
Weekly Workout Thread 5th March till 11th March.

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Monarch: Care? Of course we care! That is absolutely fantastic. Good for you for finding the motivation to stick to it! It''s really hard, I know. Be so proud of and kind to yourself!!

Mara: Glad you had two fun splurge nights!

DeeJay: It''s funny how our bodies adjust and the things we used to have room for in our stomach''s changes.

So I stuck to my promise to myself not to eat anything at the house warming and I was totally successful. I saw quite a few people for the first time in about 6 months and it was quite embarrassing to hear them proclaim I''d gotten skinny. I think the nicest compliment I recieved was from a woman I walked the 3 Day with. She said "you''ve always been on the small side, so that last little bit has just made a huge difference." It was so very sweet. Anyways, they made all sorts of yummy looking foods, cheese breads, enchiladas, crab cakes, and on and on. I had a glass of water and that was it. It''s a good thing ''cuz at dinner I ATE! We started off with a fried artichoke appetizer which was yummy. I had filet mignon and french fries. I ate about 3/4 of a rather large serving of fries and about 7/8 of the filet, it was wrapped in bacon and I took that off and gave it to John. Our waiter was awful (delivered our app order and walked away leaving our menus on the table, still not having taken our dinner order, came back twice to tell us the specials, and on and on) and we were both ready to be home so we skipped dessert. I had a bowl of Dreyer''s slow churned 1/2 fat mint chocoloate chip ice cream when we got home which was yummy.

I think instead of working out on the elliptical today we''re going to hike around the lake. It''s about 6 miles around and lots of hills, so good for the gluts.
okay so first off what is a chocolate martini?!? nuts and what?! this sounds intriguing! here when i have seen what i would term a chocolate martini it is either a drink/cocktail or a dessert like a chocolate mousse layered into a martini glass so tell!!

monarch, CONGRATS woman on 3 weeks smoke free, i am so proud of you! and what a great idea to get the teethies whitened as an incentive to not smoke, i wouldn't want to ruin that or waste the $$ either. stay with it, you will be so happy for it later and today too.

kimberly your dinner last nite sounds yummy. speaking of ice cream, i noticed last nite at the store that dreyers just came out with slow churned popsicles with the chocolate coating and nuts outside, and the inside is ... drumroll..cookies n'cream ice cream. looks yummy. each one is only like 150 cals. i definitely want to try them but i have to finish my other slow churned first...i have too many 'desserts' at home right now. haha.

as for the bread and stress thing...i think it might be more along the lines (as i was thinking about it some more) that when i was losing weight and in that 'mode' i didn't allow myself bread really. when we went out, i just wouldn't have hardly any. because i knew that it was not that great for me..and would basically sabotage my efforts. but now that i am in maintenance mode and still working out very hard, i know that it won't derail anything to have some. but then it's just SO GOOD. so i have to find a moderation mechanism that works for it. i am usually pretty good with moderation on things and if i feel like i can't control it, i just won't have it...MOST of the time. the other problem is that unlike miss takes a ton now for me to get full. i eat pretty sparingly portion wise during the week, so i'm surprised on the weekends i can pack so much in and literally not feel full after dinner. after dinner on friday i was like yeah okay i do feel full and last nite i was like oh i feel perfect..and this is after what like 5 pieces of bread??? it's just amazing what my body can happily consume, so maybe it is to make up for during the week. and i don't eat a lot of other carbs necessarily during the week either. so i dunno, and it's not like i'm super concerned but it's just odd!! hehe.

lol re cold stone dj, honestly i have found some mixes and ice creams are not that good there but the sweet cream with coffee and brownie, DIVINE. one night we were in palm springs and i got that and 3 people behind me in line were like that looks good so they got it too. lol.

also re the grilled cheese sandwiches, we do those at home like once a week with the sara lee delightful whole wheat or multigrain bread (45 cals each slice and 3g of fiber) and 2% american (or cheddar) slices, total for one sandwich is only 200 cals. so if you like those, get the right things and it won't be 480 cals next time lol.

so i just made us breakfast, yum!! i did the diced potatoes & onions with egg whites (regular eggs for greg), sliced olives and a 4 mexican cheese 2% blend into an omelet and served them with the 50 cal toasted high fiber tortillas..mmm! oh and pepper plant/salsa and lf sc on the side. big hit. we're talking proteins and fibers and my huge omelet was only about 200 cals, plus tortilla 250.
this should keep me full for a few hours lol. i'm hitting up the gym in a while...and then greg has a concert this afternoon that i'll be going to. for dinner i am making us something at home but not sure what. i kind of want something simple after the last two nights. so we'll see.

Happy all happy Sunday! I totally forgot today the time moves ahead by an hour. I was supposed to be meet a girlfriend for lunch, totally missed it. But I’m still going to head out and go over to her place. So that means it doesn’t really leave time for workout right now. But I’m still going to go tonight before I come home. I didn’t go yesterday, decided it can be my day off. So since my goal is 6x a week, I HAVE TO go tonight, no excuses. It’s been 2 weeks since I started my cardio training, my weight hasn’t dropped.. I’m still 121 and sometimes even heavier by a pound or two, by I can actually fit more comfortably in my jeans. I’m just really hoping to see some weight come off soon.

I’m wondering if it’s normal that I feel like I’m becoming just a little gym obsessed. Because since I didn’t go to the gym yesterday, I feel like if I don’t go again today, for sure I’m going to gain something back! It’s this weird feeling where I feel the good results but I’m scared if I don’t go for a day then I’ll go back to feeling bloated and shitty. Anyway, I know it’s all in my head.

Mara, the grilled cheese sounds good. How do you make the grilled cheese? Do you put butter on the pan and then put the bread on it? Or do you spray the pan with spray butter or olive oil spray? I’ve never made grilled cheese… hahaha… Oh, when I go out to eat I still eat some bread…. Maybe I shouldn’t till I see some weight come off. Did you really eat any other starchy carbs when you were in weight loss mode? Or did you pretty much stick with protein, veggie, and fruit?

Monarch64 -- Congrats on being smoke free for 3 weeks now! That’s awesome.. and I know how much that can do for your workout too. So maybe next time friends are trying to quit smoking, I should tell them to go whiten their teeth! YAY!!!!!

Kimberly -- that’s a lot of will power not eating any of the stuff at the housewarming. If it were me I would have totally given in! But I’d probably lie to myself and say I’m only going to have a little bit of everything. But I guess a good idea if to eat before I go to something like this huh… Have fun on that hike!

So I’m going to head out to my girlfriends place .. will be at the gym before I come home tonight. I plan on doing at least 60 minutes of treadmill-jogging.. And if feel good I want to go for longer. Hopefully burn another 650+.

Have a great Sunday everyone.
Ohhhh chocolate martinis!!
Actually CMs played a HUGE part of my and now-hubby's first few months of dating -- we were on a mission to find the best ones in the city! And for a housewarming gift for him, I got him two C&B martini glasses (one for him, one for me of course) and all the fixins to make them ourselves. Our recipe is vodka, Bailey's, and Kahlua. Others use Godiva liqueur and other yumminess. They're all good!!

OK, now to healthy stuff!

So I got an iPod shuffle the other night, and OH do I love it!!! I used it for the first time today (gotta admit, it took me quite some time to get music into it. iTunes was not exactly intuitive as far as I'm concerned!), and I almost doubled my workout time -- went from 25 minutes the other day to 45 today on the ellipitical. From 200+ to 400 calories
As usual the first 15 minutes just killed me, but then I switched programs and managed to stay on for another 30 minutes no problem -- I guess I got over that hump you guys keep talking about!

So I'm quite pleased with myself right now.

Monarch, you go WOMAN on quitting smoking!!!

Dinner tonight is going to Kimberly's coconut curried chicken -- this time with LIGHT coconut milk so as to keep the recipe actually light. Kinda blew that part last time, oops!

Hope you're all enjoying the weekend
So it''s 90 degrees out, dry and windy, I am not going on a hike. I can plame it on DH''s tenant calling with some issues he needs help with but the bottom line is I just don''t want to, the weather sucks and I''m exhausted (didn''t sleep last night AT ALL). We''ll go for a walk this evening when it cools down to get in 30 minutes today, so I''m at least sticking to my promise to myself, but I''m just not into big exercise today.

John is making dinner tonight, no clue what, something healthy though, I''m sure. I''m going to curl up with my book for a while and if I''m lucky I''ll fall asleep.

Sounds like everyone has a fun day planned, enjoy!
the time change has thrown off our family. I got up early and did my walk with Zoe and then hubby and I did yardwork while the kids all slept in. My brother was in town on the way to the airport so we had brunch at 11:30. hubby is working this afternoon so i''m just hanging out with the kids but tonight hubby and I our going to a jazz restaurant for dinner and the best part, my step dad will be playing piano tonight in with 3 other guys in a jazz band. should be fun!! hope you all are enjoying your sunday.
Date: 3/11/2007 3:50:02 AM
Author: monarch64
Mara, any chance that your recent job stress has fueled your desire to eat the hell out of some bread? For me, times when I crave soft, warm, chewy things like bread, pasta, cereal, etc. are the ones when I''m going through stressful times. Just a thought...

It was actually warmish here today, and nice enough that I got to take my Miilo out for a 45 minute walk! I haven''t done that since the past fall and it was so nice to get out and walk around the neighborhood again. Of course everyone and their brother were out walking their dogs as well and wanted to stop and visit, so it wasn''t really one of those ''workout'' walks where I got to hit a good stride, but it was a good getting-back-into-the swing of things walk, anyway. Tomorrow I am dog sitting all morning, we have new carpet being installed in the basement, which will require me keeping both Milo and the new puppy, Daisy outdoors and entertained until it''s finished. I plan to run them around til they''re too tired to be interested in the new carpeting, lol!

So I''ve been smoke free for three weeks case anyone cares, hee hee. My biggest quitting tool has been paying $600 to get my Zoom whitening done and keeping up with the bleaching trays for the last couple weeks...I don''t want to ruin what I started, ha! Thanks again for all the input and encouragement, it definitely has helped.

Too many posts to respond to on this thread anymore! I love reading through it, though. I have to tell you guys that I''m seriously considering going vegan (from being a vegetarian for the last couple years) . After all I''ve done for my body in the last few years what with working out and eating more healthfully I feel like it''s the next step in the right direction for me. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
YAY.........And congratulations. Trust me, I know what a tough thing this is to do, so keep it up. And remember that it takes a good three months or more to get over the nasty cravings. Sometimes even now over 1.5 years later, I still get the strongest urges to have one. It''s an evil evil drug that nicotine
. Anyway, I''m proud of you and I surely do care!!!
Date: 3/11/2007 10:21:33 AM
Author: Modified Brilliant
I''m a huge bread lover but try to stick with multi grain and Smart Balance light butter.
rod-- I''m also able to detect too much salt in my food and really don''t like it at all. I''m so turned off
to any preservatives in my food also. There are so many healthy choices in food today, why settle for less?

Had a good Saturday workout at the gym. Right elbow has been sore, probably from weightlifting.

Enjoy the day everyone
Be careful with that Jeff. It could be a form of Tennis Elbow (tendenitis) and it can take some time to get over that. I''ve had it twice now. Once before Rebuild Rod and during that episode I went to a physcial therapist for weeks. More recently, I got it from lifting weights and what I found was doing assisted chin ups really helped it to go away. So, if your gym has an assisted chin up machine, use it. It really worked for me.
Hey Everyone.......It was a really pretty day in NC. With the time change we slept a little late, but once we got going, we made up for lost time. Charlie is feeling better today, so we had a quick lunch, then coffee at Starbucks (we have to have our Starbucks you know!!) then we hit the gym. Nothing earth shaking on the gym front. I continue to work hard. And I keep making progress on certain things, like unassisted chinups. I''ve made such progress there, that I can now do three sets of 10 unassisted chinups and three sets of 12 unassisted dips in one session. I may not be able to go as low as some of the younger guys, but I''m getting lower and lower with each week. Woo Hoo. Tomorrow''s a day off from the gym. But as usual, we''ll be back Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday night.

Had a nice healthy salad for dinner and my Lindt Dark Chocolate for dessert. I''ll probably have a Fuji Apple later as a snack.

I hope you all had a nice Sunday and are looking forward to a good week.
Oh la la Mara, you HAVE to have a chocolate martini!!! It can be made in a variety of ways but the ones I like the best have chocolate syrum drizzeled on the sides of the glass and then they put in vodka, Godiva dark chocolate liquor and some Baileys. OMG. To do for!!! I will gladly give up any dessert that's put in front of me for one of these!

After eating a variety of oddball things today I'm at 1045 cals right now, which would be fine except the happy hubby is upstairs making some fab dinner thing that I plan on having a pile of, so I'm going to gend up wtih a high number. It's a pasta dish with mushroom sauce that has a beef stock base, so no cream or anything like that, but there is a little bit of proscuto (sp?) and he puts chicken on top. Totally yummy and I plan to enjoy it immensely!

I was SOOOOO tired on my way home today after doing an open house and then taking one of my clients out to view a property again. But when I walked into the house I made myself go straight to the bedroom (but not to BED to take a NAP which is what I really wanted) and chaged into my workout clothes before I could talk myself out of it. Being at this weird in between size in my pants right now was also very motivating--you should have seen me trying to find something to wear to my open house this morning. My old pants are too big and my thinner pants are still about 3 pounds too small. Can you say "control top pantyhouse" LOL. Last time I had to resort to the control tops though it was to get into my FAT pants so this is definite progress.

So I think I have slightly pulled whatever that big muscle is that runs right behind your knee. I did it last week and it's been nagging me ever since. It is generally almost OK, but on the elliptical--YOWCH! Hopefully some Aleve will take care of it but I'm just so tired of having something hurting after these past few weeks. Geez, can't my whole body ever be good all at the same time???

ETA: I forgot to say I did the elliptical for an hour to the tune of 578 cals.
Monarch - way to go!

I''m so envious of all you people going out to eat all the time, but at least I get to live vicariously through your food descriptions! This Thursday is our anniversay, and I''m going HOME, and we''re going out to a wonderful hip seafood oyster bar restaurant. With great martinis. Sapphire martini with olives for me, please! I think it''s been about 6 months since I''ve had one. I spent part of the day trying to come up with the perfect cute outfit to wear.

Anyway, rest day for me today. I did a bunch of shopping though. I''m not sure why it''s now necessary for me to go to 3 different grocery stores (Walmart, local grocery store, and TJs) to get all my food for the week!

Breakfast was egg beaters, turkey bacon and toast. Lunch was more toast, more turkey bacon, and some Better''n PB mixed with the real thing. And some Fage mixed with a tsp of blackberry jam. I''m not really on that much of a bacon kick, I just wanted to use up the package before it goes bad. I meant to have a snack later, but I got distracted shopping even though I had packed a FiberOne bar in my bag to eat. So I had an early dinner of Veggie Masala burgers and roasted butternut squash, cut into fry shapes a la Hungrygirl. Pretty yummy and filling side dish - I think I ate about 130 calories worth and then was too stuffed to eat more. But not really anything like french fries like she claims. I had been looking all over the place for no sugar added cherry pie filling and finally found it today so I was psyched to eat some with some FF cool whip tonight. I was sort of disappointed though - it seems to have a weird Splenda aftertaste. It''s strange how Splenda doesn''t bother me in some things (Jello sugar-free pudding) but in other things it''s really unpleasant. I think i''m going to try mixing a little in with my oatmeal in the morning, though. We''ll see how that turns out.

Anyway, I''m right around 1300 cals now, so I might have something else before I go to bed. I''m sort of conflicted because I''m not really hungry, but I probably could eat more. I''ll go check the fridge and see if there''s anything appealing, I guess.
wow sounds like everyone had a great sunday. it was about 85 here today, REALLY beautiful day. i hit up the gym and did 590 cals in 62 minutes, i was on a serious time constraint unfortunately because i had to get home and get ready for greg's concert. the whole hour time change kind of messed us up a bit this morning..hehe. so i only had a strict hour and 5 minutes at the gym, so i had to make it count. no arms/weights today but i'll do some at home tomorrow. rushed home, showered, grabbed a luna bar and half a protein water and headed out again. by the end of the concert i was really hungry and feeling tired...headed to the store on the way home and got items for dinner. came home and had 1/2 a fage with low sugar strawberry jam with a bit of pumpkin flax granola and splenda. YUM.

a while ago i got some tandoori paste from WS in a mix it with some yogurt and it makes a great marinade for chicken. so we did chicken kebabs with the tandoori yogurt...YUM!! marinated them for an hour and then put them on kebabs and grilled outside, our first use of the grill this year, whee. then cooked up some wild rice and had some oven roasted vegetables cook up in the oven (baby carrots, baby bella mushrooms, red pepper, zucchini and asparagus) with olive oil and garlic and herbs. it was very good. the best part is it was a very flavorful low-cal dinner yet high in nutrients...i didn't even finish mine because i was stuffed!

bonus..i was at our regular ole safeway store here, and they had the vitalicious brownies that hungry girl is always raving about. i was shocked! i thought that only whole foods had them! and i haven't been to WF in a while so i just never have seen them. imagine my surprise where in the small 'organic' specialty kind of aisle in the frozen area there they were! i think i almost squealed. so anyway i got the brownie with nuts, it's 100 cals for a small brownie, and it has 6g fiber and is made from whole grains. hungry girl uses them in parfaits with puddings and whipped cream and other things, my idea for tonite is heat it up in the micro, put some slow churned ice cream on it, some hersheys sugar free syrup and fat free whipped cream and we're in brownie sundae business!! all for 200 cals total. mmmmm!!! i actually am having a very low-cal day (1300ish) because of how rushed it was today...but the last 2 days were heavy on food and eating out so i don't mind having a bit of lightness...hehe.

we also have these lemon blueberry glaze cupcakes that my coworker gave us in the fridge, 230 cals each from cooking light, so tempted to have those instead, lol. but i think the brownie idea is too tempting.

question for people who weigh themselves and work out and all that. when do you weigh yourself? i'm just curious because i weigh myself when i get to the gym and then i weigh myself after. typically i lose 2 lbs after my workout. so water weight basically. is the weight before the 'true' weight, with water retention? or the lower one after? obviously ego would say 'oh the lower weight' haha. but i think it's probably more realistic to consider the before-workout weight. anyway just curious what everyone else tends to do.

random addition as well..the other day we were talking about ICU (incremental calories used)...well i wanted to remind everyone that after you do a workout you continue to burn cals at a higher rate due to the raised metabolism. an article i read said that you can burn i think it was like 10-15% extra cals after your workout (aka burned 500 cals for workout, then you can burn 50-75 extra with that raised metabolism) it was saying, you do this 3x a week? you burn like an extra 150-225 cals for the week. so in terms of ICU...i thought i'd throw that out there because for those who are working out like 5-6x a week it can really add up..and if you are counting cals and workouts and all that, don't forget to consider that...even loosely.

so this week i burned 2700 cals...exceeded my goal which is cool...and that doesn't even include the ICU from the 10-15%. hehe. this week i am going to work out 4x at the gym and then do 3 long walks...esp now that i have all this time, lol..i want to get outside in the fresh air and sun...!! i'm also going to finish up my gardening on the patio tomorrow.

hope everyone has or had a great sunday night !!
Monarch, Congratulations!!! I just read that this is your 3rd smoke free week.
That is fantastic!!! I never would''ve known b/c I too, can''t keep up w/all the posts on this thread, but thought I''d check the last page and read it. You are really going great and am so happy for you!
You can do it!!!

As for me, I had a good week last week. I worked out 5 days which I hadn''t done in forever. I tracked my eating on sparkpeople, ate pretty well and lost 3lbs. That is definitely motivation to keep it up this week. I planned to workout tonight as my Day 1 but just completely forgot! I got online, started wedding planning and before I knew it, it was late. So tomorrow will be Day 1 for me.

Hope everyone is well! Unfortunately, I rarely get around to reading through this thread anymore but everyone seems to be in such a great place and I''m happy for you guys!!
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