
What do you enjoy spending your money on and without guilt?


Jun 8, 2008
In the spirit of another thread that asks what do you not spend money on I want to know what you do like to spend money on and why. Without guilt. So if you feel guilty about it that does not apply.

This question is easy for me.

I like to spend money on my loved ones and bring them joy.
I like to spend money on my furry babies to make their lives fun.
I enjoy spending money by giving to charities I feel near and dear to my heart.
I like to give money to those charities who are less supported than other charities.
To the undeserved populations.

And those charities that are near and dear to my heart are ever expanding.
Think Pro- Choice and other important issues happening right now. Critical issues.

I feel good putting my money where my mouth is so to speak and helping others. Now more than ever before but that always has been an important part of our spending.

We can make a difference in many ways. Support those organizations you believe in and don't spend money with organizations who are in direct opposition with your beliefs.
On a purely selfish level I like to spend money on food. Food is such a joy and a pleasure for me, and I find it important to buy free range etc to make sure the animal led as good a life as possible.

I like to treat my friends and loved ones - I don’t spend a lot because it makes people uncomfortable but I like to spend on little things that make people smile.

I also get the warm fuzzies when I spend on charitable causes I care about, so I will spend on those without thinking.

I like to spend on experiences and travel. It’s again something very important for me.
I love giving people gifts and surprises, especially when it’s something I know they wanted or needed and couldn’t or didn’t get around to it.
I adore Christmas for that reason. I really enjoy searching for wonderful gifts. I get such a thrill seeing other people delighted. It’s true, the best is in the giving not the getting.
Ive spent a lot of money over the years on musical instruments for my daughter. There is nothing more crushing for a musician having an instrument that lets you done by needing constant repair and adjustment and being cheap sounding cheap.
I splashed out and bought her a Fox Bassoon ($12,000) and a Buffet Prestige Low C Bass Clarinet (close to $20,000). We’ve since sold (small profit) the Bassoon but DD will keep the Bass Clarinet forever. Trust me, you can definitely hear the difference between a great instrument and a cheap student instrument.
I also don’t spare any expense when it comes to our fur babies and also “safety” items (like car repairs and maintenance).
we donate $$$$ to both Children and Cancer charities. Both DD and I do charity work (not with Covid though) and through my FaceBook groups I’ve made many donations of things, time etc to people in dire circumstances.
On a purely selfish level I like to spend money on food. Food is such a joy and a pleasure for me, and I find it important to buy free range etc to make sure the animal led as good a life as possible.

I like to treat my friends and loved ones - I don’t spend a lot because it makes people uncomfortable but I like to spend on little things that make people smile.

I also get the warm fuzzies when I spend on charitable causes I care about, so I will spend on those without thinking.

I like to spend on experiences and travel. It’s again something very important for me.

Agree with all the above. If we cannot spend money on our loved ones what is the point? And same about charitable causes. They say there is no such thing as true altruism and perhaps that is the truth. Because when we do good we feel good. That works for me.

As for experiences and travel I agree those are important things to be able to enjoy. We learn so much from traveling to different cultures. When I was younger I traveled a lot and at this juncture in my life I am satiated but part of that could be our circumstances. With the needy cats and all that is happening in the world today. I reserve the right to change my mind and want to travel again.
I love giving people gifts and surprises, especially when it’s something I know they wanted or needed and couldn’t or didn’t get around to it.
I adore Christmas for that reason. I really enjoy searching for wonderful gifts. I get such a thrill seeing other people delighted. It’s true, the best is in the giving not the getting.
Ive spent a lot of money over the years on musical instruments for my daughter. There is nothing more crushing for a musician having an instrument that lets you done by needing constant repair and adjustment and being cheap sounding cheap.
I splashed out and bought her a Fox Bassoon ($12,000) and a Buffet Prestige Low C Bass Clarinet (close to $20,000). We’ve since sold (small profit) the Bassoon but DD will keep the Bass Clarinet forever. Trust me, you can definitely hear the difference between a great instrument and a cheap student instrument.
I also don’t spare any expense when it comes to our fur babies and also “safety” items (like car repairs and maintenance).
we donate $$$$ to both Children and Cancer charities. Both DD and I do charity work (not with Covid though) and through my FaceBook groups I’ve made many donations of things, time etc to people in dire circumstances.

All such important causes. It is people like you who make a difference in the world. Giving is truly one of the greatest things we can do in life.

vacation...just got back yesterday, I have no regrets spending money...I start saving as soon as one vacation is done, I put money in a envelope at least twice a month to save for the next years vacation...we didnt spend as much this year so I will keep the extra money for next years vacation.
Foooooooooooood, my son and my sister!!!

Crafty goods such as wool, needles, hooks

Nordic ware because Nordic ware is happiness

Airfryers - I use them so often I could own 5 and they would all be put to work!

Pretty crockery
Fun question that I had to really think about because I am truly a saver.

No guilt whatsoever eating out or ordering food in! I’m done with the cooking-daily-family-meals phase in life and I. Am. Thrilled!!
Treating family and friends

Not a specific "thing" but I love supporting independent vendors and shops with great customer service...even more so if it's "in-person" vs on-line. Nothing excites me more than finding a boutique where the owner is there to help you find things. Also love craft fairs, independent book stores, etc. for the same reason. Too many areas once filled with these shops and businesses have been taken over by chains. I don't mind paying more to support these types of businesses even if I can find something similar for less elsewhere.
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Aside from jewellery, fine dining.

To me, it is a form of art that I can appreciate as I love food and like to try new ideas, flavours and combinations.

I would go on my own as I do not know of many who would spend that much on a meal.

DK :))
For me, charitable works are a must and not something I always enjoy doing. I do so because there's a need to.

However I do not regret spending money on some of my personal pursuits as I work to keep it reasonable. I also tend to make them learning experiences. I figure if you stop learning, you stop growing.

I have actually stopped collecting gemstones for the time being. I still love them but 3 boxes is enough for me. Plus, the ones I want are really moola. (I need to win the lottery!!)

I don't regret spending money on perfume. Gosh thankfully I don't have any duds!
As I'm upping the ante and taking my knowledge of sewing to the next level, I'm learning to not regret the purchase of good fabrics. They do make a difference and why yes, they're not cheap. I'm working not to buy more

I don't regret this baby, at all. It was a freaking game changer.



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I never feel guilty about spending money on jewelry. I just don't. Life is short, and there are many, many things that I don't spend money on, such as expensive cars, vacations, clothes, eating out, costly hobbies, etc. My jewelry gives me immense joy and it lasts forever. I always seek out good prices, wait for sales, buy second-hand, and don't overpay for certain brand names.

I have way, way more jewelry than anyone could need. I've really indulged in it during the past ten years. But it's my thing and it makes my heart soar.
I don't even understand the concept of guilt associated with spending money. I earned it and I'll spend it as I choose.
I don't even understand the concept of guilt associated with spending money. I earned it and I'll spend it as I choose.

For me, charitable works are a must and not something I always enjoy doing. I do so because there's a need to.

However I do not regret spending money on some of my personal pursuits as I work to keep it reasonable. I also tend to make them learning experiences. I figure if you stop learning, you stop growing.

I have actually stopped collecting gemstones for the time being. I still love them but 3 boxes is enough for me. Plus, the ones I want are really moola. (I need to win the lottery!!)

I don't regret spending money on perfume. Gosh thankfully I don't have any duds!
As I'm upping the ante and taking my knowledge of sewing to the next level, I'm learning to not regret the purchase of good fabrics. They do make a difference and why yes, they're not cheap. I'm working not to buy more

I don't regret this baby, at all. It was a freaking game changer.


Very cool!!!! Space age!
Jewelry. I don't buy unless we can afford it, so there's no guilt.

High-quality groceries. What I put into my family's bodies is so important to me. I buy organic/pasture-raised/grass-fed whenever possible.

Our kids' educations. We've done a combination of public and private schools and don't regret spending on the private educations at all. Worth every penny.

High-quality food and healthcare for our dog. He's a beloved member of the family.

Nice dinners out. We go for date nights once or twice a month and it's so great for our mental health/life enjoyment.

Donations to non-profits and charities. We give whenever we can.

Travel. Pre-Covid, we made 1 big family trip per year (e.g. 2-3 weeks overseas). The memories we make during these trips are priceless.
Definitely food. DH and I have date night once a week, and love finding new restaurants with fine food that we can sit and enjoy, without the kids (I love them and all, but food :bigsmile:).

And jewellery - DH and I each have a separate splurge fund account that we do what we please with, so if it's within budget, I buy my bling guilt free.

Home improvements - in the last few years we have upgraded a lot of our furniture, put in an inground pool and spa, and created in alfresco entertaining/BBQ area outside. Hubby, our kids and I spend a lot of our time together outside, particularly in the hot Australian summer when it isn't dark until 9:30pm, and we love to entertain, so it has all been well worth it.

We make regular donations to charities, mostly healthcare related ones, and to my kids' school and kindergarten.
I don’t ever feel guilty about spending my money. It’s mine and I feel I can do whatever I want with it. Now if I were asked when I feel good about spending it, instead of just neutral I’d say:
Giving to charity and animal rescue and
Buying gifts for my friends that I know they will enjoy or taking them somewhere they couldn’t afford on their own.
Definitely food.

I was part of a group on FB that shames rings. Most of it is done in good fun, nothing really mean. So I posted my upgrade.

Holy Shiz balls. I got a ton of crap for the amount it costs (and I never posted price, they literally looked up similar stones.)

A few tried to shame how I spent my own money. Pretty much what a terrible person I am when there are people starving in this world, who can't make rent, etc.
It was crazy.
Pre-Covid, I’d have said travelling! We travelled a lot, and travelled well.
Skincare & grooming items, food and family.

For me the guilt kicks in when I think any purchase doesn't meet the value. For family I just try not to question their tastes and just get them what they wanted (there's no point in a gift if the giver dictates it)

Increasingly, convenience and health (supplements, out of pocket medical expenses etc). Been learning not to sweat the small stuff when I'm comfortable with larger ticket expenses - hangover from days of being poor and deprived in my youth
A few tried to shame how I spent my own money. Pretty much what a terrible person I am when there are people starving in this world, who can't make rent, etc.
It was crazy.

the most deranged ones were likely just jealous of your ring and feel the need to not let other people have nice things because they can't
No guilt ever bc money is meant to be spent. Yes—take care of needs and charity, etc, but disposable income is for pleasure—can’t take it with you when you go! Already risking never touching my retirement account or pension or savings should I die tomorrow. Imagine the guilt of depriving yourself all these years and never enjoying the fruit of your hard work?
so I travel. Gamble. Shop. Eat out. Drink. Live a great balanced life to accommodate all my expenses bc I’m not rich, lol
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books books books / mostly Kindle now but still get print books now and then (cookbooks, crochet, must-have-on-shelf fiction favorites)
Food! I have figured out that I spend about $1,000 a month on food. I have considered switching jobs (burnout, healthcare leadership) but I don't know if I could deal with the likely salary cut I'd take switching jobs... mainly because I love food so much!
Books. I have bought millions of them and never feel guilty to buy another one. The ones I read (and will not read again) I put on the street for someone else to enjoy.
Groceries/food I guess, and charitable donations. I live with perpetual guilt spending on anything non-essential (like jewellery, sadly)
Every dollar I spend on fun stuff is a dollar that at the back of my mind I know I could have used to feed a starving person to keep them alive one more day. I'm not perfect so I continue to spend on my own entertainment. I astound myself sometimes with my own selfishness.

LOL sorry to sound like a total downer. I don't judge anyone else, but there isn't much I can spend on without that dark cloud of guilt. It's no way to live, I know..