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Aug 31, 2005
Today, as I was driving to an interview, I saw a funeral procession coming toward me about two blocks away. As I thought I was supposed to, I pulled over to the side of the road and waited, out of respect. As I pull over, 8 or 9 cars behind me go past, a couple drivers giving me dirty looks. Confused, I waited until the funeral cars had passed and pulled back out into the street.

Two or three days before, something similar happened. I heard a police car siren and watched as again, a couple of blocks ahead, a police car hauled down the street. I pulled over to the side of the road, and again, watched as a ton of people passed me. I guess I was in the right in this situation, as the policeman who was on the other (correct!) side of the road came onto my side to avoid traffic and speed off to wherever he was needed.

Now, my question is this: I was raised to believe that in cases where you're being passed by an emergency vehicle or funeral procession, you pull over out of courtesy (or safety, in the case of the police car). However, both times, I was the only person to pull over. This leads me to believe one of three things is true...

a) I'm wrong. You don't pull over for emergency vehicles and/or funerals unless you're in their way.

b) I'm practicing an outdated tradition that no one follows anymore

c) I've got some oblivious/rude neighbors

So, which is it? Do I have it all wrong? If I do, I don't want to stop in the middle of the street for nuthin'.
Answer is C....
I always pull over out of respect....But I see people pass me all the time as in your two cases...I guess common courtesy has run it's course....but I will still respect emergency vehicles and funeral processions - I don't care how mad it makes the other drivers
I certainly don't think you were wrong, though you may have pulled over a little sooner than necessary. I think the funeral procession thing is somewhat regional and specific customs vary. Personally, I would wait and let a funeral procession go by at an intersection, but would not pull over if I was going the opposite direction (so, only stop if I'm in the way).

For emergency vehicles, I would pull over if they were coming up behind me. If they were coming towards me, I would slow down and move over to the right side of the lane, and then pull over and stop if it were apparent they needed to use my lane to get by. I probably wouldn't pull over until they were within a block or so, though.

So no, you aren't wrong or outdated, just maybe a little extra cautious

ETA: I looked up funeral procession etiquette and found a few interesting links:
Looks like its more standard for all traffic to stop in the south, and to not stop in the north.
I thought it was legally required to pull over in such situations... at least, that's what I was taught in driver's ed.
You''re so right about it being a "regional" thing....I''m from down south - Louisiana to be exact, and I know that *most* people down here pull over out of respect for funeral processions...and also pull over completely for emergency vehicles...I know in "busier" areas or cities, it may not be smart or even customary to pull over and stop for these sorts of things...I guess it''s all apples and oranges in the cities that we all live in....every place is different I guess.
Thanks for the replies, everyone!

Cleopatra: If it's indeed the courteous thing to do, I'm going to keep doing it too. Those other drivers can pout all they want!

laine: They were about a block ahead of me when I pulled over, but when I noticed them, they were about two up. I'm in Portland, though, and we've got some short blocks here. But it's true, I am pretty cautious.

musey: I'm not sure, but if it is, a whole lot of people would be in trouble!

ETA: I'm also from the South, so that's probably where I learned to do it.

They are probably the same lame people who are too dang lazy to take their shopping cart 10 feet away where it''s supposed to go and leave it in the handicap parking space and can''t get their butt up to give their chair to an elderly person... pitifully and inexcusably lame, lazy and rude. It''s the whole me me me mine mine mine I''m entitled to whatever I want attitude... just downright ghetto.
Date: 10/26/2007 6:32:48 PM
Author: EBree
laine: They were about a block ahead of me when I pulled over, but when I noticed them, they were about two up. I''m in Portland, though, and we''ve got some short blocks here. But it''s true, I am pretty cautious.

I actually thought about that as I was replying, one city''s block is three blocks in another, and I think I tend to think of the larger ones...

As for the legal issue, that varies by state (at least according to my brief google search)
People are rude idiots sometimes. Jerks who don''t even pull over when a darn ambulance is coming at them. Hello???? They take precedence over you, get out of the damn way!!!!! I personally love when people just STOP wherever they are in the street...uh, not helpful if the street is littered with random cars for the ambulance to try and weave through. Supposed to pull over to your right as much as you possibly can.

The funeral procession - if it were me, I would STILL pull over even if it is not the law...these people are grieving, have likely traveled and can easily get lost...let them follow each other to the gravesite for pete''s sake. The people around you sound like real considerate ''winners'' over there....
Thanks sera and FG!

I'm glad to know I'm not crazy and that other people pull over out of courtesy.

FG- Just before you posted about the people grieving and needing to follow each other, DH said, "Why do they have funeral processions, anyway?" and I said almost exactly what you did!
You are right in both situations! The last funeral we went to some car "joined" the procession. So rude! No one should be in that much of a hurry! I agree it is a sign of respect (and safety for the emergency vechicles).
Date: 10/26/2007 6:45:31 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring

The last funeral we went to some car 'joined' the procession. So rude!

Uh oh. You got me. I did this once as a teenager. I had no idea I had gotten into a funeral. My best friend, who was beside me, told me. Now I can recognize a funeral when I see one. Live and learn.

Date: 10/26/2007 6:52:02 PM
Author: AGBF

Date: 10/26/2007 6:45:31 PM

Author: Tacori E-ring

The last funeral we went to some car ''joined'' the procession. So rude!

Uh oh. You got me. I did this once as a teenager. I had no idea I had gotten into a funeral. My best friend, who was beside me, told me. Now I can recognize a funeral when I see one. Live and learn.



Deb, you didn''t know any better! Don''t worry. This was a grown man who should have known. We all had flags on our cars and a police escort.
I grew up in the north and was also raised to believe you''re supposed to pull over, so I don''t think it''s as simple as a "north v south" issue.
I always pull over park...don''t care if I am on a highway or a busy street-or what side of the street. If I can see them, they can see me. Geeze people. Can you stop your life for one measly second for the one life that is no longer here.

I usually park out on the edge of parking lots...(dings, baskets etc.) At this one store I visit often, I am often affronted with a procession and in respect I stop and stand with my head down and wait for them to pass. I think seeing others go on with the menial tasks of life is almost too hard to bare at that moment.

I think Sera was right in her comparison...I would also like to add to hers the women..I use that term lightly...who think it is their right to discard of a diaper on the asphalt of the parking lot...usually 30 feet away from a trash reciprocal. I know they are thinking it is biodegradable...or maybe the birds will eat it? Arrgh.

Bottom line, at the end of the day...if you have done right with others...and treated them the way you would want to be treated...isn''t that a rewarding peaceful way to end your day? I say Yeah Ebree!! You are most caring and thoughtful. It is an honor to know you!


Oh, when I see someone return a cart to the cart holder-I yell Thank YOU!!! They look at me with a puzzled look. I say should hear it from at least one person!!
Date: 10/26/2007 6:41:16 PM
Author: FireGoddess
People are rude idiots sometimes. Jerks who don''t even pull over when a darn ambulance is coming at them. Hello???? They take precedence over you, get out of the damn way!!!!! I personally love when people just STOP wherever they are in the street...uh, not helpful if the street is littered with random cars for the ambulance to try and weave through. Supposed to pull over to your right as much as you possibly can.

The funeral procession - if it were me, I would STILL pull over even if it is not the law...these people are grieving, have likely traveled and can easily get lost...let them follow each other to the gravesite for pete''s sake. The people around you sound like real considerate ''winners'' over there....
Ditto, ditto and ditto!
For emergency vehicles (police, fire, ambulance), I was taught that if they have the lights or sirens on you pull over and get out of the way. It doesn''t matter if they are on the other side of the street because they may need to go down the middle to get somewhere quickly. I am shocked by the number of people who don''t pull over, even when the emergency vehicle is coming right up behind them.

Funeral processions are a bit different. My parents taught me to never "break" a procession, by pulling into the middle of one or turning through one at an intersection. However, if they are behind me or on the other side of the road, I don''t feel the need to pull over because they don''t need to get around me like an emergency vehicle does (in fact, they usually move pretty slowly). Where I grew up (and also where I live now) people don''t pull over for funerals.
From a police perspective, I am in utter shock at the lack of courtesy some drivers have toward emergency vehicles. What if it were your child who were having the heart attack? It seems like people only care when their self interests are at stake.

Thank you for being one of the courteous ones.
Thank you all! It looks like we''ve got some courteous folks over here at PS.
I pull over for emergency vehicles and get really upset when others don''t. I typically pull over earlier than other people though. I don''t know if I''m just early or they are late.

I don''t pull over for funeral processions. I was taught not to do so. I live in London.
Hi Ebree,

Hope the interview went well!

One of my very close friends is a firefighter, he often tells me of how stupid some drivers can be by blocking the fire engine in traffic. They cannot understand how cars do not pull in (never mind in advance) when the applicance is directly behind them with the siren going and lights flashing. At least once a shift they encounter a car that is oblivious to the big loud red fire engine behind them trying to get to a call.

I don''t get it and he has stopped trying to understand. People suck. In the same breath I would wonder if these driving twits are the same ones first at the queue to complain that the brigade did not get to a call in time to save their house, garden shed, factory, warehouse or loved one

Ebree, he would be delighted to hear (and I shall tell him) that some folks (albeit in a different country) still are considerate.

Well done.

(Re: stopping when an emergency vehicle is in the contra lane. I always slow down and look for an area to pull in incase it is the best way for the vehicle to pass. Just last month an amubulance was going to be stuck in traffic and I noticed and pulled in so that it could use my lane (I was the only vehicle in the contra lane).
Well...I mentioned my funeral faux pas. I may as well chime in on the emergency vehicles. I, also, have been bothered by the response (or, rather the lack of response) drivers show to emergency vehicles. So far I have vented only to my passenger, who is my daughter, giving her an earful about what one should do so that when she gets her license she will know right from wrong.

I have really found it unbelievable that now people do not react the way they once did. I keep thinking that maybe they don't think it's "time" yet. When I was younger, people pulled over immediately and well out of the way. Now it is hard to get anyone to budge an inch.

I am, like some of the other posters, a driver who gets over early. Recently I found that another car behind me followed my example, pulling over behind me before the trucks reached us even though other traffic had not reacted. Maybe we can lead by example?

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