I don''t have rings in the two metals that show signs of wear, so I can''t show you that, but I do own jewelry in both metals. zapt is correct. White gold will tend to show a yellow tinge to it as it ages and gets scratched, but platinum remains stable color wise. White gold will not become quite as dull as platinum does. Platinum will become absolutely matte finished with decades of wear and no maintainence. My mother''s e-ring looked like the dull side of aluminum foil if you can visualize that, but it was brought back to life with polishing and re-rhodium plating it. It looked brand new again after a little TLC.Date: 8/6/2009 2:17:27 PM
Author: zapt
i have platinum on my original e-ring which i still use pretty much everyday. the plat has a matted patina-look to it (w/c shows scratches more), which i love. BUT my wedding band with diamonds is in WG -- and i wear them together. i can see that the plat is a true ''silver'' color whereas the WG band color has a yellow-tinge to it, altho it is still shiny and does not show much scratches on the band.
i go either WG or plat - i like them both. my other rings are in WG.
Date: 8/6/2009 1:02:54 PM
Author: Patchee
I guess I am on the other side of the fence.
Platinum is softer and not as durable as white gold which is why I went with white gold. It does not need to be replated, rhodium is different - fake stuff that is on like cheap, cz type rings, no? I am not savvy on much of this stuff but I think I am correct in a little sence.
WG stays shiney, it does scratch like the rest of em but platnium gets divits. It stays shiney, platnium is dull .. my opinion with owning both,
This is only true with GOLD (and white gold, rose gold, etc.). Platinum NEVER loses weight/mass from polishing.Date: 8/6/2009 11:42:38 AM
Author: blondie
The only thing I can say about my platinum rings now, compared to when they were purchased, is that the patina isn't as shiny as it was and it doesn't look quite as smooth, ie there are tiny little indentations that obviously have come about through everyday wear and so on. I know that any good jeweler, especially when you have purchased a ring through them, will clean your rings/jewellery for you and even polish them, although this is not recommended more than once every year as it does actually take a layer off (polishing not cleaning....I clean mine in the U/Sonic whenever I like more sparkle!!)
Rhodium is an extremely high-price metal, it is not "fake stuff." Making a ring purely out of rhodium would be prohibitively expensive, which is why it's used to plate white gold. Yes, white gold does need to be replated - with rhodium.Date: 8/6/2009 1:02:54 PM
Author: Patchee
Platnium is softer and not as durable as white gold which is why I went with white gold. It does not need to be replated, rhodium is different - fake stuff that is on like cheap, cz type rings, no? I am not savvy on much of this stuff but I think I am correct in a little sence.
Yep... that's definitely true. I have a plain 950 Plat/Ru band that still looks almost new (until you inspect it very closely) after 3 months of continuous 24/7 wear. My engagement ring is 950 Plat/Ir and shows patina usually within a month of wear.Date: 8/6/2009 4:55:55 PM
Author: Laila619
There are also different types of Platinum. It is my understanding that 950 Ruthenium Platinum doesn't scratch as easily as Platinum Iridium. So that makes a difference as well.