
What happens to returned Whiteflash diamonds?


May 14, 2019
Hi! I am new to pricescope but have been lurking around the posts since as I’ve found it super informative and helpful and not to mention the eye candy on here!

I’m in the process of finding my Whiteflash ACA, but was just wondering does anyone know what happens to the diamonds that are purchased but returned in the 30 day period? Does it get placed back on WF’s website for sale as a loose diamond?

Just wondering as I don’t really like the idea of purchasing a diamond that someone else bought but decided to return it... could just be psychological but wondering if there’s a way to find out?
Hi! I am new to pricescope but have been lurking around the posts since as I’ve found it super informative and helpful and not to mention the eye candy on here!

I’m in the process of finding my Whiteflash ACA, but was just wondering does anyone know what happens to the diamonds that are purchased but returned in the 30 day period? Does it get placed back on WF’s website for sale as a loose diamond?

Just wondering as I don’t really like the idea of purchasing a diamond that someone else bought but decided to return it... could just be psychological but wondering if there’s a way to find out?
@Texas Leaguer will be able to confirm the processes, but I'm sure the answer will be 'they are inspected and returned for sale if still perfect'.

What is it that makes you think a diamond returned by someone else is somehow 'tainted'?

Why would someone else deciding it is not for them make it 'bad'?

Perhaps they just wanted a different stone (larger/smaller/higher colour/lower colour/higher clarity/lower clarity/more expensive/less expensive) rather than looking at it and going 'ugh! This sparkle-bomb of a diamond that looks awesome in 99% of lights is just terrible, I can't possible wear it!!'? :tongue:

It is an inanimate piece of carbon, cut to do amazing things with light, which had previously been buried underground for potentially billions of years. Heck, dinosaurs could even have defecated on it at some point ;) so a diamond sold for the first time into the market is not 'new' and 'untouched'.

How do you know the gold/platinum in your jewellery (and presumably the setting you will put a stone into) is not recycled from other rings? Do you only want newly-mined material, massive environmental damage and costs be damned?

What about the water you drink? How many people has it been through before you glug it down? ;)

Don't get hung up on some psychological 'juju' issues that (IMHO) don't really exist ;) :))
All diamonds that get returned or upgraded are being sold (after being re certified if necessary) afterwards. Not only at WF, but everywhere. B& m stores included.
If you want to be sure to have a brand new, never worn stone you can have stone cut to order.
This comes with a different set of constraints /worries and isn't for everyone either. There are multiple threads on here about this. I encourage you to read those.
I had seven people in mind from headlines a few years back, but apparently population growth means it’s now eight. Truly horrible to think about...


Sorry for the threadjack, OP!
I had seven in my head as well!

I have no issue with that, though - everything we drink is well-filtered for our consumption :)

My main issue is that the rise of nanotechnology is going unchecked, so who knows whether it's getting filtered out or we're bioaccumulating goodness-knows-what in our bodies, poisoning ourselves slowly?! :???:
I had seven in my head as well!

I have no issue with that, though - everything we drink is well-filtered for our consumption :)

My main issue is that the rise of nanotechnology is going unchecked, so who knows whether it's getting filtered out or we're bioaccumulating goodness-knows-what in our bodies, poisoning ourselves slowly?! :???:

The answer is obvious. Drink more wine! :mrgreen2:
Thanks for your responses. I was more curious than anything. Rather than thinking it was “tainted” or hoping that I was getting an “untouched” diamond, I was actually just wondering given that there have been some posts I’ve seen where people have returned stones due to the colour not matching their expectations, e.g. due to the alleged softer grading of AGS for colour.

I don’t own any diamonds nor is it easy for me to get an independent appraiser where I am based, so I was slightly worried I wouldn’t have anything to compare the diamond with and I’m not experienced with diamonds whatsoever. My curiosity and concern was merely that a diamond may have been returned due to colour concerns or other issues, but I wouldn’t be in a position to know.

Anyways - this was my first post here on PS but had read through many threads and saw how helpful people were. I had only wanted to find out and see what the procedure was. E.g. get assurance that they are recertified etc. Really didn’t expect to get so many questions which I feel areasking me to justify my question/concern. But thanks for your response :))
Thanks for your responses. I was more curious than anything. Rather than thinking it was “tainted” or hoping that I was getting an “untouched” diamond, I was actually just wondering given that there have been some posts I’ve seen where people have returned stones due to the colour not matching their expectations, e.g. due to the alleged softer grading of AGS for colour.

I don’t own any diamonds nor is it easy for me to get an independent appraiser where I am based, so I was slightly worried I wouldn’t have anything to compare the diamond with and I’m not experienced with diamonds whatsoever. My curiosity and concern was merely that a diamond may have been returned due to colour concerns or other issues, but I wouldn’t be in a position to know.

Anyways - this was my first post here on PS but had read through many threads and saw how helpful people were. I had only wanted to find out and see what the procedure was. E.g. get assurance that they are recertified etc. Really didn’t expect to get so many questions which I feel areasking me to justify my question/concern. But thanks for your response :))
Aaaah, I didn't get that from your first post - the mention of psychological things made me think of the 'juju' posts I have read previously :)

There have been some threads regarding high-vs-low grading within a colour designation, and each colour is indeed a range, but you can ask WF for their assessment of any particular stones you are considering :)
Hi! I am new to pricescope but have been lurking around the posts since as I’ve found it super informative and helpful and not to mention the eye candy on here!

I’m in the process of finding my Whiteflash ACA, but was just wondering does anyone know what happens to the diamonds that are purchased but returned in the 30 day period? Does it get placed back on WF’s website for sale as a loose diamond?

Just wondering as I don’t really like the idea of purchasing a diamond that someone else bought but decided to return it... could just be psychological but wondering if there’s a way to find out?

Really the only way to guarantee you get a diamond that was never someone else’s at some point is to get a diamond cut from rough. WF has a very generous upgrade policy, so at some point, Diamonds (which are 1-3 billion years old) are going to go back in the supply chain— at WF and everywhere else. They are checked lfor chips and scratches, etc and they get a new certificate and are good to go to the next person.

At any rate, I’m sure if you call WF and discuss your concerns, they can find a solution for you.
If they throw them away after return please let me know the address of the dumpsite. :lol:
I have no problems with a diamond that's been returned or traded-in. As long as it's re-certified. Don't believe any vendor that tells you they only sell brand new diamonds, this includes Tiffany:P2