
What do you most often browse websites for stone with?


Jul 27, 2004
What do you most often browse websites for stones with? Smart phone? iPad, Laptop, Desktop? Do you find sites not optimized for hand held devices to be a pain in the neck?
My iPhone, and I guess I'm just not that bent out of shape if a particular website is not optimized for my phone; but it's always a bonus if it is!
my phone.
Mostly from my phone (I'm on my phone right now) however I browse on my laptop as well especially when I'm anticipating a new drop or interested in purchasing (my phone over saturates colour).

Sometimes I actually prefer sites when they are not optimised for mobile because mobile sites tend to be weird and unresponsive-- I just don't like them. But, what I do find a pain is when sites, for example your Prescisiongem, have a drop down menu because it doesn't work on phones. You can't hover your mouse because there is no mouse, so one has to awkwardly long touch and hope that they select the right category before the page loads to whatever you long touched on.

I'm not 100% sure if the drop menu is on your site or a different one so I apologise if I mixed you up.
iMac with 27" screen.
I don't even have an iPad or any kind of smartphone.

I'm sure I'd find the screens on phones just too small.
I don't even like surfing the web on my 17" MacBookPro.

Size Queen Here. :oops:
Most of the time, I use my laptop, but at night when sitting in bed, I use my iPad.
My iPhone. I don't seem to have any issues with browsing most sites on it.
I browse on my desktop & never have a problem w/sites. I like it because my monitor is large & photos come through good-sized & clear.
Laptop mostly, sometimes desktop - definitely prefer to not use my handheld devices for Internet browsing.

I browse with m6 desktop. It has a 24 " screen, which I really like. I can't understand how people use their phone for this. Way too small, I think.

I normally use my desktop or ipad.

I can see your website just fine on the ipad and iphone. Can also see pricescope just fine.
Laptop. Mac with Firefox or PC with IE. If something does not look good on Firefox, I most likely will not keep on viewing it.
Desktop at home, iPhone at work/out and about. There is only one gem site with an annoying mobile site, so I always switch to the regular one whenever I'm looking at their stuff, but most are okay on my phone, yours included.
Tablet mostly. (Nexus 7) It always with me and it has a more accurate resolution than my phone or computer.

While some sites that aren't handheld compatible are a bit troublesome to navigate, its never enough so that I won't browse them. The only way I would scratch a site is if it contains something like flash making it unaccessible. That's annoying enough to make me not bother to check it again even if I was on my laptop.
Mostly laptop. I prefer full websites to mobile sites. Often they aren't as easy to navigate as one might have thought when they were being designed (mobile optimized, that is).
In order-tablet,desktop,phone. Prefer desktop, but I probably use my tablet more to browse.
Tablet only.
laptop with firefox.
Laptop, iPhone and occasionally my Tablet. I prefer the full website when on my iPhone because I like having full capability to navigate and access to other controls which aren't always available when on a mobile optimized website. When on my laptop, I prefer Chrome and Firefox over IE.

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