other matching bakeware like a rounded rectangle baking dish, side dishes etc. so i got 4 of the cream souffle dishes and one of the cream rounded corner rectangular baking dishes ($4.99!) and honestly i know C&B can''t come close to beating those amazing prices. so maybe it will save my wallet at C&B. or probably not cuz i can always find something i want there but i am so tempted to go back and get more of the cutie little serving $4 or whatever you cannot beat it. microwave and oven safe too.

anyway have a wonderful afternoon/evening everyone!! i''m making my pasta primavera later so i will check in and if it works out good will post the recipe!! oh and the sun came out so now i am in a really good mood, maybe it''s also the exercise endorphins working to my favor, lol!
It's funny, Mara......I play the same games on the elliptical. Afterall, we're pretty tired by the time we get there to begin with, so the thought of 35 to 45 minutes is sometimes more than I can handle, so I take it in 10 minute intervals. And you know that I have my iPod filled with heavy charged dance music and I just get lost. When I hit 25 minutes if I'm just doing a 35 minute set, or 35 minutes if I'm doing 45 minutes, I start the last 10 minute countdown till the end. I also push much harder for the last 10 minutes to ensure I burn the calories I wanted to burn and travel the distance I wanted to travel.

And on the subject of people reacting to your weght, or workout schedule, they are either jealous or ignorant (sorry for the harshness of that word) of the benefits of eating healthy and working out. Even my own mother told me not too long ago (and mind you she can barely walk at 83 years old and has never exercised a day in her life) that she thinks all this exercise is not good for us. LOL I have many friends (all back in Tama, who thought we'd lost our minds, particularly me, who quit smoking and starting running and working out and eating healthy foods).

But then, I have days like today and I feel so proud of my accomplishments (oh comes another someone commented on Rod's workout again) physically. Today at the gym Charlie and I were doing weighted pushups. Weighted pushups, require free weights and you hold them in your hands and push up from the free weights on the floor in a pushup position and then when you hit the "up" position, you pull one of the free weights up to your body while balancing on the other free weight in the up position. And then you alternate the weights to ensure you're working both arms. I'm not sure I'm explaining it too well, but it requires core strength, which as you know from my sermons on core strength is something I spend a lot of time working on. Anyway, here we were doing them with 20 pound weights and this 'uber' guy comes up and tells us we have really terrific technique and he said we looked like we were in really good shape (I think he meant for "OLD MEN"). But, It was a nice complement. It turns out this guy was some professional hockey player, but we don't know who he is or who he plays for.

Anyway, we had a really good workout this afternoon. My left arm was hurting from yesterdays session, but I worked through the pain and it feels so much better today. I often find that licking one's wounds is not a good thing. I find that if my muscles are sore, working them the very next day really helps them recover faster. It may not be the right thing, but for me it works.

Jeff: Just use that PROTEIN you consumed as fuel for a good gym workout. You've obviously got your weight well under control. Have you noticed any weight gain from building muscle?

LOL Kimberly about not being athletic. Glad to hear you overcame some bad habits to become a healthy person too!! WAY TO GO!

Hope you all had a great and healthy weekend and are looking forward to a good week. Tomorrow's Monday, so we do Sushi and take the day off from the gym (we only take two days a week off!)

Hey Rod:
I have my one-on-one Jujitsu session tomorrow. I''ll probably want to box for about 15 minutes.
It really helps get any aggression out
. I sit at a desk most of the day and I have all this built up energy to expend.
I''ve only noticed a slight weight gain from added muscle.
Have a great week everyone and check in EARLY and OFTEN
well shopping was fun usual. brought home a few goodies but nothing too impressive...hehe. williams sonoma has a whole asian thing going on right now and i bought a tikka masala sauce for mixing with yogurt and putting on chicken to grill (yum), pretty healthy actually, i think only like 40 cals per serving of the sauce (yogurt is nonfat and then you just have the chicken)...and also an asian slaw dressing, they had a recipe for chinese chicken salad that looked awesome so i got the dressing and figure we'll try it.

made the pasta primavera and can i just say YUM! we both loved it...!! here's the recipe below. for dessert we are having 60 cal jello pudding cups with some redi-whip and sliced bananas.

this recipe serves 3 (aka 2 portions for greg and 1 for me, you can easily double it for 6 portions)

Pasta Primavera
2 teaspoons EVOO
6 oz sliced mushrooms
2 teaspoons garlic
1/2c chicken broth
shake of red pepper flakes/cayenne pepper
3 tablespoons cream
3/4c diced tomatoes, canned, drained
1c chopped asparagus
1c chopped zucchini
1c chopped broccoli florets, cut small
2 teaspoons lemon juice
3 servings (2 oz each) wide egg noodles
chopped basil leaves
3 tablespoons shredded parmesan
1280 total calories
3 servings
426 calories each

1. Bring 3 quarts of water to a boil in large pot for cooking pasta.

2. Meanwhile, heat oil in large skillet over medium-high heat. Add mushrooms and cook until golden brown, about 8 minutes.

3. Add garlic and cook, stirring, until fragrant, about 30 seconds. Add tomatoes, red pepper flakes, broth, and cream. In the meantime, add the pasta noodles to the boiling water and boil for 3-5 minutes til al dente. Add asparagus, zucchini and broccoli and cook til pasta and vegetables are tender.

4. Back in the sauce pan, bring liquid to a boil, reduce heat to medium, and cook at rapid simmer, stirring occasionally, until liquid is reduced by half, 10 to 12 minutes. Add salt to taste. Cover sauce to keep warm.

6. Drain pasta and vegetables from the boiling water, and return them to empty pot. Add cream and mushroom-tomato sauce. Toss to coat all ingredients with sauce.

7. Sprinkle parmesan on, with basil and toss to coat. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Use more or less parmesan if you desire. I added another teaspoon on my own (20 cals each teaspoon) and Greg got another 1 tablespoon! lol.

Enjoy!! Have a great night everyone...!!

LOL Kimberly about not being athletic. Glad to hear you overcame some bad habits to become a healthy person too!! WAY TO GO!

Oh, Rod, if you could see me playing team sports, even now, I am always the person no one wants on their team. I am a class A1 clutz (ask my husband who is currently in the breakfast nook cleaning up the balsamic vinegar, ice cube, margarita (his margarita) mess I just made when attmepting to clean up dinner; he banned me from the room while taking care of the mess I created).
Date: 2/11/2007 10:54:41 PM
Author: KimberlyH
LOL Kimberly about not being athletic. Glad to hear you overcame some bad habits to become a healthy person too!! WAY TO GO!

Oh, Rod, if you could see me playing team sports, even now, I am always the person no one wants on their team. I am a class A1 clutz (ask my husband who is currently in the breakfast nook cleaning up the balsamic vinegar, ice cube, margarita (his margarita) mess I just made when attmepting to clean up dinner; he banned me from the room while taking care of the mess I created).
Beleive me I understand. I couldn''t catch a ball. I couldn''t run. I couldn''t play football. I couldn''t play any sport and so, I was a fat kid. I was the absolute last kid to ever be picked for any sport. So, at 52 years old to have guys who are good at sports tell me I''m doing anything good athletically, is like incredible. And I''m betting you''re far better than you think you are. Maybe a little klutzy, that''s OK, but healthy, oh yeah, your''re healthy and your husband better thank his lucky stars!!!!!
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