
What are the best things you''ve learned on PS?

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Aug 15, 2006
Other than your "diamond education", of course.

My favorites so far:

1. My Sharper Image ultrasonic cleaner, of course. It's the third jewelry cleaner I've owned this year, and I'm totally addicted to it. Where do I sign up to do commercials?

2. for checking up on eBay sellers. I love eBay, and this is SUCH a great tool! I tell people about it all the time and I'm amazed it's not better known.

3. My most recent discovery is Essie "Marshmallow"--a nice, creamy, natural-looking white for french manicures. I love french manicures, but the bright stark white has always bugged me--I used to do 5 or 6 coats of pink to try to tone it down.

So what's everyone else's? Charlotte pants? Favorite recipes? I'm hoping to catch up on all the great stuff I may have missed.
this thread is not exactly the same but it has some of the same elements on how you have been 'influenced'..hehehe....i am apparently a bad influence on many PS'ers wallets...

'enabler purchases'

for me...hmmm well i listed most of my enabled PURCHASES in that thread...but i also love the weekly workout thread (though i'm sure since then there have been a few more!)....the gang there is fab and supportive and everyone is really pro-active and i love sharing and getting tips and advice. also recipes, yes...people have some great recipes here to share. what else...hmmm...well i learn most of the celeb gossip on here if i don't get over to thesuperficial on my own enough..haha.

oh and the biggest thing i've learned on how to buy a smashing diamond...both online and offline!!
Oh darn, I thought I had such an original idea.
I saw Wallermama''s thread on how much PS has cost her, which got me thinking about the non-jewelry things I''ve learned here. OK, the SI US is jewelry-related . . . and so is Toolhaus, now that I think of it, since I do buy jewelry on eBay in spite of all the stories I''ve read here.
Learning about the Windex trick was great... and just seeing all the pics of what''s possible in jewelry. I use Pricescope when I need a quick mental break from work or school and it''s fabulous for that (maybe a little too much so!)
Shopping wise I''ve realized HOW MUCH markup B&M''s charge ... from brief forays into retail I knew departments stores have huge markup ... and from my shopping channel days, I knew semi-precious and gold had a huge markup ... but STOREFRONT FINE JEWELRY STORES really take the cake!!
And I don''t just mean the Tiffany''s & Harry Winston''s of the world. Regular mom & pop joints full of sweet-faced elderly SHARKS!

Aside from that I''ve gotten a TON of wedding planning advice & pix & posts from AWESOME fellow brides who never fail to stun me with their excellent taste & sleuthing abilities & GENEROSITY to snatch pictures & links in the middle of their own searches to remember to post specifically for me! LOVE YOU GUYS (JCrow!! LovelyLulu! Mercodeli! Ebree! Albi! Gypsy! & many many others!)

Other lessons:

Sometimes *snark* doesn''t translate so well!

Custom ring design isn''t for everyone.

Turns out stones can be plenty "worthy" to me even if they''re not "strmworthy"

Pokey rules! (I mean MY sweetie RULES ... and THEN Pokey ...

A man and his 1.96 J colored Royal Asscher should never be parted
After reading another post on this Hangout, getting a personal articles policy for your rings seems to be ever so important! I''ve read too much about lost and stolen jewelry here and it makes my heart ache.

I know I''m now insured, but it took years before we ever thought about it...guess we were lucky. :sick:]
I just learned about (as in when I read this thread) about the site to check ebay sellers lol and of course my refurbished SI US
All the great people their are out there....

Hello Fellow Pricescopers !

-that it''s possible to meet really great people online, you guys really are the best!!
-How to set a diamond to make it look bigger
-not to be scared of J colored diamonds
-a well-cut garnet can be just as pretty as an expensive ruby, and most people can''t tell the difference
-what the heck palladium is.
-all sorts of wedding planning ideas
-that I can always justify an upgrade
-that there are people just as obsessed or more with diamonds than me!
The best thing I''ve learned is that I''m not the only one who is obsessed with diamonds. I don''t feel so isolated any more.
Date: 8/29/2006 9:20:51 PM
Author: gailrmv
Learning about the Windex trick was great... and just seeing all the pics of what''s possible in jewelry. I use Pricescope when I need a quick mental break from work or school and it''s fabulous for that (maybe a little too much so!)
Oooooooooh I missed it - what was the windex trick? please share :}
What I have learned...well ok here comes the sappy
I have learned by watching and listening - how smart my beloved strm really is..thot he was smart before, but to listen to him and see him work on Asscher cuts and other things, and to go to places and have them ask HIM about a certain ring or something that they have in their shop...ok - it makes me gloat big time - lol
I have too learned of all the wonderful and caring people there are out there who one hasn''t even met in real life, but has experienced their love and kindness in a time when some of their so-called "real friends" weren''t even there for them!! I look at PS''ers as my friends and extended family!
Ok, group hug - giggle
Its all about the CUT!
Date: 8/30/2006 12:09:11 AM
Author: decodelighted

A man and his 1.96 J colored Royal Asscher should never be parted

I've also learned that a man who can't be parted from his 1.96 J Royal Asscher can use us like an old kleenex and then toss us aside
Date: 8/30/2006 1:41:45 AM
Author: Molly1024
I just learned about (as in when I read this thread) about the site to check ebay sellers lol and of course my refurbished SI US
That''s what I had in mind--I was hoping to catch up on a few more of the not-directly-jewelry-related things I may have missed so far. Anyone else?
Date: 8/30/2006 9:40:59 AM
Author: wifey2b

Date: 8/29/2006 9:20:51 PM
Author: gailrmv
Learning about the Windex trick was great... and just seeing all the pics of what''s possible in jewelry. I use Pricescope when I need a quick mental break from work or school and it''s fabulous for that (maybe a little too much so!)
Oooooooooh I missed it - what was the windex trick? please share :}

Squirting windex on your diamond is a good quick way to clean it! (Just rinse thoroughly!)
Hehe, thanks for the shoutout Deco!

My best things learned are pretty similar...mainly wedding planning ideas and inspiration, and before that, that I wasn''t the only one flipping out as an LIW!!

Oh, and Charlotte pants! I seriously realized yesterday when it started getting cold here that that means I can''t wear my Charlotte capris much longer!!

Mainly, I guess I finally realized why people hang out on the internet and feel a sense of community and friendship with people they''ve never met. There are like 20 of you that I totally feel I know and I care about and I want to see your wedding pictures, etc. :bigsmile:] Really is such a great community here!!!

And I am CONSTANTLY AMAZED by all the gorgeous wedding details people come up with!!! My wedding would have been so boring if I hadn''t found PS!
I learned that size doesn''t always matter, and that there are definite ways of cajoling my fiance into letting me get TWO wedding bands instead of one.

I learned that friendship isn''t always made face to face, and that support is sometimes closer than you''d think.

I learned great things about diamonds and people, and hope to never learn all of it. (A true genuis (taken majorly light-hearted) admits to knowing nothing.

Most of all, I learned there is no shame in picking out your own engagement ring! Thanks PSers!
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