Date: 7/9/2009 2:37:11 PM
Hi all -
I found one stone w/the comment 'HPHT HPHT' in the notes section. Anyone knows what this means?
Thanks -
General Electric developed HPHT. It was first used to turn yellowish diamonds into fancy colored diamonds, but now it is also used to improve the color of yellowish-brownish diamonds. In 1999 the GIA began accepting these diamonds for grading. They were involved in research with GE at the time. The Federal Trade Commission requires that HPHT must be disclosed, so GIA notes "HPHT Annealed" or "Artificially Irradiated" on grading reports when it's detected. The diamonds themselves are laser-inscribed with the words "HPHT Processed," "Irradiated" or a specific registered name so there is full disclosure. "GE POL"has been inscribed on Bellataire diamonds. More on GE-processed diamonds
GIA’s reasoning for accepting them is as follows: " grading them in the lab, we were able to indicate that they were HPHT annealed on their reports (and on the diamonds themselves). Our “greater good” goal was to protect the trade and the public by protecting the integrity of all diamonds..." Full GIA Article
Whether you are a fan or not, as long as treatments are disclosed it's up to the buyer to decide if it is acceptable and to enjoy wearing the diamond."
That''s my thought as well.Date: 7/9/2009 2:40:09 PM
Author: Lorelei
High pressure high temperature treatment.Date: 7/9/2009 2:37:11 PM
Hi all -
I found one stone w/the comment ''HPHT HPHT'' in the notes section. Anyone knows what this means?
Thanks -
We are here for you!Date: 7/9/2009 2:44:57 PM
Author: Marjan12
Thanks Lorelei/John and all -
...How am I ever going to be able to buy anything now w/out my own private list of advisors?!
I believe not with colour treated diamonds.Date: 7/9/2009 11:35:36 PM
Author: iota
Does HPHT affect the integrity of the stone?
Date: 7/9/2009 2:37:11 PM
I found one stone w/the comment 'HPHT HPHT' in the notes section. Anyone knows what this means?
HPHT treatment can either destroy what they call clustered vacancies in type IIa or IaB diamonds, thereby decolorizing them from their original unsaleable brownish hue, remove grayish/browish overtones on FANCY COLORED IIa''s and IIb''s (blues), AS WELL AS create color centers in Type I diamonds to turn them into very FANCY colors like intense yellows, yellow greens, REDS (in combination with irradiation and annealing). There are many articles on my web site Adamasgem Web Site, dealing with the various detection techniques.Date: 7/10/2009 1:04:55 PM
Author: Todd Gray
Date: 7/9/2009 2:37:11 PM
I found one stone w/the comment ''HPHT HPHT'' in the notes section. Anyone knows what this means?
Yea, it means that the white diamond which you are looking at used to be a yucky hard-to-sell, low value, brown
(that''s the really simple explanation)