
What did everyone think of Bush''s speech last night?

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Nov 12, 2004
I missed it.... any thoughts? has anyone had a change of heart regarding the situation in Iraq?

I didn''t watch Bush''s speech. I have no faith in him and it''d be a waste of time to watch him spew out a bunch of nonsense when instead I can do something productive like paint my nails or fold laundry.

This war just enrages me. . . there''s nothing I can do, so I just try to ingnore the whole thing. . .
He''s such a monkey...

He really needs some extra media training. I didn''t watch most of the speech, because I can''t stand him on televison because he just smiles the whole time. You''re talking about a war... look serious!

FYI -- I''m just commenting on how he looks. Please no snide comments on how I''m judging his comments on his facial expressions. I''m not. (I''ll refrain from telling my feeling towards his comments...).
nope, still opposed to the iraq war.

why does bush continue to try and link 9/11 with iraq?! most people finally understand that lie.....

peace, movie zombie
Judging from what you guys are saying it''s no surprise the ratings for his speech were a lot lower than usual for a prime time speech by the President.

Most of the complaints afterward were about the continued insistence by the administration that Sadaam was involved in the 9/11 plot.
Rove said it this weekend, the President on Tuesday. Cheney has never given up insisting about it too. And no one is buying.

I think this repeating the big lie has finally caught up with him.

I firmly believe it''s why he had so much trouble selling his social security plan. People just don''t look at him with the amount of trust that would lead them to put their retirement money in his hands. I sure wouldn''t.
It was a speech to appese people here and not those in for me it was nothing new.

When you have a Vice President who says the insurgency is in it''s last throes and a Defence Secretary who has warned it could last 12 years you know you have problems.
PS: AmandaPanda have some very valid points!
trust him re social security?! i wouldn''t buy a car from anyone of those in the current administration.

peace, movie zombie
Date: 6/29/2005 10:54:29 PM
Author: movie zombie
trust him re social security?! i wouldn''t buy a car from anyone of those in the current administration.

peace, movie zombie
I wouldnt buy a car from any politition dem or repub they are the otherside of the same coin.
Crooks one and all.''d think somebody would have liked it...

As for me, I''ve gotten to the point where I can''t watch him speak on any topic without getting a queazy stomach!

Date: 6/29/2005 10:58:15 PM
Author: strmrdr
Date: 6/29/2005 10:54:29 PM

Author: movie zombie

trust him re social security?! i wouldn''t buy a car from anyone of those in the current administration.

peace, movie zombie

I wouldnt buy a car from any politition dem or repub they are the otherside of the same coin.

Crooks one and all.

Well I''m mighty happy we have finally reached a bit of consensus here. I''m like Michelle and Movie Zombie and the others that have commented. I can no longer stomach anything that comes from his direction. It is all just so flatulent.
"No longer" stomach? I have a hard time believing that you ever found favor in anything the Prez had to say.
Date: 6/30/2005 8:39:50 AM
Author: Feydakin
And those of us that do approve may be avoiding these threads entirely

Those avoiding the bickering threads because they support the President may be offset by others avoiding the threads because they find any defense of his Iraq policies so angering.
Date: 6/29/2005 10:58:15 PM
Author: strmrdr

Date: 6/29/2005 10:54:29 PM
Author: movie zombie
trust him re social security?! i wouldn''t buy a car from anyone of those in the current administration.

peace, movie zombie
I wouldnt buy a car from any politition dem or repub they are the otherside of the same coin.
Crooks one and all.
Too much of a generalization, imo...

I work in politics, and have worked for specific elected officials in the past, and not all of them are crooks. It''s just like any business where one needs to make difficult descisions that will anger people... it just happens in the media instead of behind closed door.

FYI -- not an opinion of Bush. I work for the ''good guys...''
Date: 6/30/2005 10:10:48 AM
Author: AmandaPanda
Date: 6/29/2005 10:58:15 PM

Author: strmrdr

Date: 6/29/2005 10:54:29 PM

Author: movie zombie

trust him re social security?! i wouldn''t buy a car from anyone of those in the current administration.

peace, movie zombie

I wouldnt buy a car from any politition dem or repub they are the otherside of the same coin.

Crooks one and all.

Too much of a generalization, imo...

I work in politics, and have worked for specific elected officials in the past, and not all of them are crooks. It''s just like any business where one needs to make difficult descisions that will anger people... it just happens in the media instead of behind closed door.

FYI -- not an opinion of Bush. I work for the ''good guys...''

A representative republic only works if the elected officials respond to the needs/wants of the people voting for them.
Problem is that none of them represent what most Americans need.
Instead they represent big business , big goverment, big money interests and big noise makers.
Forget about the average working Joe and Jane they are just here to pay for all of it thru higher taxes.
How many americans actualy support the high level of foreign aid going out the door tody that could be better used at home?
Very few do.
Yet it gets increased every year without anyone talking about it much.

In the mean time working folks here at home cant afford health insurance nor health care.
Im tired of the goverment stealing from me to take care of the rest of the world.

The illegal imagration issue is another area where the people are not getting what they need and want. Big business wants the cheap labor so nothing is done about it.
Someitmes I consider changing my name to sanchez and throwing my ss card away. Get better health care that way and less collection agencies calling because you had a health issue and didnt want to die that day.

Is there a real choice in most elections?
Nope just the other side of the same coin.
When did the lesser of 2 evils become the accepted way of electing a goverment?
Where has our country gone......
Date: 6/30/2005 8:39:50 AM
Author: Feydakin
And those of us that do approve may be avoiding these threads entirely since it seems that potty jokes about the president are acceptable means of discussion lately..

That''s exactly why I''ve been avoiding it. Calling names is immature. It''s actually pretty pathetic. Be careful throwing stones. You are no more perfect than anyone else. I''m sure you all could do a much better job.
Didn''t see it, don''t care anymore. It hurts too much to hear anything he says, those are my friends that are still over there, and that is where my husband my have to return to (I''m getting a medical discharge, so I won''t be going back).. I honestly can''t stand the sound of the president''s voice.

I do agree with him on some things, very few though. and Mightyred, you got it right when you said that what the VP is saying and Donald Rumsfeld is saying are completely contridictory and don''t gain my confidence in our government one bit.

Oh well, another 3 and a half years....
Date: 6/30/2005 5:04:33 PM
Author: Momoftwo
Date: 6/30/2005 8:39:50 AM

Author: Feydakin

And those of us that do approve may be avoiding these threads entirely since it seems that potty jokes about the president are acceptable means of discussion lately..

That's exactly why I've been avoiding it. Calling names is immature. It's actually pretty pathetic. Be careful throwing stones. You are no more perfect than anyone else. I'm sure you all could do a much better job.

Funny how serious criticism can't get a rise in these forums (and believe me I've tried), but drop a term into the conversation that Shakespeare himself discussed and all of a sudden it's labeled "potty talk."

‘A man may break a word with you, sir; and words are but wind; Ay, and break it in your face, so he break it not behind.’ (Comedy of Errors III i 75-76)

Trust me, I've got nothing on either the Bard or Chaucer. But I still believe that, like Shakespeare, I can make the same comparison.

Now if you want to see the end of "potty talk," then you can begin by sticking to the issues and a discussion thereof. I've been trying for months to get an answer from the righties on this forum to one simple question. Deb has tried the same.

Here it is one more time: When it comes to the current Republican administration, the Executive (BushCo), Legislative (Frist, Delay) and Judicial (Rehnquist, Scalia, Thomas & Co.), just where do you stand?

What would they have to do to lose your support? What crimes would they need to commit? Would Bush giving a blow job to an intern cross the line for you? Would fixing intelligence to invade another nation do it? Would the fact that he committed insider trading do it?

How about going duck hunting with the man whose case was in front of your court (Cheney and Scalia)? Would that float your boat?

How about taking money from those who have legislation pending in your court (Delay and Priscilla Owens)?

How about telling someone at a party that you are pissed at who has apparently just won an election, and then, when the decision comes to your court, you do not recuse yourself for your obvious bias (Sandra Day O'Connor)?

How about instigating a secret bombing campaign to bait a nation into war, and when they don't bite, invading them anyway based on phony intel (Don Bush & Co)? The death toll on that one is probably close to 100,000 and in the next two years, the American citizens who have died in that misadventure will exceed those who died on 9/11. Would that cross the line for you?

And how about covering up the female breasts on a statue at the Department of Justice at the cost of $8000 taxpayer dollars, while simultaneously dropping a National Security blanket over a FBI whistleblower (Sibel Edmonds) when she complains that people in her department are committing espionage for a foreign government? How about that?

Or how about this one. How about someone who sends a US diplomat with tremendous experience in Niger to that country to find out if the uranium mines of that nation could possibly have been supplying Saddam. And when he returns and poo-poos (sorry Steve) the entire idea, the leaders of the current administration ignore his findings (along with two or three other analysts who had previously been sent to answer the same question). How about that?

Would that cross the line?


How about this then? Don Bush & Co. prior to invading Iraq, cited the "fact" that Iraq was trying to obtain uranium from Niger as justification.

Later, the diplomat in question, who had been a US Ambassador to Iraq appointed by the current President's father, decides to go public with his previous findings regarding Niger and Iraq. And shortly thereafter, he finds his CIA wife, whose duties are focussed on controlling WMDs, "outed" in a column written by notorious GOP hitman journo, Robert Novak.

And as we speak, Novak has been charged with no crime, but those journalists who were fed the same info but did not write about it, are facing jail time. Gonna tell me the US justice system is the greatest in the world now? Huh? I can't hear you... please speak louder.

Funny thing is, the laws on outing CIA agents were put in place when the current President's father was in charge of the CIA and at his instigation (I'm an elephant; I've got a mighty long memory).

Would this do it for you? Would that cross the line?

Such irony. It almost reminds me of Shakespeare...
We don''t answer because YOU just don''t get it. I don''t come to the same conclusions as you. YOU seem to think YOU have the truth.

For one example, why in the world would S.D. O''conner have any other bias then any of the other justices. You single her out for recusing because she voted a certain way? Go figure that one - oh wait, I''m sure you will be posting stupid article after stupid article on how biased SHE is. But, of course, non of the other jutices could be accused of any such bias one way or the other. I love the fact that you point to ONE decision she made instead of the countless one''s she made against the grain. Boy, it''s always a sunny day in your neighborhood.

And, while I''m at it - it was YOUR liberal judges that decided that the big bad government has the right to GRANT THE SEIZURE of someones home - oh for the greater good.
To me, that is of great evil on our own soil.
I find it incredibly interesting that the Conservatives have managed to pin a "liberal" label on this issue

An issue which got its start in th 1800''s when the private companies who wanted to run railroads through property would use eminent domain to force property owners to give up their lands. Now there was a "lliberal" bunch - the Railroad barons!

And of course a liberal like George W Bush: Who used eminent domain to have people thrown off their land so Texas Rangers stadium could be built on it. So private corporations like Major League Baseball could make money from it. Coincidentally he had a large financial interest in one of those teams. I guess he was a "liberal" back then.

Oh and Wal- Mart? Now THERE''s a liberal organization. Especially when it goes to small towns and overcomes farmers who don''t want to sell the land so they can put up a new store by using eminent domain.

The major point in this is that conservatives can now throw people off their land with impunity as a result of the Supreme Court ruling while all the time complaining about the "liberals"

Now there''s a real trick. (but they''re not fooling me).
Date: 7/5/2005 10:15:29 AM
Author: fire&ice

And, while I''m at it - it was YOUR liberal judges that decided that the big bad government has the right to GRANT THE SEIZURE of someones home - oh for the greater good.
To me, that is of great evil on our own soil.
Quite frankly, I pinned this one on GW *AT FIRST*....just another invasion to our private life. It wasn''t until I found out that the "liberal" judges voted for the right to seizure that I couldn''t pin this one on him. If I am a conservative because I DO NOT believe in big government then so be it.

I don''t care about it''s history. IMHO, I think it''s a very sad ruling. And, just like any liberal or conservative happening - the "other" side will seize on it.

Also, I find it facsinating that just because I don''t believe the way Richard does, I MUST be right wing.
fire&ice said:

"Also, I find it facsinating that just because I don't believe the way Richard does, I MUST be right wing."

Let me amend "righty" to "Bush supporter." Can I now get an answer to my questions?

And if you'd like to ask me anything, go right ahead. I promise to treat your questions seriously, and answer them as honestly as I can.
Date: 7/6/2005 9:54:04 PM
Author: Richard Hughes
fire&ice said:

''Also, I find it facsinating that just because I don''t believe the way Richard does, I MUST be right wing.''

Let me amend ''righty'' to ''Bush supporter.'' Can I now get an answer to my questions?

And if you''d like to ask me anything, go right ahead. I promise to treat your questions seriously, and answer them as honestly as I can.
Well, you got that one wrong also. Just because I don''t think he is the devil (as you so frequently refer to him in one form or the other) doesn''t mean he has my full support. Life isn''t as black and white (well, with you, mostly black) as you seem to think.
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