I inherited a single 3.08 diamond - GORGEOUS and wanted it set into my wedding ring. The jeweler took the 7 stones that made up the flower shaped center and made a necklace then set the large stone as a replacement. The customized ring was taken in for inspection regularly as scheduled. It was appraised by a certified jewelry appraiser 4 years ago for $38,500. Pictures below. When I took the ring in last month, I was told one of the center prongs was getting thin. Ok better take care of that to avoid damage or losing the diamond. Next thing I know, I get a call from the jeweler saying the diamond is cracked on the bottom side of the stone. While I wear the ring daily, I do not wear it to the gym, doing housework or doing anything other than office or date night. I take it off when I get home and routinely do not wear it on weekends. I don’t see how routine day wear could cause a crack on the underside. Clearly the Jewish very concerned because the person that called said she had already called their district manager about it ( likely how they could or would get out of replacing it) Any advice or guidance as to how I should best proceed?