
WF + DK = 5 stone Joy


Apr 20, 2017
I am pretty excited to share this piece. I wanted a daily rhr that was comfortable and easy. I began my search by looking at the 5 stone thread. I considered a shared prong but I wanted the ring to be a bit more my style. I also considered trying to find an antique ring but got completely overwhelmed by it. Plus, my oh my, do I ever love ACAs!! One simple call to Michelle at whiteflash and boom - 5 approximately 0.3 each, J, VS2 stones, perfectly matched little fire bombs were to be had! Whiteflash was a dream to work with as usual. I decided that a bezel setting would add to the aesthetic that I wanted while providing protection. I found an awesome inspiration pic that DK made for a pser a few years ago. After a couple of cads and some help from psers, David produced a perfect ring for me. It's low set without a separated bubble look for the stones. I wanted the bezels to overlap while being set as low as possible. This ring is very low and the bezels squish together just a bit. In order to have more overlap, I would have had the stones stepped more or partially bezeled which I really didn't want. I think it's just perfect! Thank you to @yssie, @rockysalamander, @sledge, @SimoneDi, @MissGotRocks for helping with cads and @yanaazul for the inspiration. And of course a big shout out to David Klass and the Whiteflash team!DKJPV_0806_FS-5.jpg DKJPV_0806_FS-7.jpg DKJPV_0806_FS-1.jpg DKJPV_0806_FS-4.jpg 20180810_113108.jpg 20180810_113013.jpg 20180810_112749.jpg 20180810_113029.jpg 20180810_112806.jpg 20180810_113156.jpg
It is absolutely glorious! Congrats on another beautiful ring for you!! Love it - I am crazy for a two tone ring!!
Wow ceg, that ring has the most incredibly beautiful profile! :love: You have a most swoonable (and enviable :rolleyes2:) collection!! :appl:
This is gorgeous @ceg , I’m a big fan of bezels, so stylish and practical. You know that if I hadn’t got Bella, I was inspired to look at WF J’s because of your beautiful solitaire :D
@ceg it's a stunning ring and sits perfectly on your finger, beautiful design! Enjoy!!!
OK that's GORGEOUS!! Such a lovely combination of metals, bezels (love the milgrain!), and an elegant profile!
I’ve how it looks like a bouquet of flowers from the side. :love:
how beautiful! i think the milgrain compliments it wonderfully and the scale on your hand is perfect. nice job!
I love the buttery yellow gold!
@ceg your ring is positively beautiful. I love all the detailing especially the baskets, the bezels and the profile view. It is a perfect height, too for every day wear. And those diamonds are sparkly and gorgeous. Enjoy!
So pretty:love:! Congrats and enjoy!!!
Wow...looks nothing short of fantastic @ceg! Very happy for you and the way this project turned out. I really like the milgraining a bunch. Well, and those ACA's. ;)2 :cool2:
Love those ACA's! :love:
Love it! The ACAs are of course stunning and the setting beautifully done. Congratulations!! What size is that right hand finger again?
Beautiful! Love your idea of setting the ACA's in an antique style setting. :appl:
Beautiful, smooth, practical & stunning!

I'm waiting for my adoption papers from @PintoBean but whilst I'm waiting, could you possibly adopt me too?? (I'm 44 now & possibly older than others, but I'm sure my good behaviour counts, right??)
Congrats, @ceg !! So stunning! Agree with @whitewave ; it looks like a bouquet of flowers from certain angles!! So beautiful!! Executed beautifully!!
Perfect finger coverage, and low to the finger to every day wear!! It’s a work of art!!
Wear it in good health!! :mrgreen2:
Almost as beautiful as OP! :appl::love::appl::love:

Oh so lovely. You wear it well.
