
What do you think of this diamond/setting?

Looks good to me.

I assume this is for an engagemet ring, if so, which shape does your g/f prefers? i ask because usully those that like princess do not like round so if her stated preference is princess stick with that.
she didnt really state, and she didnt have a preference on the diamond but she did tell me that all she wanted was a setting that wasnt plain. Ill ask her when she wakes up, although i dont want to ruin the surprise...
maybe ask her friends or take her window shopping?
i would but im in afghanistan, proposing when i get home.
Good Luck!
Good luck then. :)

Worst case, WF has a trade up policy that you can use if your gf prefers a princess.

Stay safe.
Diamond looks good.

If she didn't state a preference for shape but made some ring suggestion, a round will probably do. Girls who definitely don't want a round brilliant are usually quite vocal about that.

My only concern would be whether the setting is "not plain" enough for her. Personally, I like the sleek line pave and many PS'ers have it. When she says, "not plain", does she mean "not a solitaire"? Or I want a halo, with miligrain and an art deco, wire underbasket? hehe.
ok, true, im going to ask her what she means by not plain. i know her sister's ring is a solitaire and she doesnt like it. im going to ask her if she wants more of an antique look, or if she wants a halo around the rock.
antonino|1290108394|2771630 said:
ok, true, im going to ask her what she means by not plain. i know her sister's ring is a solitaire and she doesnt like it. im going to ask her if she wants more of an antique look, or if she wants a halo around the rock.

Oh man! Can you ask her sister or one of her friends so that the surprise is not ruined?!?!
Consider asking her friend or family member.

If you ask her now, she might expect a proposal when you return from Afghanistan. (Stay safe over there, eh?)
im pretty sure she knows im going to propose, she already wants our wedding date to be 11/11/11. haha
That makes it much easier to get what she likes.
ok this is what she said (quote from our chat) Ps you should never wonder about a ring you get for me you know me and I will know it is picked with love and that's what matters... I'm a simple girl, and that you love me and I know it is enough for me

and also:

I'll tell you this... you don't need to worry or stress about that cus I know I will love what you pick cus you know me and we love eachother if you think its perfect then it is
antonino|1290188640|2773020 said:
ok this is what she said (quote from our chat) Ps you should never wonder about a ring you get for me you know me and I will know it is picked with love and that's what matters... I'm a simple girl, and that you love me and I know it is enough for me

and also:

I'll tell you this... you don't need to worry or stress about that cus I know I will love what you pick cus you know me and we love eachother if you think its perfect then it is

You got the best diamond of all right here. Stay safe and best of luck to you guys.