
What are you a snob about?

May 21, 2021
Hopefully nothing to do with ending sentences in a preposition.

Allegedly, I asked my now-fiancé this question the first time we went out (my own recollection of this is close to nil — bad ice cube). He still swears, all these years later, that it’s what scored me a second date. I’m inclined to think the real clincher was the abundant collagen, elastin and zero-G décolletage I exhibited in those salad days :lol:. But I digress.

The pet peeves thread from a few weeks ago got me thinking about it again, but I figured this has a different enough flavor.

So spit it out, guys! What are you a total, unapologetic snob about?
Cinnamon. None of that Cassia crap. I want my cinnamon woodsy and subtle… Not shavings off a Red Hot.

Also, nutmeg - my nut must come rasped fresh off the meg.

Rice. Basmathi or I’ll go without. Indefinitely. And my Zojirushi rice cooker is better than every other #wannabe there ever was.

I don’t use onions, I use shallots and scallions. I don’t like onions. So pungent, so papery, so bulbous, so pedestrian. I feel like I’m selling out every time I buy an onion.

Oh. I skipped dinner. I guess that comes through loud and clear. Lol.

So… What did he answer? :bigsmile:
Mugs (I'm seeing a pattern here)
Hand cream
My eye glasses
Bath salts

(It's not so much that they are $$$, I'm just very very particular about my choices)
A few things that send my inner, unabashed shallow jerk into a conniption fit…
  • Musical theatre: Death to Andrew Lloyd Webber. All hail Sondheim. (JC Superstar gets a pass.)
  • Textiles. And tailoring.
  • Light fixtures
  • Shoes: Yes, I am a walking anachronism who judges your non-leather soled shoes worn outside of athletic endeavors.
  • Napkins: Random scrap of paper toweling or fine embroidered cloth — nothing in between!
  • Other people’s wedding registries (arguably my least redeemable bit of snobbery?)
  • Ballet. Anathemas include, but are not limited to: Dolly Dinkle dance studios (you know, the ones who who put children in sequin hot pants); “tricky,” soulless quasi-ballet as seen on social media, network tv talent competitions, etc.; Hollywood showering waifish, ungainly actors with awards for “ballerina” roles because said actor did a whole 3 months of training (despite their godawful épaulment giving them away before the opening credits finish rolling). Also, Joffrey is a joke. Sorry.

That’s enough for now. If I spend too much time brooding over it, I’ll go full-fledged Frasier guest star :lol:. Fortunately, I enjoy a good dose of low-brow to balance it out. (Reality shows so bad they get cancelled after one season, convenience store wine, slapstick comedy, the occasional bodice ripper - I’m looking at you.) Kinda absolves me, right?
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Who me? nuthin! that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Well twist my arm ouch ouch ouch ok ok, My name is stormy and I'm a diamond cut snob.
Cinnamon. None of that Cassia crap. I want my cinnamon woodsy and subtle… Not shavings off a Red Hot.

Also, nutmeg - my nut must come rasped fresh off the meg.

Rice. Basmathi or I’ll go without. Indefinitely. And my Zojirushi rice cooker is better than every other #wannabe there ever was.

I don’t use onions, I use shallots and scallions. I don’t like onions. So pungent, so papery, so bulbous, so pedestrian. I feel like I’m selling out every time I buy an onion.

Oh. I skipped dinner. I guess that comes through loud and clear. Lol.

So… What did he answer? :bigsmile:

Your nutmeg specifications read like a passage from one of my Regency-era Harlequins :lol-2:

The boy said something impossibly lame. Along the lines of “uh, ya know…music, my dude.” (Music of the Red Hot Chili Peppers variety, for the shameful record lol). I gave him a pass, though, as he has very curly eyelashes and can do sexy things in Excel.
Your nutmeg specifications read like a passage from one of my Regency-era Harlequins :lol-2:

The boy said something impossibly lame. Along the lines of “uh, ya know…music, my dude.” (Music of the Red Hot Chili Peppers variety, for the shameful record lol). I gave him a pass, though, as he has very curly eyelashes and can do sexy things in Excel.

Nothing like a fellow who’s great between the sheets. I concur wholeheartedly.

Table manners (Not as in "This is not a fish fork!" More like if a grown-up can't cut and chew like a grown-up, etc.)

I think that's it. Used to be stereo equipment but it's all the same now... Oh, and how sloppily your tie is knotted and how much collar shows above it. Wait, this is just turning into things that bug me...
Natural fibers, Cashmere and Silk preferred.
Im too old and too full of static for clothing that contains polyester or rayon.
Leather always. The smell, the texture and the longevity, I loathe vinyl or plastic anytime, every time in anything, though especially sofas, shoes and handbags.
If you are against leather products, I understand but you ain’t doing the planet any favors choosing synthetic or petroleum based substitute’s.
Natural fibers, Cashmere and Silk preferred.
Im too old and too full of static for clothing that contains polyester or rayon.
Leather always. The smell, the texture and the longevity, I loathe vinyl or plastic anytime, every time in anything, though especially sofas, shoes and handbags.
If you are against leather products, I understand but you ain’t doing the planet any favors choosing synthetic or petroleum based substitute’s.

What do you think if linen Bron?

I want it to work but omg that stuff itches! I break out in hives!!! So many pretty linen clothes in summer. But so itchy!!!
Chef's knife (high end German), cooking pots such as saucepans, casseroles, stock pots (Italian catering quality), and my catering appliances (wet heat Bain Marie with GN pans in different sizes), 13L cooked rice cooker, 2 induction hob [a single and a double]), and other kitchen equipment.

When it comes to kitchen equipment I firmly believe in the approach of buy once buy the best.

I am unapologetically a snob and very proud about my van/RV, as it was spec'ed and designed by me to suit my needs, kitted out with the best appliances that I could afford. The van was new when I bought it.

I can be a snob about food, in that I enjoy high end gourmet fancy food. However that is offset by my fondness of junk food at the other end of the scale such as KFC! :lol-2:

DK :))
I’m a snob about manners, the kids know they must always ask for something in the following way especially anytime ordering food:

“May I please have…..”

Followed with “yes please” or “no thank you” for any clarifying questions about the order. Always ended with a thank you. Both of the kids know if they start off without “May I” then they will be asked to start over. Outside of ordering food the expectations are the same, always using very good manners. This is something that I think is not emphasized enough in our society especially with kids, you have to start young too so it becomes second nature.

I can’t think of anything else apart from jewelry but that goes without saying here right? ;)
Wow. Not sure how this will be received, but I know this about myself so will put it out there....

<insert sounds of peaceful music playing in the background>

Grammar (no biggie - music continues...)

And people (sound of needle scratching across a vinyl record - HARD)

I've been told all my life, on multiple, multiple occasions, that I have the loveliest friends and partner. And it's true! It's not that they're all great looking, or wealthy, or have elite educations or come from a certain sort of background (most of them are very well educated, tho). It's that all my close and important-to-me friends are LOVELY. And all the relationships in my life are of a significant time standing. In my experience (and as a psychologist who used to specialize in dispute resolution) I'm aware that people come and go. Most go. Many go, with the relationship bumping and screaming out the door! So I am UBER careful about who I let into my life.

I've always had a rule of thumb: "Relationships change after about 10 years." Mostly, in my experience, if a person is actively in your life and committed to you for 10 years, they'll probably be there forever. So most 'friendships' I view as friendly acquaintances rather than significant friendships for many years. I'm friendly just in general, but I hold off attaching for much longer than most people. And the sorts of things that make me want to be genuine friends with a person make up a fairly specific kind of list. All the significant relationships in my life are with wonderful, moral, funny, generous, intelligent, kind, healthy people who tell the truth, make me laugh, are 'lifetime loyal', and know what it is to be - not just a good - but a GREAT friend. And I would give each of them the shirt off my back and stand in front of an oncoming truck for any of them. I'm super, super loyal, and my friendship commitment is for life.

But I'm suuuuuper snobby about who I let in. I know it, and I've reaped the benefits from it all my adult life.

Oh - and I also dislike synthetic fabrics. And people who cut down trees. In fact, I'm a snob about gardens in general. And good taste in particular. And having a general education about world politics. And...and....

Y'know, I'm just gonna stop here before everyone starts asking themselves how I manage to have any friends at ALL.

(...and I'll let them remain nameless, but there are a BUNCH of women on this forum who are design snobs - and proudly so! I count myself amongst them.)
I’m a snob about manners, the kids know they must always ask for something in the following way especially anytime ordering food:

“May I please have…..”

Followed with “yes please” or “no thank you” for any clarifying questions about the order. Always ended with a thank you. Both of the kids know if they start off without “May I” then they will be asked to start over. Outside of ordering food the expectations are the same, always using very good manners. This is something that I think is not emphasized enough in our society especially with kids, you have to start young too so it becomes second nature.

I can’t think of anything else apart from jewelry but that goes without saying here right? ;)

Yesterday I was walking into a retail establishment, and I held the door for a father and his young son. The dad said to the boy "What do you say?" And the boy said "Thank you!" to me. Then the boy jumped over and held the door for me! And of course I thanked him!
I really try to thank everyone as I go about my day. Parking lot attendants, retail employees, wait staff, everyone.
Yesterday I was walking into a retail establishment, and I held the door for a father and his young son. The dad said to the boy "What do you say?" And the boy said "Thank you!" to me. Then the boy jumped over and held the door for me! And of course I thanked him!
I really try to thank everyone as I go about my day. Parking lot attendants, retail employees, wait staff, everyone.

Me too! it costs nothing extra to be well-mannered. I can’t tell you how many grown adults I encounter at work who ask me for something with “I’ll take a…” or “let me get a…”

I’ll let you get a whatever you want, but I’ll also secretly judge you for having bad manners!

That dad is doing a great job with his son.
I definitely feel as if I've become a colored gemstone snob after some years of being on this site. It came on sneakily & isn't all that apparent until I step out of my introvert sanctuary of a home & browse gemstones in the wild.

99.9% of what I see in the "real world" has been ruined for me. I also realize that nothing else in my life has changed price points except jewelry & gems.

For example, $50 for a dress? Ew no thanks! Ill just haul my booty to the thrift store.

Buying a refurbished antique for hundreds or thousands at a proper antiques store? Nope. I'd prefer to go to garage sales & do the grunt work myself, thanks!

But now, - that comparatively teensy gem that's 1k+ is suddenly such a steal in my eyes?! (If it has the color, clarity, & rarity that I'm looking for of course)

As for an in person example, while shopping the other day I came across a fellow gemstone lover & as we got to chatting I realized that we were basically living in seperate gemstone realities! It occured to me when he held up his hand to show me the large opaque grayish brown pink stone that quite literally looked like a counter top and proudly proclaimed "It's an untreated ruby!" I bet it is!

Now, I don't see the point in being senselessly mean so I swallowed and forced a smile and kindly told the man how lovely it was but unfortunately all that could come out of me was "Oh wow!" With raised eyebrows & a clenched jaw smile; In the end my body just couldn't play along here....the rock was that awful. He even spoke about how he was attending his last year for his degree in gemology. I walked away thinking "Maybe he'd be better off working in mineralogy.."

Like a proper biotchy snob. Sometimes I shock myself these days!

Never in a million years did I think I'd spend what I'm spending on jewelry/gems (which is peanuts to some of you! Lol) but they're truly my one passion and they're one of the only material possessions in life that make me giddy with excitement.

After seeing some of the most gorgeous high quality stones here I just cannot shop or see other gems the same any longer & it's been this way for some time now.

Although I must admit, part of me is terrified to see how I will change into even more of a gem snob if I stick around here...
Skincare and candles. I would never set foot in a Yankee Candle, or buy skincare from the drugstore.
Yup, I too can be a snob about manners and etiquettes, especially when I am dining out! I dislike sloppy eaters.

And I dislike clapping in between moments during a performance of classical music like a symphony - that appears to be more and more common nowadays - please stop!

DK :))
I have a weird one... how meat is cooked. So many people in my life constantly overcook meat and I have such an aversion to it. My mother in law used to cook chicken until NO JUICE came out. Like if clear juice came out, it was still undercooked and had to be cooked more. My father in law swears he loves his steak/beef medium rare, but constantly cooks it to well done (he actually considers medium well to be medium rare - basically as long as there is a spec of pink in the middle its med rare). And fish, by golly. Salmon cooked so the albumin is everywhere and is so dry and chalky ugh. Most fish should not be cooked well done either. I used to hate pork chops and apple sauce as a pairing because my mom cooked pork chops to death and the apple sauce was supposed to be the "moisture" or something lol. I absolutely hated it.

At home I do most of the meat cooking lol. My husband does the salads/sides/sauces, but I like to do the meat. Brining and BBQing is one of my favourite things. Crispy skin fish with flesh so tender it melts in your mouth. Steak, of course, cooked perfectly and rested properly. My husband used to think he hated turkey... until he had one that wasnt dry as a shoe!
Of course that doesnt fly a lot of other places, as the men must tend to the BBQ/meat (insert grunting noises here). I get relegated to the "womens salad bar" and watch from afar in horror as I see some BBQ with the lid open and food drying out and burning lol.
I’m snob when it comes to table manners and grammar, but it is not really my fault! I was raised to dine in front of foreign dignitaries, so very aware of manners and proper protocol.

Another thing is fast food. I don’t really eat it….occasionally when forced to eat fast food if we are on a road trip with the kids for eg, I tend to pick the healthiest, non-fast food looking item on the menu, like a grilled chicken wrap at McDonalds.
Pumpkin pie must be made with real pumpkin that I cooked and processed myself, that canned stuff just doesn't do it. Preferably my pumpkin bread and cookies too, but I'll be more lenient on those since sometimes there isn't enough left over, and the amount of pumpkin used is much less proportionately.

I mostly use vanilla bean paste, not extract. If I have to use extract, it has to be real, and it has to be good.

Good quality kitchen knives. I've replaced knife sets in several of my friends houses as gifts....especially if I cook over there sometimes. :lol-2: Selfish presents, I know. When I upgraded my own set last year, I gifted my old one to my friends who had, I kid you not, 2 knives in their home - a bread knife and an 8 inch chef knife I swear was $20 from Walmart 20+ years ago.

Cookware. Even as a teenager I despised that cheap nonstick crud that wore out fast and cooked unevenly. I have a full set of All Clad copper core stainless steel cookware and I'll never go back to anything else. These pots and pans should last me a lifetime. I finally got my mom to purchase stainless steel cookware, she and my brother are lovers of non-stick but the frequency they must be replaced is horrifying. My brother gets a pass at this point as a single dad of four kids, he doesn't have the time or energy to spend a few extra minutes to scrub stuff, or go through the learning curve of how to cook with stainless. He does however get a new set of nonstick every other year, I have replaced his kitchen knives with a higher quality set, as well as all his mixing bowls. Side story: **When I went off to college, I saved up to purchase a nice set of high quality non stick that my mother found out about and went off the rails about me spending that much, but I told her that the cost was worth it because if I purchased the cheap 12 piece for $80 set she wanted, I'd wear them out/hate cooking, and end up spending a fortune on take out. When I moved out of state to finish college and could not take them with, she gave them to my grandmother because they were so nice compared to what she had (I was staying with extended family at the time and therefore did not bring things like my bed, cookware, etc.).

In general, I prefer quality over quantity. Always have. Even as a child.

Coffee. I do not drink it personally, but I did work at Starbucks for a year once upon a time, and their reserve stores do have some nice quality beans that aren't burnt. I've tried dozens of different types of coffee made as espresso, drip, pour over, and French press, and determined pour over and French press to be the best methods. So, if I know I have guests staying that drink coffee (my parents, brother, childhood best friend, etc.), I go source high quality single origin coffee from the local coffee shop and have some ground for either method. No one is allowed to drink sub par coffee in my home. My mother always complains that it is a waste of coffee beans, but admits the coffee in my home is delicious and superior to her drip grocery store coffee.

We only buy hand made bar soap, usually from small local places but Lush will do in a pinch. We use liquid for washing hands and bar soap for the shower.