
What do you want to do before you have kids?

megumic|1281322241|2673762 said:
The only real thing I can think of is sleep more.

To be honest, so many people have told us to wait, do this or that, travel, spend time together, yadda yadda. But the best advice I received about when to have kids, was from my favorite law school professor. He said, "have them early and often, because then you get to enjoy them longer." Which I think is a great and very valid point that nobody ever makes. Kind of off topic, but wanted to throw that in there, since it's kind of become our philosophy on having kids. (Also, FI wants me to add that this may be different if we didn't live together before marriage...also a valid point.)

Its so nice to hear someone say something good about wanting to have kids right away... I'm so tired of the wait, wait, wait... especially from older people with grown kids, makes me wonder if those people did not enjoy being parents.
This is a good question. The things I'd like to address are more I'd like to be more patient and calm. But, I don't think that I'll just become that. Perhaps having children will inspire that in me. Until then...
I got pregnant on our I didn't get to do ANYTHING first! lol
Well, you got to do SOMETHING! :lol: (sorry, couldn't resist!)
tammy77|1312933819|2987539 said:
Well, you got to do SOMETHING! :lol: (sorry, couldn't resist!)

LOL...yeah... but then I ended up with a high-risk pregnancy, so I wasn't allowed to do THAT anymore either for a LONG time. We decided that we need a first year do-over. (No pun intended) ;)
I couldn't think of anything I want to do before we have kids when I first responded to this thread a year ago, but now I can!

I want to finish writing my book AND secure an agent for it before we have kids. Once I get there, I'll feel better about having kids.
DH and I want to buy a house and hopefully a van/bigger car...within the next 6 months. Then the plan (unless something changes) is to toss BC out the window! ;))
mrsjacob|1313172235|2989448 said:
tammy77|1312933819|2987539 said:
Well, you got to do SOMETHING! :lol: (sorry, couldn't resist!)

LOL...yeah... but then I ended up with a high-risk pregnancy, so I wasn't allowed to do THAT anymore either for a LONG time. We decided that we need a first year do-over. (No pun intended) ;)

Aww that stinks! At least you got your do-over year, hopefully! :)
I'll be married a year from Thursday (ee!) but a combination of (1) having lived together and (2) the fact that several people we know are having/planning on having kids in the next few years have started me thinking about it.

One of my close friends who will be married 3 months after me plans on having kids immediately. My fiance isn't keen on that at. all. :lol: And neither am I!

1. I want to move back to the east coast so that my Mom can be around her grandkids. I have at least 4 more years of graduate school left until that happens!
2. FH and I want to pay off a lot more debt; once I have a professor's salary, I think that will be much more feasible, and so again we're talking 4+ years, probably 6.
3. FH and I want to go to Italy and spend a few weeks traveling! Neither of us have ever spent much time outside the country.
4. Buy a house. :tongue: Probably important.
tammy77|1314393380|3000757 said:
DH and I want to buy a house and hopefully a van/bigger car...within the next 6 months. Then the plan (unless something changes) is to toss BC out the window! ;))

I had to come back here and laugh at DH and I...we haven't done the house or the car, but we've already tossed the BC and replaced it with OPK's! :lol: Bring on the baby! ::)